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研究生(外文):Yu-Wei Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Comparison between 2-D and 3-D Deformation Analysis of Tunneling
指導教授(外文):Chao-Shi ChenTze-Pin Lin
外文關鍵詞:tunneldeformation of tunnelingplane strainaxial symmetry3-D analysisFEMANSYSRMR
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在隧道工程中,開挖中的隧道會因岩層覆蓋產生岩壓,進而擠壓隧道壁面產生變形甚至破壞壁面崩塌,故在隧道開挖之前,工程師需依據各種地質條件以及安全因素,設計並分析隧道各種開挖以及支撐方法,使得隧道能夠以最安全、成本最低廉的方式開挖施工。工程上常以二維平面分析隧道開挖變形,而隧道開挖在現實狀況下卻是以三維度的方式進行應力調整,故本研究之主要目的在於比較隧道在二維分析與三維分析上的差異,並瞭解各種岩體強度與隧道開挖變形之關係,利用有限元素分析套裝軟體ANSYS 5.2,憑藉其二維度與三維度分析能力的優越性,來研判二維度平面應變分析的適用程度,其中進行二維度分析需以軸對稱分析與二維平面應變分析互相配合,並利用軟化模數法來模擬開挖岩體之變形行為。本研究以東部某鐵路隧道為案例,同時利用二維與三維分析方法來估算各隧道斷面的變形量,並與現場量測資料來比對並討論。
From the excavation of tunnels, they could be deformed and crashed while large overburden and ground water pressure. Therefore, before the tunnel construction, the engineers need to make a design of excavating and supporting methods in accordance with the geological conditions around the tunnel and the required safety factors. In engineering practice, the numerical technique based on two-dimensional (2-D) theory was always used to model the excavating behavior of tunnels for the convenient purpose. However the real behaviors of tunneling have three-dimension (3-D) properties to adjust the stresses.
What is the difference between 2-D and 3-D analysis while tunnel excavation? This study uses a finite element package called ANSYS 5.2 to model the deformation of tunnel based on 2-D and 3-D methods. The results were compared to the real measurements of a railway tunnel in the east of Taiwan. From the comparison of 2-D, 3-D analysis and real deformation of tunneling, some observations can be summarized as follows:
1. The axial symmetry analysis can not completely model the excavated behaviors of tunnels with irregular shape, but it can be used to determine the deformation of tunneling with support.
2. Most deformations of weak rock, occur after the advancing surface of the tunnel, but most deformations of strong rock, occur during excavation.
3. The deformation behaviors of strong rocks are more similar to those of the elastic materials. However for the weak rocks, the deformation increases rapidly after excavating because the plastic zone becomes larger.
4. The shorter lengths of simulating excavating elements, the more accurate results of the deformation, and it can also avoid the jumping situations around the advancing surface.
5. Estimating the deformations of weak rock will have more difference between 2-D analysis and 3-D analysis.
6. The higher values of RMR for full face excavating, the more similar results between 2-D analysis and 3-D analysis.
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景與動機1
1.2 研究目的2
1.3 研究內容2
第二章 文獻回顧3
2.1 平面應變分析中隧道之應力及應變模式3
2.1.1 Kirsch彈性解5
2.1.2 Timoshenko及Goodier彈性解6
2.1.3 Salencon彈塑性解8
2.1.4 Brown等之彈脆性解11
2.2 隧道變形曲線13
2.2.1 前進面與隧道變形的關係13
2.2.2 支撐因素與隧道變形的關係15
2.3 數值分析模式18
2.3.1 有限差分法18
2.3.2 分離元素法19
2.3.3 有限元素法19
2.3.4 邊界元素法19
第三章 有限元素分析法21
3.1 有限元素法簡介21
3.2 分析工具23
3.3 破壞準則25
3.4 二維平面應變模擬三維前進面效應26
第四章 隧道變形之數值分析及案例比較30
4.1 基本假設及模型建立30
4.1.1 元素選取30
4.1.2 基本假設32
4.1.3 邊界範圍與網格建立37
4.2 軸對稱分析41
4.3 二維平面應變分析48
4.4 模擬二維支撐效應53
4.4.1 軸對稱開挖支撐模擬54
4.4.2 二維平面應變開挖支撐模擬59
4.5 模擬三維開挖之變形行為61
4.6 比較二維與三維變形關係66
4.6.1 二維軸對稱分析與三維分析之比較66
4.6.2 二維平面應變分析與三維分析之比較72
4.7 實際案例探討74
4.7.1 地質狀況74
4.7.2 隧道施工設計74
4.8 案例參數設定76
4.9 案例分析方法78
4.10 案例結果比較87
第五章 結論與建議90
5.1 結論90
5.2 建議91
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