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研究生(外文):Chen Kuo Yang
論文名稱(外文):Verification of Magnetic Suspension Wind Tunnel---Force and Moment Calibration with Drag Improvement
指導教授(外文):Chin E. Lin
外文關鍵詞:Magnetic suspension wind tunnelForce and moment calibrationDynamic calibrationDrag improvement
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磁浮風洞的研究在成功大學航太所,從理論的發展至磁浮風洞的建置,以建立一完整的磁浮風洞技術。對磁浮風洞的實用化最息息相關的是如何取得風洞實驗中力及力矩的數據。在本論文中,成功大學的10公分 X 10公分的磁浮風洞力與力矩的校正方法被展現,其中包括校正的治具、程序。從校正的實驗中我們知道對阻力抵抗的提升,是我們的另一階段的研究目標。為提升整體磁浮風洞的效能,一全新的12極磁浮風洞,從理論模擬中證實其可行性,並被發展與建置。並且內電流迴路的控制方法被引入此一系統中,以增進其對阻力的抵抗。實驗的結果驗證此一12極的系統有更高的能量密度及更強的阻力抵抗能力。實驗的驗證確立此一磁浮風洞可達成實用化的價值。在實用化的價值方面,磁浮風洞有能力得到動態測試中的力與力矩是我們所重視的。在本論文中,動態校正的方法以正弦波的軌跡變動,使用不同弦波振盪的振幅及頻率以模擬此模型在風洞中所受的不同力與力矩,並由霍耳電流或磁通的電路治具以完成其相對應的力與力矩的校正。其理論背景與實驗結果皆被提出與探討。且一以磁浮風洞量測行進中子彈所受的力與力矩的相關應用被研究與討論,相信伴隨此兩新應用案例的深入探討,我們將可得到更多有關磁浮風洞實用化的應用領域。
A magnetic suspension wind tunnel system has been studied, developed and implemented in IAA, NCKU, and a complete technical survey has been done. To understand the practical value of the developed magnetic suspension wind tunnel, the method to obtain wind tunnel test data, especially the force and moment of the tested model is highly important. In this dissertation, the force and moment calibration method of the NCKU 10 cm x 10 cm magnetic suspension wind tunnel is performed. A calibration facility is designed to appropriately measure model loads during tests. From the experiments, better drag performance is the goal to be achieved. To elevate overall performance of the magnetic suspension wind tunnel, a modified twelve-coil magnetic suspension and balance system is constructed from a result of previous simulations. In the modified twelve-coil magnetic suspension wind tunnel, an internal current loop compensation is proposed to improve drag performance. Experiment results of the modified system are obtained to verify feasibility with less energy consumption and higher controllability. Experiment verification shows the magnetic suspension wind tunnel may be suitable for practical implementation. For practical application, the major concerns is that a magnetic suspension wind tunnel should have the capability to obtain the aerodynamic force and moment during wind activation and dynamic operation. In this dissertation, the dynamic calibration method using the variation of amplitude and frequency to represent different load conditions and the relationships between applied loads and calibrated current or flux can be obtained and calibrated using the Hall current or flux sensing circuit fixtures. The theoretical background and experiment results also have been proposed and discussed. A future study perspective on the special application of using the magnetic suspension wind tunnel in a flying rotating bullet for force and moment measurement is surveyed and discussed. These two new scopes of research will reveal more practical areas for magnetic suspension wind tunnel application.
1.1 Problem Statement Related to MSBS
1.1.1 Some Problems in Wind Tunnel Testing
1.1.2 Support Interference
1.1.3 Dynamics Testing
1.1.4 Productivity
1.2.1 History
1.2.2 Contribution of this Dissertation
1.3 Dissertation Outline
2.1 Aerodynamic Experiment
Water Table Test
Water Hole Test
Wind Tunnel Test
2.2 Wind Tunnel Probliems and Remedies
2.2.1 Low Reynolds Number
Use a Heavy Gas
Increase Model Size
Increase Pressure
Decrease Temperature
2.2.2 Wall Interference
Use Small Models
Use Ventilated Test Sections
Apply Linearized Corrections
2.2.3 Support Interference
Magnetic Suspension
2.2.4 Flow Unsteadiness
Acceptable Levels of Flow Unsteadiness
Sources of Flow Unsteadiness
2.3 Cryogenic Wind Tunnel
2.3.1 Brief History
2.3.2 Principle of Operation
2.3.3 Benefits of Cryogenic Operation
2.4 Adaptive Wall Test Section
2.4.1 Brief History
2.4.2 Principle of Wall Streamlining
2.4.3 Benefits of Adaptive Wall Test Section
2.5 Magnetic Suspension Wind Tunnel
2.5.1 World MSWT Brief Description
O.N.E.R.A, France
University of Southampton, England
AEDC/NASA Langley Research Center,USA
NASA Langley Research Center, LAmstf, USA
National Aerospace Laboratory, Japan
Moscow Aviation Institute, USSR
2.5.2 MSWT Considerations
Unstable Coupling System
Non-contact Sensing System
Electromagnetic Coils and Model Core
2.6 Summary and Conclusion
3.1 History Background
3.2 Calibration System Description
3.2.1 Coils Arrangement Description
3.2.2 Position Sensing System
3.2.3 Rocket Type Test Model
3.3 Calibration Theoretical Background
3.4 Calibration Method
3.4.1 Calibration Fixture
3.4.2 Exerting Applied Loads
3.4.3 Calibration Procedures
3.5 Calibration Results
3.5.1 System Coupling Effect
3.5.2 Normal Attitude Condition
3.5.3 Pitch Angle Condition
3.6 Wind Tunnel Test Applications
3.6.1 Calibration Matrix
3.6.2 Wind Tunnel Experiment
3.7 Summary
4.1 Introduction
4.2 System Description
4.2.1 Modified Twelve Coil System
4.2.2 Decouple Air Coils
4.2.3 Decouple Arrangement
4.3 Balanced Governing Equations
4.4 Configuration Modification
4.4.1 Drag Coils Flux Distribution
4.4.2 Drag Coils Quasi-optimal Positioning
4.5 Inernal Current Loop
4.5.1 Current Loop Feefback
4.5.2 Sensing Circuit Implementation
4.6 Realization and Verificatoin
4.6.1 Realization
4.6.2 Modified System Verification
4.7 Summary
5.1 Dynamic Calibration
5.1.1 System Structure
5.1.2 Hall Flux/Current Sensing Circuit Description
5.1.3 Theoretical Background of Dynamic Calibratoin
5.1.4 Dynamic Calibration Method
Dynamic Calibration System Structure
Dynamic Calibration Procedures
5.1.5 Experiment Results
5.2 Application in Flying Rotatint Bullet
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Realization Method
System Architecture
Bullet Structure
Non-contact Position Sensing System
Force and Moment Calibration
5.2.3 Problem Remarks
5.3 Summary and Discussion
6.1 Discussion
Force and Moment Calibration
Twelve Pole MSBS
Drag Perfromance
Dynamic Calibration and Application
6.2 Conclusion
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