Effects of different processing treatments on the stability of IgY fromchicken egg yolk were studied to understand the feasibility to processthe immune eggs. Five processing conditions including acidic, alkaline,alcoholic, salt and hea t treatments were used to deal with commercial chickeneggs. As the results sho wed,the contents of IgY in egg yolk have lost 99%after 48 hours in acidic tre atment. However egg yolk retained 24 ~ 33%IgY after 14 and 28 days in alkalin e and salt treatments. IgY also retainedmore than 47%after 4 days in alcoholi c treatment or in the yolk core stillin viscous state. Then we cooked immune-e ggs in different heat conditions. The antigen binding activity of IgY in egg yolk still contained21 ~ 81%when the temperature of egg yolk below 70℃. Und er storagetest,the content of IgY in egg yolk did not change with the freshnes sof eggs but the antigen binding activity did. Finally, amino acid composition and isoelectric focusing point of IgY of different species, before and afteri mmunization were compared. No appreciable difference was observed between them .