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研究生(外文):Ying-Zhang Chen
論文名稱(外文):The electrical and optical properties of ZnS/ZnSe strained-layer superlattice by Atomic Layer Epitaxy
指導教授(外文):Meiso Yokoyama
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由二次離子質譜儀量測中,可觀察到超晶格結構層中的原子波動變化分佈,可確認該結構之形成。我們以I-V量測檢測超晶格蕭特基二極體之電特性。可發現至少需16週(厚度1600 A)的超晶格結構方可有低至0.52伏特之切入電壓的特性展現。

In this dissertation, we will discuss the effects and roles of ZnS/ZnSe strained-layer superlattices (SLSs) for introducing it into the Electroluminescent devices. The SLSs layer is grown on n-type silicon by Atomic Layer Epitaxy (ALE) which modified in a low pressure, horizontal-type, MOCVD system using dimethylzinc, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen selenide as the reactants.
The formation of SLSs structure is evident from the altering behavior of each fluctuation profile by SIMS. The electrical property of SLSs schottky diode is investigated by current-voltage measurement. It is found that at least 16 periods of ZnS/ZnSe (1600 A) will represent as low cut-in voltage as 0.52V.
ZnS:Tm phosphor layer is deposited on SLSs/Si and discuss the role of SLSs as a buffer layer. Under photoluminescence spectra performed at room temperature, an unnecessary peak around 4000A is suppressed while compare it with one which have a ZnSe buffer layer with comparable thickness.
All this point out the appropriateness of SLSs as an electron-transmission layer and buffer layer in Electroluminescent devices.

Abstract (in Chinese)........................................I
Abstract (in English)........................................II
Table Captions..................................................VI
Figure Cations..................................................VII
Chapter 1 Introduction...........................................................1
1-1The history and advantages of
the atomic layer epitaxy.........................................................2
1-1-1The history of ALE................................................................2
1-1-2The advantages of ALE.........................................................3
1-2The choice of substrates.........................................................4
1-3The application of superlattice...............................................4
1-4Summary of this thesis...........................................................5
Chapter 2 System growth processes and
Related apparatus..............................................7
2-1ALE growth processes...........................................................7
2-2RF sputtering growth processes.............................................9
2-3Optical measurements..........................................................10
2-4Electrical measurements......................................................11
2-5Composition analysis...........................................................11
Chapter 3 System description.........................................12
3-1 The atomic layer epitaxy system.........................................12
3-2 The RF sputtering system....................................................14
Chapter 4 Experimental procedure............................16
4-1 Substrate preparation...........................................................16
4-2 ALE Growth procedure.......................................................17
4-3 Wet etching..........................................................................18
4-4 Sputtering growth procedure...............................................18
Chapter 5 The characteristics of ZnS/ZnSe superlattice and phosphor layer...........20
5-1 The epitaxy growth of ZnS and ZnSe on silicon.................20
5-2 Determination and optimization
of growth condition..............................................................21
5-2-1Mole flow rate of DMZn.....................................................21
5-2-2Mole flow rate of H2S and H2Se..........................................21
5-2-3Substrate temperature..........................................................22
5-2-4Digital growth in nature.......................................................23
5-3 The growth of ZnS/ZnSe Strained-layer superlatice...........24
5-4 Experimental growth of SLSs..............................................24
5-5 Electrical property of SLSs..................................................25
5-5-1The schottky diodes of SLSs and ZnSe...............................26
5-5-2The forward I-V characteristic of schottky barrier..............27
5-6 The optical property of the phosphor-layer
with ZnSe and SLSs as buffer layers...................................28
5-7 The characteristics of ZnS:Tb,F phosphor layer..................30
5-7-1CIE measurement.................................................................30
5-7-2DC-Electroluminescent Device fabrication.........................31
5-7-3Composition of phosphor layer...........................................31
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future work................32
Copyright authorization

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