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研究生(外文):Liao Yi-Ching
指導教授(外文):C.F. Ouyang
外文關鍵詞:Oxygen transportationreaerationsewerpipeline
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本研究以長21.7m直徑0.15m的下水道模型探討管內重力流的傳輸係數(KL)與擴散係數(D)。並於馴養微生物膜後監測水質變化,取得水質變化參數以供生物動力模式之應用。模式中討論SF (fermentable readily biodegradable)、SA (volatile fatty acide)、XBW (heterotrophic active biomass in water phase)、XS1 (hydrolysible substrate,fast biodegradable)、XS2 (hydrolysible substrate,slowly biodegradable)與 Dc (dissolved oxygen)的水質變化,生物反應過程包括:水體內好氧生長(Aerobic growth in bulk water)、生物膜內好氧生長(Aerobic growth in biofilm)、維持最小能量需求(Maintenance energy requirement) 、好氧水解(Aerobic hydrolysis)、厭氧水解(Anaerobic hydrolysis)、水體與生物膜內之發酵(Fermentation in bulk water and biofilm)與再曝氣(Reaeration)等程序。研究發現氧傳輸KL值與能量消散(Energy dissipation)、流速(Velocity)及平均水力深度(mean hydraulic depth)有關。擴散係數(D)與流速(Velocity)之關係式為:D=AeBU。模式經實驗模場標定後有非常高的相關性。實驗結果可用以討論下水道現場的溶氧與水質變化。
The overall oxygen transfer coefficient (KL) and diffusion coefficient (D) of gravity flow are determined in a 21.7m long and 0.15 diameter experimental sewer. Monitoring the change of water quality after seeding, and put the water quality datas in use biological dynamics model. The discussion of water quality factors in model including SA(fermentable readily biodegradable), SA (volatile fatty acide), XBW(heterotrophic active biomass in water phase), XS1 ( hydrolysible substrate , fast biodegradable), XS2 (hydrolysiblesubstrate , slowly biodegradable) and Dc(dissolved oxygen). All of biological process in model are including Aerobic growth in bulk water, Aerobic growth in biofilm, Maintenance energy requirement, Aerobic hydrolysis, Anaerobic hydrolysis, Fermentation in bulk water and biofilm and Reaeration. The experimental results show that oxygen transfer coefficient (KL) are related with diffusion coefficient, velocity and mean hydraulic depth. The relationship with diffusion coeffieient (D) and velocity (U) are D=AeBU. The Model are calibrated by experimental sewer, and both of them have a high correlation. Finally, the results can discuss in oxygen tranfer and water quality changed in field.
第一章 前言
第二章 文獻回顧與理論分析……………………………………
2.1 渠道水質模式……………………………………………….4
2.2 再曝氣係數KL模式………………………………………….7
2.3 擴散係數基本理論………………………………………….11
2.3.1 FICK’S Law…………………………………………..11
2.3.2 Fick’s second Law………………………………….11
2.3.3 濃度剖面之推導…………………………………….13
2.4 生物動力學基本理論……………………………………….14
2.4.1 微生物生長………………………………………….14
2.4.2 基質限制生長……………………………………….14
2.4.3 細胞生長與基質利用……………………………….15
2.6 水質模式中各參數分析方法……………………………….24
2.7 水質模式之建構……………………………………………27
第三章 實驗設備與方法
3.1 實驗模廠與設備…………………………………………….29
3.2 實驗分析方法與設備……………………………………….34
3.3 實驗基質與生物膜培養……………………………………36
3.5 實驗步驟…………………………………………………….40
3.5.2 水質試驗…………………………………………….41
第四章 結果與討論
4.1.1 曝氣係數之分析…………………………………….42
4.3.1 平均水力深度(dm)…………………………………..63
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論………………………………………………………….85
5.2 建議………………………………………………………….87
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