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研究生(外文):Chien Kun Huang
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of the Emission Characteristic of Air Pollutants in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator
指導教授(外文):Moo Been Chang
外文關鍵詞:IncineratorHeavy metalsAPCDParticulate matterChlorineCarbon
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本研究係針對國內A、B兩座大型都市垃圾焚化廠探討煙道氣中粒狀物、酸性氣體氯化氫及溫室效應氣體排放特性,並推估碳及氯於整廠分佈中的特性及煙道微粒分階粒徑的重金屬含量及粒徑分佈之特性。此外並初步探討垃圾焚化過程之能量分佈。A、B兩廠的空氣污染防制設備分別為旋風集塵器、乾式注入法串聯袋濾式集塵器及靜電集塵器串聯濕式洗煙塔。由分階衝擊器採樣分析結果得知A、B兩廠在APCD前的粒徑分布具雙峰特性,粒狀物濃度在APCD前分別為2,965及3,094 mg/Nm3,煙囪之平均濃度分別為2.31及8.01mg/Nm3,去除效率可達99.50%以上,而兩廠之粒狀物排放係數分別為12.01及37.76 g/ton。A、B兩廠之CO2排放係數分別為980及899 kg/ton waste。A、B兩廠APCD前以分階慣性衝擊器採樣所採集之不同粒徑微粒中重金屬Pb、Zn、Cd及Cu之平均濃度分佈,其中Pb、Zn及Cu含量隨著粒徑增加而有明顯下降趨勢,而Cd含量隨著微粒粒徑增加而有略為下降之趨勢。由A、B採集到之0.61~10.9 mm微粒中,Zn的濃度最高,兩廠皆達200 mg/g以上,重金屬濃度含量依次分別為:Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd。A、B兩廠氯化氫在APCD前之平均濃度為265及232 ppm,A、B兩廠去除效率分別為88.8%及93.5%。A廠垃圾進料中氯含量推算為0.53%,B廠為0.72%。A廠垃圾進料中碳含量為27.67%,B廠為21.74%。在B廠能量分佈方面,焚化爐爐體部份所得之熱能約為17,500,000 kcal/hr,底灰帶走熱能佔總輸入熱能0.91%,鍋爐吸收熱能佔68.12%左右,即13,500,000 kcal/hr,相當於15 MW的發電量。靜電集塵器集塵灰排放出0.08%的熱能。廢氣經由靜電集塵器串聯洗滌塔後所損失的熱能約2,370,000 kcal/hr,佔總輸入熱能11.55%左右;煙囪出口處由於預熱空氣帶入熱能2,340,000 kcal/hr左右,故從煙囪部份所排出之熱能約為3,100,000 kcal/hr,佔15.42%左右。
Two municipal solid waste incinerators(MWIs)equipped with different air pollution control device (APCD) were selected for conducting flue gas sampling to determine the particle size distribution and heavy metal concentrations on particles with different sizes by U.S. EPA Method 5 and Andersen Mark III Cascade Impactor. MWI-A is equipped with cyclone, dry lime scrubbing system with fabric filter while MWI-B is equipped with electrostatic precipitators (ESP) followed by wet scrubbers for removing air contaminants in flue gas. Results indicated that particulate and heavy metal for the APCD inlet of MWI-A and MWI-B have bimodal form on mass conc. versus particle sizes. Concentrations of particulate matter at the inlet of APCD for both incinerators (MWI-A and MWI-B) were 2,965 and 3,094 mg/Nm3, respectively. The particulate matter removal efficiencies of two MWIs were higher than 99.5%. Emission factors of particulate matter were 12.01 and 37.76 g/ton-waste at MWI-A and MWI-B, respectively. Based on the mass concentrations and emission rate at each location, the mass percentage of carbon and chlorine element in MSW was estimated by back calculation method. Carbon content of municipal solid waste was 27.67% and 21.74% while chlorine content was 0.53 and 0.72% for MWI-A and MWI-B, respectively. The average HCl concentrations in front of APCD were 265 and 232 ppm at MWI-A and MWI-B, respectively. HCl concentrations of stack were 30 and 15 ppm and HCl removal efficiency were 88.8% and 93.5% for MWI-A and MWI-B, respectively. The results of energy balance calculation indicate that the rate of energy input are 17,500,000 kcal/hr based on the LHV value of 1,800 kcal/kg for one incinerating unit at MWI-B. Energy distribution analysis demonstrates that heat loss of incinerator, boiler absorption amount, heat loss of APCD and heat emission from stack are 3.74%, 68.12%, 11.55% and 15.42% of total energy input, respectively.
第一章 前 言
1.1 研究緣起
1.2 研究目的與範疇
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 焚化過程
2.2 氯對焚化系統之影響
2.2.1 氯對重金屬化合物之影響
2.2.2 氯對戴奧辛化合物之影響
2.2.3 氯化氫之生成潛勢
2.3 溫室效應氣體
2.3.1 溫室效應氣體及其來源
2.3.2 溫室效應氣體的特性及危害
2.3.3 臺灣地區二氧化碳排放現況
2.3.4 二氧化碳減量及控制技術
2.4 焚化灰渣的來源與特性
2.4.1 煙道微粒之物理化學特性
2.4.2 微粒粒徑分階特性
2.5 酸性氣體及粒狀物去除設備
第三章 研究設備及方法
3.1 研究設計流程
3.2 實驗設備
3.3 實驗方法
3.3.1 實驗分析流程
3.3.2 採樣位置決定及樣品保存
3.4 煙道氣中微粒採樣及分析
3.4.1 煙道採樣設備
3.4.2 採樣前處理
3.4.3 等速採樣抽引
3.4.4 微粒濃度分析
3.5 氯化氫及氯鹽
3.5.1 氯化氫採樣及分析
3.5.2 氯鹽含量分析
3.6 碳含量分析
3.7 樣品重金屬之消化處理
3.8 質量平衡計算
3.8.1 燃燒理論所需空氣量
3.8.2 垃圾中之氯及碳含量濃度之推估
3.9 能量平衡計算
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 採樣點資料
4.1.1 垃圾成份
4.1.2 煙道氣之組成分析
4.2 煙道氣分階粒徑採樣分析
4.2.1 空氣污染防制設備前後粒徑分布特性
4.2.2 都市垃圾焚化爐粒狀物之排放濃度
4.3 分階微粒重金屬分佈特性
4.4 二氧化碳、氮氧化物及氯化氫之排放特性
4.5 碳及氯元素流佈特性及垃圾中含量之推求
4.6 垃圾焚化廠能量平衡計算
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論
5.2 建議
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