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論文名稱(外文):The research and development of high performance multi-bent evaporator in air conditioning unit
指導教授(外文):JIN-YUH JANG
外文關鍵詞:Heat ExchangerMulti-bent evaporatorAir conditioning unitWavy FinLouver Finevaporator
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本論文主要目地分為兩部份,第一部份是使用吸入型開放式風洞測試系統,針對多面式蒸發器之鰭管式熱交換器,在不同的鰭片形狀﹙百葉窗型、波浪型﹚、不同的鰭片間距﹙18 片/inch、20片/inch、22片/inch﹚及相同的管外徑下,以瞭解其熱傳特性、壓降特性及不同的鰭片形狀及不同的鰭片間距對熱交換器性能之影響。另一部份是利用此蒸發器開發一台冷凍能力為4000 kcal/hr及EER為2.5 kcal/hr.w之一對一分離式冷氣機。
第一部份:本文在多面式蒸發器之熱液動性能測試方面,測試時是管測走熱水或冰水,鰭側走空氣,而熱水進口維持在70℃,冰水進口維持在10℃,水流量維持在6L/min上下,改變熱交器之正向風速﹙0.8 m/s~4.5 m/s﹚以探討熱傳量、壓降、熱傳因子js值、質傳因子jm與壓降因子f值的變化。由實驗結果將波浪型鰭片與百葉窗型鰭片做比較,發現百葉型鰭片的熱傳量及壓降、總熱傳係數、熱傳因子js值、質傳因子jm與壓降因子f值都高於波浪型鰭片。
第二部份:在分離式冷氣機組之性能測試方面,測試時是管測走冷媒﹙R22﹚,鰭側空氣,利用百葉窗型鰭片節距為18片/inch與20片/inch之蒸發器改變毛細管之管徑及管長、冷媒量等等,使得在改變上述條件下開發一台冷凍能力達4000 kcal/hr及EER為2.5 kcal/hr.w左右之一對一分離式冷氣機。測試結果鰭片節距為18﹙片/inch﹚、毛細管直徑為1.7mm,長度為600mm及冷媒充填量為1100g時,能夠達冷涷能力為4000 kcal/hr及EER為2.5 kcal/hr.w左右之一對一分離式冷氣。

There are two parts in this paper. For the first part, an induced wind tunnel was used to measure the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of multi-bent evaporator for different fin shapes (louver, wavy fins), different fin pitches( 18,20 and 22 fins per inch) . The second part of this paper was to develop an air conditioning unit with cooling capacity of 4000kcal/hr and Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of 2.5 kcal/hr.w.
﹙1﹚ The first part of this paper: Measurements were made for the air frontal velocity ranging from 0.8 m/s ~ 4.5 m/s , while the water inlet temperature and flow rate were maintained at 70℃ , 6 L/min for the dry coils and at 10℃ , 6 L/min for the wet coils , respectively. The experimental results indicated that , louver fins have higher Colburn and friction factors compared to the wavy fins.
﹙2﹚ The second part of this paper: The performances of an air-conditioning unit were measured in an environmental-controlled chamber. The refrigerant in the tube side is R22. It is found that to get a cooling capacity of 4000kcal/hr and EER of 2.5 kcal/hr.w, one must uses louver fin with fin pitch 18fins/inch, the capillary tube with diameterψ1.7mm and length 600mm, and the R22 filling mass of 1100g.

第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
第二章 多面式蒸發器之熱液動性能測試……………………………14
第三章 分離式冷氣機組之性能測試…………………………………69
第四章 結論……………………………………………………………104

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