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研究生(外文):Ming-Haung Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Determination of Inventory Levels of Control Wafers in Wafer Fabrication
指導教授(外文):Ching-En Lee
外文關鍵詞:wafer fabricationcontrol wafersinventory levelbottleneck
  • 被引用被引用:5
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半導體業是台灣的重點工業,而晶圓製造(Wafer Fabrication)更為其中最重要的一環。它具有最複雜的製程技術與製造環境,而控片則是製造時一重要的工具,能有效對晶圓廠作持續的監控與改善。然而傳統的控片存貨水準之設定,由於較無系統化的方法,因而往往造成浮濫及成本上的問題。
Semiconductor manufacturing is one of the focal industries in Taiwan in recent years. Wafer fabrication plays the most important role in semiconductor industry and is perhaps the most technologically complex one in modern manufacturing processes. In wafer fabrication, control wafer is one of important tools for continuously monitoring and improving the performance of the shop floor. However, conventional methods in determining control wafers inventory levels are usually unsystematic, which may result a variety of problems on control wafer management.
Because control wafers management has a serious interaction with normal wafer-lot production, control wafers must be appraised cautiously. To determine a suitable inventory level of a specific type of control wafer under a planned throughput target is very important. The objective of this study is to establish a framework to determine appropriate inventory levels for control wafers under a planned throughput target. The proposed methodology is applied to a numerical example. An analysis is made to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. The relationships among throughput, cycle time, bottleneck utilization, availability of machines and PUR cycle times of control wafers are also illustrated. Some advices on determining the inventory levels of control wafers are finally suggested.
List of Figuresiv
List of Tablesv
Chapter 1. Introduction1
1.1 Background1
1.2 Motivation2
1.3 Objectives3
Chapter 2. Literature Review4
2.1 Introduction to Control Wafers4
2.2 Push and Pull6
2.3 WIP8
Chapter 3. Methodology10
3.1 Problem Definition10
3.2 Assumptions and Notations10
3.3 Proposed Framework12
Chapter 4 Numerical Example21
4.1 Simulation Environment21
4.2 Case Study22
4.3 Result Analysis29
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Study32
5.1 Conclusion32
5.2 Future Study32
Appendix 36
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