This dissertation proposes the design and implementation of a novel switc hed reluctance drive system. First, the structure, basic principles, and model of the switched reluctance motor are described. Next, a high performance conv erter is designed which can improve the driving ability of the excitation curr ent by boosting the bus voltage during phase commutation. In addition, a progr ammable current command, which is related to the self inductance and can effec tively reduce the torque pulsation, is proposed Then, a hybrid controller is p roposed to obtain the better speed response and load disturbance response than traditional PI or sliding mode controller. After that, a new sensorless techn ique that can easily estimate the shaft angle by measuring and shaping the ind uced voltage is developed. A closed loop drive system is achieved by using the proposed sensorless technique. Finally, several experimental results are show n to validate the theoretical analysis. This dissertation provides a new direc tion of designin a switched reluctance drive system.