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研究生(外文):Wei-Ren Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Variable-Speed Servo-Linkage-Mechanisms with Crank-Input and Slider-Output
指導教授(外文):Hon-Sen Yan
外文關鍵詞:servo linkage mechanismvariable speed driveoptimizationBezier curve
  • 被引用被引用:21
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In general, when the power input of a linkage-mechanism is a rotary motor, this motor is traditionally designed for running at a constant speed. This research, from the kinematic point of view, proposes an alternate approach of varying the crank’s speed of the mechanism to meet various desired output motions without modifying the geometric dimensions of the original mechanism.
At first, the kinematic relations between the input link and the output link of 4-bar and 6-bar linkage-mechanisms are derived. Then an approach is proposed for deriving useful input speed trajectories for any type of linkage-mechanisms with a crank-input and a slider-output. To show the feasibility of this variable-input-speed method, control algorithm regarding how this servo system works is also presented. To further demonstrate the procedure of this work and show its practicability, four examples, including 4-bar slider-crank mechanisms, 6-bar Watt-type mechanisms, 6-bar Stephenson-type mechanisms, and 6-bar Knuckle-Joint-type mechanisms, are discussed. These examples include cases of purely speed trajectory design and the combined design of speed trajectory with linkage dimensions. Finally, a prototype of this “Servo-Linkage-Mechanism” is built and tested. And, results of experiments from the prototype verify the feasibility of this work.
第一章 前言
1.1 研究動機
1.2 研究背景
1.3 研究目的
1.4 論文架構
第二章 運動分析
2.1 位置分析
2.1.1 滑件曲柄機構
2.1.2 六桿瓦特型機構
2.1.3 六桿司蒂芬遜型機構
2.2 速度分析
2.2.1 滑件曲柄機構
2.2.2 六桿瓦特型機構
2.2.3 六桿司蒂芬遜型機構
2.3 加速度分析
2.3.1 滑件曲柄機構
2.3.2 六桿瓦特型機構
2.3.3 六桿司蒂芬遜型機構
2.4 結論
第三章 轉速函數設計
3.1 Bezier函數
3.2 最佳化
3.3 控制目標與設計限制
3.4 含尺寸設計之最佳化
3.5 結論
第四章 轉速函數控制
4.1 伺服機構系統
4.2 系統判別
4.3 PID控制器
第五章 應用實例一---轉速設計
5.1 四桿滑件曲柄機構
5.1.1 具時間性之路徑產生
5.1.2 滑件等速度運動
5.1.3 最小滑件加速度運動
5.2 六桿瓦特型機構
5.2.1 引伸加工
5.2.2 精密剪切加工
5.3 六桿司蒂芬遜型機構
5.3.1 引伸加工
5.3.2 精密剪切加工
5.4 六桿肘節式沖床機構
5.4.1 引伸加工
5.4.2 精密剪切加工
5.5 結論
第六章 應用實例二---轉送與尺寸設計
6.1 深引伸加工
6.2 精密剪切加工
第七章 實驗與測試
7.1 實驗簡介
7.2 硬體架構
7.3 軟體架構
7.4 結果與分析
7.4.1 具時間性之路徑產生
7.4.2 滑件等速度運動
7.4.3 最小滑件加速度運動
7.5 結論
第八章 結論與建議
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