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研究生(外文):Chung Tsui-ling
論文名稱(外文):You are my sister: The beauty talk in the computer-mediated communication environment
指導教授(外文):Nien-Hsuan Fang
外文關鍵詞:Foucaultdiscoursebeautyconsumptioncompute-mediated communicationbbsfeminismbody
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經由現象學方法,本研究發現四個美容身體經驗:可分享、具共同經驗的身體;自我及社會的身體;自然而科技的身體;自由而有規則的身體。BeautySalon板呈現的身體,並不能逃離美容言說的規約,主流社會對女性及對個人身體的要求,成為網友個人的欲望,而且在化妝保養品的商業化環境中,身體似乎更加依賴商品;甚至在資本消費體系之中進行de Certeau式的「使用之道」之微政治抗爭時,反而突顯出服膺各種型態商品規格語言的「馴服身體」(docile body)。
但是BeautySalon板的傳播環境和知識內容兩個特質,則造成些許異於大眾媒體再現的女體經驗。從電腦中介傳播的特質來探討,我們看見網友關心身體的——部分和整體的、內在和外在的——健康和美麗,在網友以經驗為根據的互動對話間,流露出對活生生身體的關懷和「同是女人」的親密感。在「知識」的問題上,原屬功利、理性範疇的「有用資訊」之形成和傳佈,植基於非菁英、科學、理性的文化實踐基礎:身體感覺、消費經驗和知識、八卦式(gossip)的傳播行為。從本研究得知,BeautySalon板的美容言談(Beauty Talk)呈現的身體經驗,仍受到美容言說影響,然而也在科技及非主流言說因素作用下,呈現了較新的身體經驗。
This thesis is to investigate how the female body is like when it is represented on the BeautySalon Board where women are the speaking subjects. As far as women’s beauty practices are concerned, two theoretical themes comes into scholarly dispute. For one thesis, women are made Foucauldian “docile bodies” by beauty discourse, in the sense that women become, under manipulation of beauty industries, alienated bodies by objectifying technology, and voice machines without action possibilities by subjectification technology. by the beauty discourse. For the other, women are viewed as “cultural agents” who are conscious of consumer power and right, and that through beauty practice they construct identity and seek pleasure. This thesis holds points of view different from “mass” or “cultural industries” assumptions held by Frankfurt School. We should, in the long run, resort to women’s own speaking to examine these theoretical arguments, however. Traditionally, feminists criticize the beauty discourse in mass media (commercials in particular) as to deepen the regulations or repression on women’s bodies. Thanks to computer technology development, women could voice themselves on the BeautySalon Board, which prompts me to look at women’s beauty talk on BeautySalon Board.
Phenomenological method is utilized as the research method. Four body experiences are found through phenomenological reduction: body of shared and common experiences, body of mine and of society, body of nature and technology, and body of freedom and rules. The bodies on the BeautySalon Board cannot shake off the regulations of beauty discourse, as the mainstream society’s requests of women and individual bodies become individuals’ desire, and that bodies seem to rely more on commodities in the commercialized environment of makeup and skincare. In abiding by the commercial language prescribed for types of commodities, the micorpolitical struggle by De Certeau’s “ways of using” ironically highlights the docile bodies.
Nevertheless, the communication situation and knowledge of BeautySalon Board somewhat bring some change to mass media’s representation of women’s bodies. Due to properties of computer-mediated communication (CMC), bodies’ health and beauty come into concern in partial as well as holistic, internal and external senses; in experience-based interactions, there are care for a carnal body and intimacy of sisterhood. Secondly, “valid information”, which has been traditionally of utilitarian, rational category, practices on the non-elite, non-scientific and irrational base: physically feeling, consumer knowledge and gossip communication. Beauty talk on the BeautySalon Board constructe new body experiences with CMC environment and non-mainstream discourse, although they are pretty much under the influence of beauty discourse.
第一章 研究動機與問題
第一節 研究現象與意義................1
第二節 研究背景...................6
第三節 重要概念定義.................9
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 消費、美容與身體規約.............12
第二節 非主流言說:性別/言說之政治.........27
第三節 電腦中介傳播.................37
第四節 研究問題意識與研究架構............47
第三章 分析方法
第一節 研究與分析取徑................52
第二節 抽樣及樣本取得................61
第四章 BeautySalon板的現象學描述
第一節 現象的描述..................67
第二節 現象學還原..................86
第三節 解釋.....................94
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論.....................106
第二節 本研究意義..................108
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議............ 109 
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