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研究生(外文):Ching-Yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Design, Optimization, and Evaluation of Image Quality for LCD Rear Projection Screen
指導教授(外文):Han-Ping D. ShishChen-Shiung Chang
外文關鍵詞:LCD Rear Projector ScreenMoire patternthe spectral analysis methoduniformityviewing angle
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在背投影式的系統中,顯示屏幕是觀眾最直接觀察到的物件。因此,維持投射出來的影像品質乃是顯示屏幕在設計上最主要的考量。一般常用來評估影像品質的參數有影像的亮度、解析度、對比度等等,然而除了這些參數外,在背投影顯示屏幕上由菲涅耳透鏡、雙凸面透鏡與液晶板這些週期性結構疊加所形成的雲紋花樣(Moire pattern),亦是影響影像品質的重大因素之一。
Screen is the most direct object of a rear projection system for viewing. Therefore, maintaining the image quality from projection lens is the primary concern in designing a rear projection screen. Brightness, resolution, contrast ratio, and uniformity are among the parameters used in evaluating image quality. Besides, Moire pattern, which would cause uncomfortable feeling while viewing, is also a key point in image quality evaluation. In a LCD rear projection system, Moire pattern is caused by overlapping the periodic structures of LCD, Fresnel lens, and Lenticular lens.
The thesis analyzed the Moire pattern of screen and suppressed it by modifying the configuration of the screen. The relationship between the period ratio of each structure and the period of Moire pattern was discussed first by using the spectral analysis method. The occurrence of the Moire pattern was suppressed by achieving the shortest period of Moire pattern. Finally, the image quality of a designed screen was analyzed, then optimized by optical simulation software.
第一章 LCD投影機簡介 ………………………………………1
1-1前言 ……………………………………………………………..1
1-2 LCD投影機 …………………………………………………….3
1-3顯示屏幕 ………………………………………………………..4
第二章 雲紋花樣(Moire pattern)的基本原理及特性 ………7
2-1什麼是雲紋花樣 ………………………………………………..7
2-2雲紋花樣的形成 ………………………………………………..8
2-3雲紋花樣的分析方式 …………………………………………..9
2-3.1在像空間的幾何分析法 ……………………………….10
2-3.2在富氏空間的頻率分析法 …………………………….11
2-4雲紋花樣的形狀 ……………………………………………....14
2-4.1線性結構與線性結構相疊加 ………………………….14
2-4.2圓形結構與線性結構相疊加 ………………………….15
2-5雲紋花樣的其他特性 ………………………………………....19
2-5.1週期相同時,所夾角度VS雲紋花樣週期 …..19
2-5.2結構排列方向相同時,結構週期差異VS雲紋花樣週期 .…20
2-6雲紋花樣的頻率特性 …………………………………………21
2-6.1週期比例VS雲紋花樣週期 …………………………..22
2-6.2結構週期、相交角度VS雲紋花樣週期 ……………..23
第三章 無雲紋花樣螢幕的設計 ………………..…………….25
3-1螢幕的結構及出現雲紋花樣的原因 ………………………....25
3-2頻率的數學計算與模擬分析 ………………………………....27
3-3規格訂立與模擬 ……………………………………………....33
3-4總結 ……………………………………………………………43
第四章 顯示屏幕的設計與影像品質分析 ………………..….44
4-1前言 ……………………………………………………………44
4-2投影系統規格制訂 …………………………………………....44
4-3光源 ……………………………………………………………45
4-4螢幕參數 ………………………………………………………47
4-4.1菲涅耳透鏡的設計 …………………………………….47
4-4.2雙凸面透鏡的設計 …………………………………….48
4-4.3不透光層的設計 ……………………………………….51
4-5模擬結果 ……………………………………………………....51
4-5.1均勻度 ………………………………………………….51
4-5.2視角 …………………………………………………….53
4-6總結 ……………………………………………………………56
第五章 結論及展望 ……………………………………………...…….58
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