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研究生(外文):Ching-Chiang Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Dynamic and Static Analyses of Two Dimensional Deformable Discrete System
指導教授(外文):Chung-Yue WangJopan Sheng
外文關鍵詞:Discontinuous Deformation AnalysisFEMcontacttime integration schemeskylinenode renumbering
  • 被引用被引用:14
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In the analysis of the dynamic contact problem of a multibody system, contact locations among discrete bodies may change due to the sliding and the translation of blocks. This variation of contact locations during motion leads to some computational difficulties in the analysis by applying the conventional finite element method (FEM). To handle the kinematics of multibody system, a method so-called the Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA) method was introduced by Shi in the past decade. However, the constant strain field inside each block modeled by the DDA method is not capable to simulate complicated deformation behaviors of blocks of irregular shapes. Therefore, a numerical method by combining the FEM and the DDA method is developed in this thesis to well simulate the dynamic contact behaviors of two-dimensional deformable discrete system.
Finite element mesh of mixed constant strain triangle elements and four-node isoparametric elements can be patched on each block to approximate the displacement field. The system of governing equations is derived by the principle of virtual work and the updated Lagrangian description. This kind of formulation is prepared for the analysis of the multibody dynamic with material and geometrical nonlinearities.
A multi-layer contact searching technique is developed based on the contact detection techniques of DDA method and characters of the finite elements patched on blocks. Penalty method is adopted to maintain the in-penetrability constraint between contacting blocks. A normal contact matrix and a shear contact matrix, which are unrelated to the element shape function, are derived based on the nodal force concept. These two contact matrices together with a two-stage friction force treatment technique can effectively model the contact and separation conditions during motion.
To handle the inertial effect, a collocation time integration scheme that is suitable for the discrete system, is also derived in the thesis. Sets of collocation time integration parameters for static and dynamic analyses are suggested after a through study of the stability, accuracy and high frequency dissipation characters of the proposed time integration scheme.
Based on the character of the node-to-edge contact detection basic unit used in the contact analysis, a special type contact element is formed once the contact condition occurs. This type of element provides the stiffness expressed by the elements of the normal and shear contact matrices to the stiffness matrix of the global system. Since the contact locations are changing during the motion, the bandwidth of the coefficient matrix of the governing equations is also changed passively. Hence, an adaptive skyline solver combined with a nodal renumbering technique is proposed to effectively reduce the memory size and computation time for the simulation. The nodal renumbering technique can be used for the analysis of problems with fracture and fragmentation features.
