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研究生(外文):Lin Chih-Tsung
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures With Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) Patches
外文關鍵詞:Reinforced Concrete (RC)Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) PatchConfineDurability
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研究的目地及結果為建立評估RC 材料構件經CFRP補強後的承載能力的模式及方法,並討論其使用之耐久性,因而增強本土材料在土木結構工程補強實用的可靠性。
Strengthening of RC structures has been an important issue in civil engineering nowadays. The implementation of structural strengthening with CFRP patches is a new trend in the world. How to keep up with the latest development in the world with localized construction materials has been a major consideration in Taiwan. Therefore, in this research, the application of CFRP patches developed by the Institute Technology Research Industrial (ITRI) to RC structures is studied to analyze and evaluate the strengthening results.
A series of confined columns and beams with different patched scheme are used to investigate the patched capacity and further mechanism. Durability of reinforcement is also studied in this research. To understand the strengthening mechanisms from the experiments, the explanation of related data and survey of theoretical background, the preparation of specimens, and the evaluation of the tests were conducted. An analysis model was determined and matched the results quite well which is of value for further study of the performance of this strengthening technique. The results of this research show that IITR''s patches demonstrate the capability for the purpose of strengthening considerations.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景
1.2 國內外發展現況
1.3 鋼筋混凝土結構的損害及補強
1.4 碳纖維的簡介
1.5 研究方法及目的
第二章 束圍補強的研究
2.1 研究的動機 及目的
2.2 相關文獻暨研究
2.3 試驗及結果
2.4 強度公式之建立
2.5 結果與討論
第三章 樑強度補強的研究
3.1 前述
3.2 相關文獻暨研究
3.3 貼片補強分析理論
3.4 試驗
3.5 討論
第四章 CFRP 補強耐久性的研究
4.1 研究的動機及目的
4.2 相關文獻暨研究
4.3 環境影響因素
4.4 研究方法
4.5 試驗
4.6 討論
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論
5.2 建議
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