In this dissertation we begin with a redefinition of consumer involvement in mathematics and then establish two mathematical methods to measure the degree of consumer involvement. One is the crisp model, while the other is the fuzzy mathematical method. By this mathematical approach which is objective and obvious we get a single synthetic index ranged in [0,1] to measure the degree of multi-facet consumer involvement. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: (1) Redefine the degree of multi-facet consumer involvement mathematically which none of the previous researchers has ever done. The synthetic index ranged in [0,1] indicates the degree of involvement clearly without regard to the detailed information of the questionnaire that has been used.(2) Two quantified formulas are formulated for risk importance and decision time. They are more accurate than the score points measurement.(3) The reasonable weights to assess the relative importance of various facets instead of equal weights.(4) In using the crisp and fuzzy mathematical approaches to assess the semantically defined measuring facets is more reliable and accurate than using the traditional statistical methods- score points or scatter plot. The values of two approaches are automatically in the closed interval [0,1] , which are more accurate in measuring the assessment facets than the traditional discrete methods.(5) To allow responses with degree of membership in more than one response category is meaningful to respondents than more traditional scales.