The selection of a suitable penalty number for the contact analysis is an art during the past decades. In this thesis, an energy consistency technique is proposed to adaptively adjust the penalty value of the contact spring during the iteration process within a time step. This technique is valid for both the normal and the shear contact conditions.
A computational code, which is capable of simulating the dynamic and static contact behaviors of two-dimensional deformable discrete system, is developed based on all the forementioned techniques. The efficiency and accuracy of this code are verified by the results of numerical simulations of some benchmark problems.
第一章 前言
1-1 研究動機
1-2 研究方法
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 有限元素法(FEM)
2-2 分離元素法( DEM)
2-3 不連續變形分析法(DDA)
2-4 有限元素法和不連續變形分析的比較
第三章 不連續變形分析法(DDA)及塊體附貼有限元的理論
3-1 不連續變形分析的理論
3-2 增量式的描述及虛功方程
3-3 有限元三角形常應變、四邊形等參元的形狀函數及對應的線性和非線性應變-位移矩陣
3-4 有限元的彈性矩陣及幾何勁度矩陣
3-5 限制條件的推導
3-6 外力向量的推導
3-7 結論
第四章 塊體附貼有限元的接觸模擬
4-1 塊體的接觸預估
4-2 塊體的接觸、資料建立和迭代的處理
4-3 正向接觸矩陣
4-4 剪向接觸矩陣
4-5 摩擦力向量
4-6 結論
第五章 塊體附貼有限元的慣性處理
5-1 DDA的慣性處理
5-2 配點時間積分法的慣性處理
5-3 時間積分的穩定性
5-4 分離系統的靜態模擬
5-5 時間積分的正確性
5-6 配點時間積分法的位移增量公式
5-7 數值算例
5-8 結論
第六章 塊體附貼有限元動態接觸變寬帶的處理
6-1 變寬帶的定義及分解
6-2 對稱變寬帶矩陣的克雷斯基(Cholesky)分解法及SOR、共軛梯度法的上三角形方式儲存
6-3 矩陣變寬帶的儲存、容量計算及元素引用
6-4 有限元變寬帶的處理法
6-5 塊體貼附有限元動態接觸變寬帶的處理
6-6 結論
第七章 塊體附貼有限元動態接觸變寬帶的結點重新編號
7-1 結點的編號與對應矩陣元素的排列關係
7-2 圖形資料的表示法
7-3 矩陣的帶寬及包圍量
7-4 RAM( Reverse Cuthill-McKee)法的結點重新編號
7-5 反向排列的原因和包圍量的求法
7-6 有限元網格的結點排序法
7-7 塊體附貼有限元動態接觸變寬帶的結點重新編號
7-8 結論
第八章 程式驗證及數值算例
8-1 懸臂梁自由端受集中載重的變位模擬
8-2 含圓洞平板受軸向均勻拉力作用的孔邊應力集中問題
8-3 基礎承載問題的模擬
8-4 懸臂梁受到均佈載重和剛性面接觸的變位模擬
8-5 長方形桿件受均勻拉力的動、靜態模擬
8-6 一維直桿受持續外力作用和兩直桿追撞的模擬
8-7 下滑塊體位移和速度的驗證
8-8 動態接觸接觸變寬帶和上三角滿矩陣處理的比較
8-9 塊體附貼有限元動態接觸變寬帶結點重新編號的有效性
8-10 七個塊體所組成拱的動態模擬
8-11 斜面上多個塊體受重力作用的動態模擬
第九章 結論與建議
9-1 結論
9-2 建議和未來發展方向
附錄 A 接觸彈簧的處理
附錄 B 接觸判斷流程圖
附錄 C 塊體附貼有限元處理流程圖
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1. 11. 邱進益,民國86年,"積極實踐心靈改革,建構民主效率政府",人事月刊,25卷,3期,頁18-23,九月。
2. 31. 潘浙楠,民國85年,"推行TQM常遇到的問題及其解決之道",品質管制月刊,頁34-37,七月。
3. 35. 魏啟林,民國87年,"顧客導向的政府",人事月刊,27卷,4期,頁20-22,十月。
4. 34. 鄭博文,民國86年,"落實品管圈活動以提升行政機關之服務品質",研考雙月刊,21卷,6期,頁26-44,十 二月。
5. 33. 鄭興弟,民國83年,"行政機關績效評估",研考雙月刊,18卷,5期,頁8-14,十月。
6. 32. 廖德福,民國87年,"TQM-政府改造與國家永續發展之道",品質管制月刊,頁61-68,九月。江大樹,民國 85年,"國家競爭力與政府再造",國家政策雙週刊,142期,頁13-14,七月。
7. 15. 陳金貴,民國87年,"結合效率與民主的人事政策:政府再造中人力再造計畫的探討",公務人員月刊,28期 ,頁3-21,十月。
8. 12. 孫本初,民國84年,"美國聯邦政府全面品質管理評審標準之概述",研考雙月刊,19卷,2期,頁45-56,四 月。
9. 30. 楊百島,民國87年,"推動政府再造的激勵培訓策略與作法",人事月刊,26卷,1期,頁40-49,一月。
10. 26. 楊錦洲,民國86年,"全面品質管理縱橫觀",管理雜誌,272期,頁76-78,二月。
11. 24. 黃臺生,民國83年,"行政革新:英國的經驗(下)",人事月刊,20卷,1期,一月。
12. 23. 黃臺生,民國83年,"行政革新:英國的經驗(上)",人事月刊,19卷,5期,十一月。
13. 21. 陳國齊,民國83年,"如何健全機關組織,精簡員額,以提升行政效率之研究(下)",人事月刊,18卷,2 期,頁48-52,二月。
14. 20. 陳國齊,民國83年,"如何健全機關組織,精簡員額,以提升行政效率之研究(上)",人事月刊,18卷,1 期,頁20-29,一月。
15. 19. 陳庚金,民國86年,"提升國家競爭力落實推動工作簡化",人事月刊,24卷,3期,頁4-9,三月。