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研究生(外文):Wang-Dauh Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Design for Testability and Test Strategies of Multichip Modules
外文關鍵詞:circuit partitioningdesign for testabilityfault coveragemultichip modulemultifrequency scan
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The goal of this thesis is to develop efficient DFT (design for
testability) and test strategies for MCMs (multichip modules) during their production and test processes. In CMOS MCMs, partitioning a circuit into modules before using a separate
built-in current sensor for each module is key to balancing between test cost and test correctness of built-in current test. Most partitioning methods use statistic analysis to find a fixed threshold and then to determine the size of a module. These methods are rigid and inflexible since IDDQ (quiescent power supply current) testing requires the measurement of an
analog quantity rather than a digital signal. We propose a fuzzy-based approach which provides a soft threshold to determine the module size for BICT partitioning. Experimental results show that our design approach provides a feasible way to exploit the design space of BICT partitioning. A simple and
efficient model for designers to estimate the fault coverage of a partially testable MCM is also derived. This model reflects the relationship between fault coverage, test methodology, and the ratio and distribution of DFT dies (dies with testability features) in an MCM. Experimental results show that our model can efficiently predict the actual fault coverage of a
partially testable MCM with less than 5% deviation. It indeed facilitates the designers to plan the use of DFT dies in MCMs in an efficient way.In addition, we propose a multifrequency scan based MCM test method which is closely associated with the
mixed technologies of MCMs. This method can detect both static and dynamic faults. Furthermore, by introducing modified boundary scan cells, the same boundary scan cells which are used in chip level test can also be used in module level test. Experimental results show that the area overhead as well as the extra delay due to the addition of test circuits can be reduced.
Abstract(in Chinese)
Abstract(in English)
Acknowledgements(in Chinese)
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Introduction
2 Fuzzy-based Circuit Partitioning in Built-in Current Testing for CMOS MCMs
2.1 Introdution
2.2 Preliminaries
2.3 Design Approach
2.4 Discussion
2.5 Experimental Results
3 Fault Coverage and Defect Level Estimation Models for Partially Testable MCMs
3.1 Introcdution
3.2 Preliminaries
3.3 Fault coverage Estimation Model
3.4 Gemetic Algorithm-based DFT Dies Deplyment Automation
3.5 Defect Level Estimation Models
3.6 Experiments
4 Built-in Self-Test Multichip Modules with Multifrequency Scan Strategy
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Design Approach and System Architecture
4.3 Test Procedures
4.4 Design Example
4.5 Experiments and Evaluation
5 Conclusions and Future Work
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Future work
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