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研究生(外文):Tony Wu
論文名稱(外文):A New Bus Allocation Algorithm for Interconnection Networks of Multiprocessor Systems
指導教授(外文):Kuochen Wang
外文關鍵詞:arbiterbus allocationinterconnection networkmultiprocessor system
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模擬的結果驗證了疊流式設計的功能。我們並使用Aptix MP3A

In shared multiprocessor systems, the interconnection network
is usually the bottleneck of system performance. Memory
references usually have two kinds of locality: temporal
locality and spatial locality. If a processor references a
memory module, it tends to reference the same memory module
again. If we do not release a bus that connect the processor
and the memory module immediately, we can use the same bus
directly without reconfiguration when the processor references
the same memory module again. Thus, we propose a new bus
allocation algorithm for interconnection networks of
multiprocessor systems. A pipelined one-sided crossbar switch,
which is essentially a multiple bus, is used to illustrate our
design approach. We use connection tables to record the states
of each processor, each memory module, and each bus. When a
transaction is selected to be issued, if the processor and the
memory module are not connected, we select a bus and
reconfigure the pipelined switch to proceed the transaction.
If the processor and the memory module have already been
connected, we use the same bus directly without reconfiguration.
Experimental results show that the new algorithm use buses more
efficiently and reduce the number of reconfigurations. The
performance (throughput) using the new bus allocation algorithm
is 1.5 to 3 times higher than that using the original algorithm.
In addition, we have described and realized a 2 ×2 pipelined
one-sided crossbar switch using Verilog HDL and Xilinx FPGAs,
respectively. Verilog simulation results have validated the
functionality of the pipelined design. We also use Aptix MP3A
FPCB (Field Programmable Circuit Board) and some electronic
components to emulate the pipelined switch and the behavior
of the processors and the memory modules, respectively.
The contribution of this work is designing a high throughput
interconnection network to match high performance
multiprocessors and to eliminate the performance bottleneck.

Abstract (in Chinese) i
Abstract (in English) iii
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures viii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Interconnection Networks in Multiprocessor Systems 1
1.2 Locality 2
1.3 FPGA 3
1.4 FPCB 3
2 Existing Approach 5
2.1 Pipelined Protocol 6
2.2 One-Sided Crossbar Switch 7
2.3 Arbiter 9
2.4 Processor Interface 11
2.5 Memory Interface 14
3 Design Approach 17
3.1 Connection Table 17
3.2 New Bus Allocation Algorithm 18
3.3 An Example 19
4 Evaluation and Discussion 26
5 FPGA and FPCB Implementation 33
5.1 Design and Implementation Flow 33
5.2 Verilog Simulation 34
5.3 Implementation 35
6 Conclusions and Future Work 40
6.1 Conclusions 40
6.2 Future Work 41
Bibliography 42

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