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研究生(外文):Lao Hang Iao
論文名稱(外文):The Study on the Assesssment of Management Effectiveness of Construction Company
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本文之評鑑項目共分三部分,品質管理分九項、環境管理分六項、職業安全衛生管理分七項,此三部分之項目及內容是根據國際管理標準(ISO 9000、ISO 14000、BS 8800)及現行營造業相關法規,再匯整專家學者之意見而訂定。其中以績效評估作為理論基礎,經專家訪談,以決定評鑑之項目及細項,再以問卷方法及層級分析法作為訂定各項目及細項之權重,最後建立本評鑑辦法。
The quality, environment, and security management, which are the key points to dominate the total quality of a project, are lacking for the existing laws used to assess the interior construction companies. The results of previous engineering assessment show that a poor management primarily results in a poor quality. The company’s management ability should be enhanced.
The study focuses on the quality, environment, and security management in construction company. One assessment mechanism is drawn up and executed periodically to push the companies to promote the total quality.
The assessment items in the study are divided into three parts. The nine, six, and seven items are grouped to quality, environment, and security management respectively. These items are determined by three international standards, such as ISO 9000, ISO 14000, and BS 8800, and the existing construction regulation as well as the scholar and expert’s opinions. The performance evaluation is used as theoretical support. The outline of the assessment mechanism is decided by consulting with the specialists. Finally, the questionnaires and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are adopted to determine the assessment items and weights.
By testing fifty construction companies, the reliability and practicability of the assessment mechanism can be proved. The testing results reveal that the construction companies generally pay more attention to quality and security management in sequence. The environment management is the weakest.
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究目的1
1.2 研究內容3
1.3 預期成果4
第二章 營造評鑑制度及評鑑結果分析5
2.1 評鑑與評估之意議5
2.2 國內評鑑制度之分類6
2.3 國內工程評鑑制度之比較8
2.3.1 施工品質評鑑9
2.3.2 優良工程評鑑12
2.4 廠商評鑑制度13
2.4.1 優良廠商評選13
2.4.2 廠商資格評鑑15
2.5 國外營造業評鑑制度16
2.5.1 國外工程評鑑制度16
2.5.2 國外營造廠商預審及評鑑制度18
2.6 國內公共工程品質評鑑之結果分析20
2.6.1 歷次公共工程品質評鑑結果20
2.6.2 我國營造業勞動檢查辦法及檢查結果22
2.6.3 我國營造業污染管制辦法及管制結果25
2.6.4 歷次優良廠商評選結果27
2.7 國內外各類品質獎勵制度30
2.7.1 國內品質獎30
2.7.2 國外品質獎33
2.8 結論37
第三章 公共工程營造廠商評鑑制度之研究規畫38
3.1 研究流程38
3.2 績效評估概述42
3.2.1 績效評估之意義42
3.2.2 績效之評估方法43
3.2.3 績效之評估步驟46
3.3 層級分析法46
3.3.1 層級分析法的特性及目的47
3.3.2 層級與要素47
3.3.3 層級分析法的評估尺度49
3.3.4 層級分析法相對權重之計算及一致性檢定50
3.3.5 層級分析法的進行步驟53
3.4 資料包絡分析法54
3.4.1 資料包絡分法的原理54
3.4.2 資料包絡分法之特性58
3.4.3 投入產出項之選取60
3.4.4 分析模式及參數設定62
3.4.5 資料包絡分析法之使用程序64
第四章 營造廠商管理效能評鑑制度之建立66
4.1 評鑑項目與細項66
4.1.1 評鑑項目66
4.1.2 評鑑細項67
4.2 評鑑制度架構74
4.3 評鑑細項權重分析79
4.3.1 問卷調查79
4.3.2 問卷調查結果分析80
4.3.3 評鑑細項權重配分90
4.4 評分準則94
4.4.1 評分標準94
4.4.2 評鑑結果計分方法106
4.5 營造廠商管理效能評鑑要點107
4.6 營造廠商管理效能評鑑制度試評108
4.6.1 廠商評鑑結果分析109
4.6.2 資料包絡分析法分析廠商評鑑結果112
4.6.3 結論115
第五章 結論與建議116
5.1 結論116
5.2 建議118
附錄A 營造廠商管理績效評鑑項目權重問卷表
附錄B 營造廠商管理效能評鑑辦法評估標準
附錄C 以資料包絡分析法分析廠商之管理效能
附錄D 營造廠商管理效能評鑑制度評分記錄表
附錄E 重訂台灣地區營造業評鑑辦法(草案)
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