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論文名稱(外文):Electrophysiological Characterization of Cultured and Freshly Isolated Vascular Endothelial Cells
指導教授(外文):Jen. Chauying J
外文關鍵詞:endothelial cellspatch-clampcell culture
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內皮細胞為血管組織與血液之理想介面,控制著物質的通透及調控血管張力,並調節血小板及白血球的活性,在生理上有著多功能的角色。內皮細胞常被視為非興奮性細胞,其運作多與細胞內訊息傳導有關。近年來內皮細胞之離子通道功能與角色漸漸被瞭解,細胞藉由細胞膜對離子通透性的改變與細胞膜電位的改變使細胞活化,從文獻中指出若阻斷細胞膜上氯離子或鉀離子通道,則影響鈣離子流入細胞,與鈣離子相關之訊息傳導途徑將受阻﹔此外文獻中指出離體培養之內皮細胞比正常體內之細胞對一些血管活化因子之刺激較為遲鈍。所以我們的實驗以人類臍帶靜脈內皮細胞(HUVEC)為對象,分別以酵素新鮮分離(enzymatic freshly isolated)、機械力新鮮分離(mechanical freshly isolated)及酵素分離培養第一代之細胞(cultured first passage),以傳統全細胞記錄法(conventional whole-cell patch-clamp)及細胞接觸穿孔記錄法(cell-attached perforated patch),記錄內皮細胞之電生理參數變化,我們的結果顯示:(1) 三種不同處理之HUVEC細胞膜之電生理參數各有差異; 包括四種不同I-V curve之電生理類型; (2) Histamine刺激使細胞膜電位過極化(hyperpolarization),能誘導一外向電流(outward current),且培養的細胞比新鮮分離之細胞對histamine刺激敏感; (3) 酵素處理似乎對細胞膜有所傷害使細胞對histamine之反應變遲鈍; (4) Acetylcholine對於三種不同處理之HUVEC均無誘發電流。

Endothelial cells lining the inner surface of blood vessels act as a transducing surface for many physiological functions, such as controlling the permeability of blood-tissue interface, adjusting the vascular diameter according to hemodynamic needs, and modulating of the function of white blood cells and platelets. In the last decade, many channels have been described in endothelial cells, which are generally regarded as non-excitable cells. These channels control various ion permeabilities and change membrane potential, and thus modulate electrochemical driving force for Ca2+ movements. Activation of endothelial cells is usually coupled to an elevation in cytosolic Ca2+. It has been reported that blocking of K+ or Cl- channels may influence extracelluar Ca2+ influx. In this study, we have applied both conventional whole-cell patch-clamp and cell-attached perforated-patch techniques to examine electrophysiological characteristics of cultured and freshly isolated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Our results showed that: (1) electrophysiological characteristics in HUVEC were different among three preparations, and these cells could be divided into four different types according to their I-V curves; (2) histamine induced an outward current and caused membrane hyperpolarization, and the cultured cells were more sensitive to histamine treatment than freshly isolated cells; (3) collagenase treatment during HUVEC isolation might damage cell membrane and reduced its sensitivity to histamine; (4) none of these three HUVEC preparations showed acetylcholine-induced membrane currents.


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