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論文名稱(外文):Analysis on Heating Efficiency of Two Interacting Jet Premixed Flames
外文關鍵詞:Heating efficiencyPremixed flameStagnation plateInteractingFlame appearanceExperimental simulation
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The influence of separation distance, heating height, concentration of fuel, and flow velocity on combustion characteristics of domestic gas burner was investigated experimentally by using two slot burners to generate two interacting jet premixed flames in this study. The experiment involves observations of flame appearance, classifications of flame shape, measurements of heating efficiency, and identification of optimum burning.
Results show that separation distance, heating height, and concentration of methane dominate the variations of flame shape and heating efficiency, and that flow velocity only influences the size of laminar flame. The heating efficiency influenced by separation distance is classified by concentration of methane. At the condition of concentration of methane is 12% and diffusion flame shape is converged, the heating efficiency first increases then decreases, by increasing the separation distance. However, when the diffusion flame shape is diverged, it first decreases then increases with increasing separation distance. When the concentrations of methane are 13% and 14%, the tendencies are similar to that of concentration of 12%. The heating efficiencies of concentrations of methane being 16% and 18% are first increased then decreased with increasing separation distance.
It was found that with decreasing heating height, the heating efficiency first increases then decreases for a fixed separation distance. The maximum of heating efficiency occurs when the flame has diverged diffusion flame, and closed premixed flame tip for stronger premixed flame tip or opened premixed flame tip for weaker premixed flame. It was further found that the heating height has a stronger influence than separation distance on heating efficiency.
1-1 自由噴流流場特性及火焰相互作用
1-2 停滯面流場特性及火焰相互作用
1-3 衝擊火焰之熱傳研究
1-4 研究目的
2-1 燃燒器系統
2-2 停滯面系統
2-3 循環水溫控系統
2-4 影像處理系統
2-5 溫度量測系統
3-1 參數設定
3-2 火焰形態觀察
3-3 加熱杯內水的溫度分析
3-4 水冷式停滯面之加熱效率分析
4-1 火焰形態觀察
4-1-1 噴流間距的影響
4-1-2 加熱間距的影響
4-2 火焰臨界特性分析
4-2-1 噴流間距與加熱間距的影響
4-2-2 噴流出口條件的影響
4-3 加熱杯內水的溫度分析
4-3-1 升溫曲線的探討
4-3-2 加熱效率分析
4-4 水冷式停滯面板之加熱效率分析
4-4-1 噴流間距與加熱間距的影響
4-4-2 甲烷濃度的影響
4-5 加熱效率綜合分析
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