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研究生(外文):May-May Huang
論文名稱(外文):The characteristics of nitrogen implanted GaAs
指導教授(外文):Jenn-Fang Chen
外文關鍵詞:nitrogenion implantationGaAs
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我們將氮離子以160KeV的佈植能量及 的佈植劑量於室溫下植入GaAs基板,500℃、700℃退
由這些量測得知未退火樣品具備variable range hopping之載子傳輸特性,而500℃以上退火樣
合SCL(space charge limited)半絕緣材料電流傳輸模型,並得到材料電阻造成的活化能有隨
0.20eV (as-implant)、0.34eV(500℃退火)、0.59eV(700℃退火)、0.71eV(950℃退火)。

LEC(Liquid Encapsulated Czochralski) and semi-insulating GaAs(100) wafers are implanted at the
room temperature with 160 keV N+ to a fluence of cm-2. Rapid thermal annealing is performed at
950℃ for 30 seconds while furnace annealing is used below 700℃ for 30 minutes. After annealing
at as high as 950℃, N shows no measurable redistribution by secondary ion mass spectrometry.
From X-ray diffraction, it is found that the annealing temperature up to 500℃ is necessary for the
crystalline regrowth.
Electrical characteristics of the material are investigated in details. From temperature-dependent
conductance measurement, the carrier transport for as-implanted sample is identified to be
variable-range hopping. The samples annealed above 500℃ become highly resistive. By current-voltage,
admittance spectroscopy, and deep level transient spectroscopy measurements, it is found that the
high-resistive material shows the characteristic of a space-charge-limited current conduction governed by
traps. The activation energy of the material resistance is found to increase with increasing annealing
temperature. Admittance spectroscopy displays that the activation energy of material resistance for
as-implanted sample is 0.20eV which increases to 0.34, 0.59, and to 0.71eV after annealing at 500℃,
700℃, and 950℃, respectively.

第一章 緒論 1
第二章 樣品製備 3
第三章 實驗結果與討論 7
3.1雜質分佈 7
3.2 X-ray繞射分析 8
3.3載子傳輸機制分析 9
3.3-1變溫電導量測結果分析 9
 3.3-2材料電阻量測 11
3.4 Schottky diode之I-V量測 13
3.4-1 I-V量測結果分析 13
 3.4-2 950°C退火樣品I-V量測結果分析15
3.5導納頻譜(Admittance spectroscopy)量測16
 3.5-2高頻導納量測結果分析 18
 3.5-3電阻量測結果分析 20
 3.5-4活化能量測結果分析 22
3.6深層能階暫態頻譜(DLTS)分析 23
第四章結論 26
參考文獻 31
圖目錄 33

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