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研究生(外文):Ming Kung Hsh
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Parasitic Capacitances and Reducing Leakage Current of Large-Area Silicon Detectors
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Wong Hong
外文關鍵詞:silicon detectorSPDONOparasitic capacitanceleakage currentguard ringCMSSSD
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本論文首先研製大面積單面具複晶矽偏壓電阻之交流耦合矽帶電粒子偵測器,且採用多層結構(Oxide-Nitride-Oxide)的介電質取代傳統的二氧化矽充當交流耦合電容的介電質,以提高崩潰電壓及製造良率,降低針孔(pinhole)密度,並使元件能通過高溫高溼的環境測試。本矽偵測器採用雙層金屬引線,以高阻值 [111] 方向之四吋晶片為基板。其製程分為九個大步驟,共需六道光罩。
我們也利用test keys量測與DEVICI模擬,成功找出本偵測器各寄生電容的近似值。另外,各輸出通道的電容值也被量測出來。配合估計出的各寄生電容值,可以得知寄生電容之間的關係,並可確認本矽偵測器在金屬導線方面的設計能獲得較高的訊雜比。
再者,我們探討矽偵測器低漏電流的製程,利用不同的P+ 型摻雜濃度與擴散深度,及絕緣層製作元件並比較其特性。實驗結果簡述如下:
1. P+型摻雜濃度對於漏電流只有在低偏壓下時稍有影響。在高偏壓情形時,其影響並不顯著。
2. P+型摻雜擴散深度對於漏電流大小及崩潰電壓具有顯著的影響。較深的擴散深度可使漏電流降低並減少崩潰現象發生。
3. 由於熱應力的影響,絕緣層也會提高漏電流。實驗發現,將二氧化矽絕緣層蝕刻去除後的樣品具有較小的漏電流與較少的崩潰現象。
另外,防護圈 (guard ring) 結構也被採用來降低漏電流。防護圈能夠有效降低接面轉角處的電場,因而獲得較低的漏電流。

Large-area single-sided silicon detectors (silicon pad detector and silicon strip detector, SPD&SSD) with coupling capacitors and polysilicon bias resistors had been designed and fabricated. The parasitic capacitors in a silicon detector were investigated. It was found that the overall capacitance at the readout terminal of a SPD functional channel was contributed mainly by the parasitic capacitance due to IMD (inter-metal dielectric) between the signal line (metal-2) and metal-1 pad. So, the thickness and dielectric constant of IMD should be properly selected to reduce this parasitic capacitance. Also, as compared with the result of a previous study, the obtained SPD had a lower and uniform overall capacitance at the readout terminal, and hence a higher S/N ratio.
In the studies to reduce the leakage current of a CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), it was found that a higher p+ implantation dosage could only reduce slightly the detector leakage current in lower-voltage range. On the other hand, the deeper p+-strip diffusion benefited the leakage-current reduction significantly, but a deeper diffusion needed a longer high-temperature process time. Also, the dielectric layer on the p+-strip increased the detector leakage current obviously, possibly, due to thermal stress.
Besides, a single guard ring was also adapted to reduce the leakage current of a silicon detector. The electric field at the corners of the junction could be reduced effectively by the presence of the guard ring.

2.1 Fundamental Considerations 4
2.2 Design 11
2.3 Fabrication Processes 13
3.1 Parasitic Capacitor 25
3.2 Test-Key Measurements 26
3.3 Simulation 27
3.4 Discussion 29
3.5 Summaries 34
4.1 CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) 44
4.2 Experiments and Measurement 45
4.3 P+ Implantation Dosage 46
4.4 P+ Diffusion Depth 49
4.5 Dielectric on Strips 52
4.6 Guard Ring 54
4.7 Summaries 56
Chapter 5 CONCLUSIONS 72

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