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研究生(外文):Bi-Sheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Design of Wireless Tramscutaneous Energy Transmission System
指導教授(外文):Chih-Ming Tsai
外文關鍵詞:total artificial heartsswitching power supplyelectromagnetic coupling
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本論文研究發展的無線透膚電能傳輸系統架構,可分為直流至直流轉換、直流至高頻轉換、高頻耦合、高頻至直流轉換等四個部分,主要是利用交換式電源供應器的技術來完成電路設計。其中直流至直流轉換為一個升壓型轉換器,主要目的是將電壓提升後,作為下一級的輸入電壓,使下一級電路能有較小的電流,如此可提高電路的安全性。此電路目前在輸入電壓為12~30伏特,輸出為40伏特時,效率為85 %且電壓變動率在2 %以下;下一級電路則為半橋串聯共振式轉換電路,其中包含了直流至高頻轉換、高頻耦合、高頻至直流轉換等三部分,在輸出功率為36W時有最佳的轉換效率80 %。由於線圈的耦合量可能會因為呼吸或是一般性的運動而改變,造成輸出電壓變動,而且本系統是屬於無線能量傳輸,無法藉由有線的方式由體內迴授出輸出電壓訊號,因此為了補償變動量,本論文利用控制體外一次側電路中共振槽輸入阻抗的相位來完成回授控制,以穩定能量的傳輸,在耦合線圈距離為6~18 mm變動時,輸出電壓變動可以維持在 伏特以內。
The energy source of electrohydraulic pumping system for total artificial hearts (TAH) is electricity. Since TAH is totally enclosed in a body without any direct connection to the outside world, transmission of power through the closed chest wall becomes a major challenge to develop the TAH system. The goal of this research is to design a wireless transcutaneous energy transfer system with minimum risk of infection and irritation to the skin.
There are four parts in this proposed system: DC to DC converter, DC to high frequency transfer circuit, coil coupling structure, and high frequency to dc rectify circuit. We use the switching power supply technique to complete the design of the circuits. Among them, DC to DC converter is a voltage booster. After the voltage is risen, the input voltage of the next stage has a smaller current, so the safety of the system is improved. Currently, the booster output voltage is always kept at 40 volts even when the input voltage of the booster varing from 12 to 30 volts. The efficiency is about 85 % and the voltage variation is under 2 %. The rest of the system is a half-bridge series resonant converter, and the optimized conversion efficiency is about 80 % when the output power equals 36 watts. The instability of the electromagnetic coupling between coils may occur when one is breathing or moving. In order to compensate this variation, we complete the feedback by controlling the phase of the input impedance of the tank circuit. When the variation of the coil spacing is between 6 and 18 mm, the output voltage variation can be kept within ±0.4 volts. Since the coupling of the coils is determined by the coupling coefficient, we used a method to measure it and find that a better performance can be achieved by increasing the number of the wire in the coil.
From the experiment results of the prototype we find the proposed energy transfer system is very promising. Indeed we have concluded several design tricks and pinpointed a few problems. The direction of this research is now clear and focused. Therefore, the completed energy transfer system will be a safe, stable and efficient energy source for totally artificial hearts.
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 人工心臟目前研究情形 2
1-3 無線透膚電能傳輸系統簡介 6
1-4 論文大綱 10
第二章 直流至直流轉換電路架構與分析
2-1 前言 12
2-2 升壓型直流至直流轉換電路基本操作原理 12
2-3 升壓型直流至直流轉換電路規格設定與元件選擇 14
2-4 升壓型轉換電路之數學模式與補償電路設計 18
2-5 柔性起動電路 23
2-6 升壓型直流至直流轉換電路測試結果 25
2-7 結論 26
第三章 半橋串聯共振式轉換電路架構與分析
3-1 前言 27
3-2 半橋串聯共振式轉換電路基本架構與操作原理 28
3-2-1 半橋串聯共振式換流器 30
3-2-2 半橋串聯共振式換流器之切換模式 33
3-3 整流電路設計 38
3-3-1 整流電路元件的選擇 39
3-3-2 整流電路的設計考量 40
3-4 系統規格設定與元件選擇 42
3-5 橋串聯共振式轉換電路之數學模式 44
3-6 迴授控制電路設計 51
3-6-1 模擬結果與補償電路設計 52
3-7 驅動電路設計 54
3-8 過電流保護電路設計 56
 3-9 截止緩衝電路設計 56
3-10 比流器的設計 58
3-11 電路特性量測 59
3-12 結論 64
第四章 高頻至高頻轉換
4-1 前言 66
4-2 合線圈設計考量 66
4-3 合線圈參數量測 68
4-4 實驗結果 71
4-5 結論 76
第五章 完整系統的實驗結果與效能評估
5-1 前言 77
5-2 實驗結果 77
5-3 系統效能評估 79
5-4 結論 81
第六章 結論與未來研究方向
6-1 結論 82
6-2 未來研究方向 84
附錄 86
參考文獻 87
作者簡介 90
著作權聲明 91
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