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研究生(外文):wu ta-wang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Influence of EPS on Traditional Printing
指導教授(外文):Lin pin-chang-
  • 被引用被引用:2
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本文首先是對現階段電腦繪圖及相關系統運用,在印刷流程上對傳 統印刷流程的衝擊現象進行說明,然後對傳統印刷的製作流程及現階段 電腦組頁系統運用在印刷的情形做文獻的分析及探討,並提出相關的作 品分析說明,以及對各平面設計及印刷相關業者進行訪談,以驗證及說 明現階段電腦組頁系統對於傳統印刷的影響,以下就本文各階段所達成 的目的及結論進行說明: 一、 研究目的 (一) 對過去傳統的印前作業必須面對快速、便利、小量、多樣、高品 質、完整度高的電腦化的印刷出版設備衝擊進行詳細的分析及探討, 使設計及印刷相關業者對電腦組頁系統及傳統印刷有更深一層的認 識。 (二) 說明電腦組頁系統目前在印刷上使用的情形及分析比較說明電腦 組頁系統與傳統印刷之間的差異性。 (三)對現階段電腦組頁系統常用的PageMaker、QuarkXPress、 Illustrator、FreeHand、Painter、PhotoShop等六種軟體的操作功能、技 法綜合運用有'更深入的說明,並透過訪談了解設計者或印刷相關業者 現階段運用電腦組頁系統的困難度及優缺點。 (三) 從文獻整理、比較差異、訪談歸納中整理說明現階段EPS對傳統 印刷的影響。 二、 研究結論 本研究對於現階段電腦組頁系統的運用對傳統印刷的影響提出幾項 結論: (一) 設計人員必須經過美術繪畫的美感、創意的概念及電腦操作的訓 練才能推動及促成更好的印刷成品產生。 (二) 多樣的電腦系統中必須選擇編排能力、插畫能力、運算圖檔快速 能力俱佳、色彩準確的螢幕及列印色彩等相關設備的搭配方可完成。 (三) 硬體更新及軟體升及級都很快速,但硬體較軟體在成本上來的高, 使得相關業者頭痛不已。 (四) 目前圖文輸出格式的轉換已漸漸有解決的方案,其中最大的影響 及貢獻來自於軟體RIP或硬體RIP的發展。 (五) 電腦組頁系統使原來傳統印刷的作業流程簡化,然而卻加重了設 計者的製作權力及負擔。 (六)電腦組頁系統簡化的程序使得印刷公害有了某些程度上的減少。
The epitome of the thesis : First, the purpose of the thesis is to account for the impact of the application of EPS at the present time and relevant systems on the traditional printing process. Then, there is a documentary analysis and discussion in detail between the traditional printing process and EPS at the present time, and the analysis of related works is mentioned in the thesis as well. In order to verify and illustrate the influence of EPS on traditional printing, I interviewed a few printers and graphic designers. Following is an explanation of the purpose and the conclusion achieved in each phase: 1. The purposes of the research (1) To carefully analyze and discuss the impact of computerized printing facilities on fastness, convenience, small quantities, variety, high quality, and completeness, which is a big challenge to traditional printing process. The thesis has also provided the relevant designers and printing business owners with a better understanding of EPS and the traditional printing. (2) To illustrate the use of EPS at the present time in printing and to analyze and to compare the differences between EPS and the traditional Printing. (3) To account for in great detail the operational function, and the synthetic use of skill of the six kind of softwares, Page Maker, Quark XPress, Illustrator, Painter, PhotoShop, Free Hand, which is often used by the present EPS. After having interviews with designers and relevant printing business owners, we can realize the difficulties, the advantages, and the disadvantages of the use of EPS at the present stage. (4) To expound the influence of EPS at the present stage on the traditional printing by arranging the documents in order, comparing the differences and summing up the interviews. 2. The conclusions of the research The research came to few conclusions about the influence of the application of EPS at the present time on the traditional printing: (1)a designer must go through the training of painting, originality, and computer operations so as to help to materialize better effects of printing. (2)In order to achieve the best printing result, the computer system is required with good editing ability, illustrated ability, ability to count bitemap at a high speed, a screen displaying exact colors, and color-printing facilities. (3)The renewal of hardware is as fast as the upgrading of software; however, the price of the upgrading of software is higher than that of the renewal of hardware, which is a big trouble to all relevant printing business owners. (4)The plane to the shift of the output form of diagrams and words is now available, which can be ascribed to the development of the hardware RIP and the software RIP. (5) EPS has simplified the original process of the traditional printing, but it increases the burden of the designer and his/her power to design. (6) The simplification of EPS has helped to lower the public unisance of printing to some degree.
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