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研究生(外文):Hsi-Chiuen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Reducing Cache Conflicts by Multi-Level Cache Partitioning and Array Elements Mapping
指導教授(外文):Jang-Ping SheuYu-Chee Tseng
外文關鍵詞:cache localitiestemporal reusespatial reuseAtom
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單一處理器的執行效能受到快取(cache)記憶體中資料命中率(hit rates)的影響很大。在許多科學及工程的計算上,常出現因程式行為模式及陣列宣告方式的搭配不當而導致快取記憶體發生碰撞。因此,我們發展出一套方法,對最內層迴圈的存取模式作分析,並改寫程式,使其執行時大量減少快取記憶體的碰撞。我們的方法將適用於含有affine function的任意迴圈程式,根據存取資料量與快取記憶體大小的關係,我們以不同的策略來安排陣列資料在多層快取記憶體的擺放方式,以使此方法的overhead最小,而增進的效能最大。我們以direct-mapped cache 的多層快取記憶體對映方式為研究之基礎,並且以Atom1 模擬軟體為工具,撰寫一個模擬器來模擬direct-mapped cache 的多層快取記憶體對映模式。以我們所研發的方法,將陣列元素安排在快取記憶體的相對位置後,並以模擬器來觀察快取記憶體的執行狀態,實驗結果顯示,快取記憶體之未命中率(miss rate)可大幅的減低,進而縮短程式執行的時間。

This paper presents an algorithm to reduce cache conflicts and improve
cache localities. The proposed algorithm analyzes the reference pattern of
innermost loop, partitions the multi-level cache into several parts with
different size, and then maps array data onto the scheduled cache positions
such that cache conflicts can be eliminated. To reduce the memory overhead for
mapping arrays onto partitioned cache, methods for array redeclaration and
program transformation are also developed. Besides, we combine the loop tiling
and the proposed schemes to improve the cache performance for those programs
that the amount of accessing elements of innermost loop is larger than cache
partitioned size. The developed scheme can be applied to arbitrary loops
programs whose array accessing functions are affine. To demonstrate that our
approach is effective at reducing number of cache conflicts and exploiting
cache localities, we use Atom as
tool to simulate the
behavior of direct-mapped cache. Experimental results show
that applying our cache partition scheme can largely reduce the cache
conflicts and thus save program execution time in both one-level cache
and multi-level cache hierarchies.

1 Introduction
2 Basic Concept
3 Preliminaries and The Algorithms
3.1 One Level Cache Hierarchy
3.2 Multi-Level Cache Hierarchy
3.2.1 The algorithm
4 Related Works
5 Performance Study
6 Conclusion Remark and Future Work

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