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研究生(外文):Jar-Har Chiou
論文名稱(外文):Robot Motion Command Simplification and Scaling for Velocity Tracking Using Learning Mechanisms
指導教授(外文):Kuu-Young Young
外文關鍵詞:The triangular-wave methodThe rectangular-wave methodError boundsimilaritycontinous-increasingvelocity trajectory
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A learning scheme, called rectangular-wave method, has been proposed previously.
It trades motion accuracy for motion command simplification and captures the similarity
of position trajectory, (eg., human signature). However, we consider not only the position but
also the velocity trajectories should be learnt.
As a continuing work, we propose another method to implement motion command
simplification and velocity tracking. We refer it as the triangular-wave method.
When the original complex motion commands capable of accurate motion tracking are simplified into simple forms,
the simplified motion commands can then be stored and manipulated by using
learning mechanisms with simple structures and scanty memory resources, and they can be
fast and smoothly executed. In addition, this learning scheme can also perform motion
command scaling in speed, so that simplified motion commands be provided for a number
of similar motions of different movement distances and velocities without system dynamics re-calculation.
Experiments based on tennis swing motions are reported that demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed learning scheme in implementing these accuracy-simplification and velocity tracking.

Chinese Abstract............................................................................................................................................i
English Abstract.............................................................................................................................................ii
List of Figures................................................................................................................................................vi
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................1
2 Biological Backgrounds
2.1 Human Motor Control..............................................................................................................................3
2.2Eguilibrium-Point Hypothesis....................................................................................................................5
2.3Speed-Sensitive Movement Strategy..........................................................................................................6
2.4Speed-Insensitive Movement Strategy........................................................................................................7
2.5Speed-Insensitive Movement Strategy as a Default....................................................................................8
3 Learning Scheme for Motion Command Simplification and Scaling...........................................................9
3.1Motion Command Simplification...............................................................................................................9
3.1.1 Rectangular-Wave Method...................................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Triangular-wave Method.......................................................................................................................15
3.2 Motion Command Scaling........................................................................................................................20
3.2.1 Scaling in Size........................................................................................................................................21
3.2.2 Scaling in Speed.....................................................................................................................................24
4. Experiment...................................................................................................................................................27
4.1 Result Discriptions....................................................................................................................................30
4.2 Discussions................................................................................................................................................36
4.2.1 Performance Evaluation of Using the Triangular-Wave and the Rectangular-wave Methods.................36
4.2.2 Scaling in Size and Speed........................................................................................................................38
5 Conclusion
5.1 Future Work...............................................................................................................................................48
A Learning Scheme for Accurate Motion Tracking..........................................................................................49
A.1 Trajectory Mapping....................................................................................................................................50
A.2 FNN Implementation..................................................................................................................................52
A.2.1 Fussy Neural Network.............................................................................................................................53

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