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研究生(外文):Charn-Kuo Wang
論文名稱(外文):The azimuthal alignment and application of Photoelastic modulator system
指導教授(外文):Yu-Faye Chao
外文關鍵詞:PolarimetryEllipsometryOptical ActivityEllipticityWave platePhotoelastic modulator
  • 被引用被引用:4
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Instead of the nulling method, we propose a high-level intensity technique to determine the relative azimuth orientation of a photoelastic
modulator and an analyzer. In a photoelastic modulating system, one can obtain a DC intensity distribution by varying the phase
modulation amplitude at two azimuth angles of the analyzer, which are p/4 apart from each other. The relative azimuth orientation can
be determined by taking the ratio of the slopes of these two intensity distributions around the linear region of the zero point of the
zero-order Bessel function. A similar technique is also applicable to wave plates and reflecting surface for aligning their optical axes
and the plane of incidence with respect to the system. Adjusting the analyzer at 900 to the strain axis of a photoelastic modulator, one
can determine the optical activity by measuring the slope of its DC intensity distribution under various phase modulation amplitudes.
This technique was applied to measure the ellipticity of few quartz quarter-wave plates and the optical rotation of an optical active
crystal. A multiple reflection enhancement effect in the wave plate was observed and discussed. By considering the photoelastic
modulator as an elliptical retarder, we also determined its intrinsic ellipticity and static phase retardation, to increase the accuracy of
measurements. We conclude that this high-level intensity technique is capable to align the optical elements, and can be considered as
an alternative method to measure the optical activity in crystals, in which optical activity and birefringence coexist.
第一章 緒論
1.1 背景概述
1.2 研究動機
第二章 光彈調變量測系統概述
2.1 調變器簡介
2.2 光彈調變器 (Photoelastic Modulator -PEM)
2.3 光彈調變量測系統工作原理
第三章 量測系統中的角度校正
3.1 穿透式(Straight-through)
3.2 反射式(Reflection)
第四章 旋光晶體特性之研究
4.1 簡介
4.2 工作原理
4.3 實驗步驟
4.4 結果與討論
第五章 結論
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