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研究生(外文):Jiun-Long Huang
論文名稱(外文):An Architecture for Web Application Testing Environment
指導教授(外文):Feng-Jian Wang
外文關鍵詞:World Wide WebSoftware EngineeringSoftware Testing
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The development and deployment of three-tier Web-based applications are getting prevalent in the Internet and Intranet environment. Several frameworks and techniques have been proposed to ease the development of web-based application. However, few tools are provided to directly support the software testing on Web-based applications.
In this thesis, a three-tier Web application model is proposed to extract the behavior of three-tier Web application, and several conventional software testing techniques are extended and applied based on this model. In addition, an architecture for three-tier Web application testing environment is also proposed. This architecture contains six subsystems: Source Document Analysis Subsystem (SDAS), Test Management Subsystem (TMS), Test Development Subsystem (TDS), Test Execution Subsystem (TES), Test Failure Analysis Subsystem (TFAS), and Test Measurement Subsystem (TMES). All testing processes (e.g. test case generation) can be achieved with the cooperation of the subsystems. Finally, a prototype of Web application testing environment is built based on this architecture to demonstrate its practicability.

Chapter 1Introduction
Chapter 2Background
2.1 Software Testing
2.1.1 Control-Flow Testing
2.1.2 Data-Flow Testing
2.1.3 Effectiveness Comparison of Control-Flow and Data-Flow Testing6
2.2 Characteristics of Web Applications
2.2.1 Web Application Architecture
2.2.2 Programming at Web Clients
2.2.3 Programming at Web Servers
Chapter 3Web Application Models
3.1 Web Application Testing Tools
3.2 Extracting an Application Model
3.3 A Model Obtained by Static Analysis
3.4 A Model Obtained by Dynamic Analysis
3.5 Generating Test Case for Web Applications
Chapter 4Specializing Application Architectures to Test Web Application
4.1 Software Architectures for Software Testing
4.2 Domain Components for Web Application Testing
4.3 Performing Test with Domain Components
Chapter 5An Architecture of Web Testing Environment
5.1 The Architecture
5.2 Source Document Analysis Subsystem, SDAS
5.3 Test Management Subsystem, TMS
5.4 Test Development Subsystem, TDS
5.5 Test Execution Subsystem, TCE
5.6 Test Failure Analysis Subsystem, TFAS
5.7 Test Measurement Subsystem, TMES
Chapter 6Applying the Architecture
Chapter 7Conclusion and Future Work

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[2]Apache Server Project, "Module mod_include", in http://www.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_include.html.
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