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論文名稱(外文):The Research in P-delta amplifier of Building System
外文關鍵詞:P-deltaBuilding systemAmplifier
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根據我國建築物耐震設計規範的規定,結構之模擬應使構材內力與結構變形能反映 效應引致之結果,當 效應顯著時,宜從結構分析來處理此效應,通常係考慮幾何勁度矩陣,一般程式如ETABS就具有此功能。ETABS程式考慮 效應的功能,須填入 因子,但規範於解說中並未說明 因子應為何值才能反映非彈性 效應。
本文由非彈性反應譜的觀點探討非彈性 效應,希望找到能反映非彈性 效應的幾何勁度放大係數。簡化的單自由度系統與具有複雜遲滯行為的多自由度系統之間存在許多重要的不確定性,因此,本文設計一真實結構,透過非線性分析,檢核放大係數反應譜應用的可能性。

According to the provision of the seismic design code of structures in Taiwan, the simulation of structures ought to reflect the member force and deflection caused by effects. When effects is conspicuous, it has better to deal with this effect from a structural analysis that considers it as the geometric stiffness matrix. General computer programs such as ETABS has this function. To consider the function of effects for the ETABS formular, it is necessary to fill in factor. But the provision of the code do not describe what value factor is can reflect inelastic effects.
In this paper, inelastic effects is examined from the perspective of inelastic spectral ordinates to produce the amplifier and investigate whether the amplifier of the geometric stiffness can reflect the effects. There exist many significant uncertainties between the simplified single-degree-of-freedom systems and the complex hysteretic behavior of multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Therefore, one real building is designed and investigated by using the nonlinear time-history dynamic analysis technique to check the practicability of the application of the amplifier spectrum.

目錄 I
表目錄 III
圖目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機與目的 1
1-3文獻回顧 2
1- 4研究內容 4
第二章 理論介紹 5
2-1非線性單自由度系統與分析模式 5
2-2 效應之介紹 5
2-3正規化運動方程式 6
第三章 放大係數之研究 8
3-1放大係數反應譜 8
3-1-1考慮 效應之非線性反應譜的製作 8
3-1-2放大係數反應譜的製作 8
3-2地震資料 9
3-3分析與討論 9
第四章 實例分析 12
4-1前言 12
4-2實例設計與分析 12
4-2-1 結構配置 12
4-2-2 建立分析模式與梁、柱設計 13
4-2-3 效應考慮與否 13
4-3非線性分析 14
4-3-1非線性分析模式的建立 14
4-3-2非線性歷時分析 15
4-4結果分析 15
4-4-1穩定係數的探討 15
4-4-2穩定係數大於0.1之構架的探討 16
第五章 結論與建議 20
5-1結論 20
參考文獻 22

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2. Habibullah, A., ETABS, Three-Dimensional Analysis of Building System, Computers and Structures, Inc.,1992
3. Wilson, E. L. and Habibullah, A., "Static and Dynamic Analysis of Multi-Story Buildings Including P-Delta Effects", Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 3,No. 2, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, California, 1987
4. Ruge, A. C., "The Determination of Earthquake Stresses in Elastic Structures by means of Models", Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 24, No. 3, July, 1934
5. Jacobsen, L. S., "Dynamic Behavior of Simplified Structures up to the Point of Collapse ", Proceedings of the Symposium on Earthquake and Blast Effects on Structures, Los Angeles, California, 1952
6. P. C. Jennings and R. Husid, "Collapse of Yielding Structures under Earthquake", Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, Vol. 94, pp.1045-1065, 1968
7. H. Takizawa and P. C. Jennings, "Collapse of a Model for Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frames under Extreme Earthquake Motions", Earthquake Engineering and Structureal Dynamics, Vol. 8, pp.117-144, 1980
8. "Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for Buildings", Applied Technology Council, ATC-3,1978
9. Bernal, D., "Amplification Factors for Inelastic Dynamic Effects in Earthquake Analysis", Earthquake Engineering and Structures Dynamics, Vol.15, pp.635-651, 1987
10. Panchia, N.M.B., "Influence of P-delta Effects on an Inelastic Single Degree of Freedom System", Master of Engineering Report, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Auckland, 1989
11. Chung, B.T., "Dynamic Behaviour of Multi-Storey Buildings", School of Engineering Research Report No. 492, University of Auckland, 1991
12. "NEHRP Recommended Provision for the Development of Seismic Regulations for New Buildings", Building Seismic Safety Council,1994
13. Mahin, S. A. and Lin, J.,"Construction of Inelastic Response Spectra for Single-Degree-of-Freedom System, Computer Program and Application",Earthquake Engineering Research Center,University of California at Berkeley,1983
14. 內政部營建署,"建築物耐震設計規範及解說",民國八十六年七月
15. Prakash, V.,Powell, G.H., and Campbell, DRAIN-2DX, Base Program Description and User Guide, Version 1.10, University of california,Berkeley,Nov. 1993

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