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研究生(外文):Tzong-Dar Wu
論文名稱(外文):A study of the electromagnetic scattering model for randomly rough surface and its applications
指導教授(外文):M. K. TsayK. S. Chen
外文關鍵詞:multiple scatteringFresnel reflection coefficientmulti-scale surfacecomplementary field coefficient
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近年來由所提出的積分方程模式是一個適用範圍更廣的模式,它同時也涵概了兩個以往常用的理論模式。然而若要使得此模式更趨完整精確,有幾個問題尚待修正。其中之一是模式的推導中曾對格林函數的波譜表示式做近似簡化。1997年Dr. Fung所發表的文章中曾探討這個問題並重新修正積分方程模式。然而在其推導過程中,仍然採用舊的近似法來計算模式中的補償場係數。為了得到更加精確的積分方程模式,我們推導出新的補償場係數,且將整個積分方程模式加以整理。將此更精確模式與1997年所發表的模式比較,我們可以發現在地表粗糙起伏偏大時,兩者結果之差距會明顯表現出來。
Recently, the Integral Equation Model (IEM) developed for rough surface scattering has been widely used to interpret the measured data from laboratory-controlled experiments and field measurements. Satisfactory results between model and data were reported in the literatures. In this dissertation, two simplifying approximations made in the derivation of IEM are investigated for further improvements of model itself and its applications.
First of all, a more complete expression of the multiple scattering terms in IEM model is developed by removing a simplifying assumption in the spectral representation of the Green''s function used in the scattered field expression of the IEM. The complementary field coefficients in IEM are rederived based on a new surface slope expression. As a result, the effects of multiple scattering can be estimated more accurately. Numerical calculations and comparisons with numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the results.
Next, instead of the traditional approximations of the Fresnel reflection coefficients used in scattering models, which are only applicable in either a perfectly smooth or a perfectly rough surface, a new reflection coefficient model for an irregular boundary is proposed to account for the roughness dependency. It is demonstrated that the traditional approximations which replace the local incident angle in the Fresnel reflection coefficients, depending on the cases of interest, by either the incident angle or the angle along the specular direction, are special cases of the new model. In our comparisons, when the new reflection coefficient model are incorporated into the IEM, excellent agreements with both simulated data and laboratory measurements are obtained, proving the effectiveness of the new model.
Since the IEM model has been developed to cover a wide range of surface roughness, it thus allows us to study the scattering properties of multiscale rough surfaces in more detail. The insufficiency of using a correlation length to characterize the horizontal scale of the roughness is pointed out and its effect on the backscattering behavior is also discussed. It is concluded that the general description of a multiscale rough surface with a correlation length may not be appropriate to characterize the wave scattering behavior, and, even worse, may lead to misunderstanding of the scattering properties.
Finally, the revised IEM model is applied to the problem of retrieval of parameters from a rough surface. A dynamic learning neural network is used to perform the inversion of surface parameters, where the necessary training data sets are generated using the IEM model. Parameters to be inverted include surface roughness in horizontal and vertical scale and dielectric constant. Applications of the inversion scheme to co-polarized measurements of both laboratory experiment and AIRSAR data result in estimated values of surface parameters for soil surface that compare favorably with the ground truth.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives
2 Integral Equation Model
2.1 Estimation of Surface Tangential Fields
2.2 Far-Zone Scattered Field and Scattering Coefficients
2.3 The Simplifying Approximations in the IEM Model
3 A New Expression for the Multiple Scattering in the IEM Model
3.1 Formulation of the Problem
3.2 Numerical Illustrations and Discussion
4 A Reflection Coefficient Model for a Dielectric Irregular Boundary
4.1 The Fresnel Reflection Coefficients
4.2 Model Development
4.3 Validation by Comparisions with the Moment Method
4.3.1 The Effect of Surface Spectrum on the Transition Behaviors
4.3.2 The Effect of Surface Dielectric and RMS Slope on The Transition Behavious
4.4 Validation by Comparisons with Labroatory Measurements
5 The Scattering Properties of Multiscale Rough Surfaces
5.1 Characterization of Two-Scale Rough Surface Scattering
5.2 A Study of Backscattering from Modulated Rough Surface
5.2.1 Analysis of Surface Correlation and Roughness Spectra
5.2.2 Backscsattering Behavior
6 Inversion of Soil Surface Parameters by a Neural Network Trained with the IEM Model
6.1 Earlier Literature Review
6.2 Retrieval Scheme and Sensitivity Analysis
6.3 Numerical Illustrations
6.4 Applications to Labratory Measurement and SAR Data
7 Conclusions
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