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研究生(外文):Su-Jan Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Dynamic Influent Sewage Treatment in an Automatic Controlled Continuous-Flow Sequencing Batch Reactor
指導教授(外文):Shu-Liang Liaw
外文關鍵詞:single-tank continuous influent SBRautomatic supervise controlreal-time controlsimultaneously removing CarbonNitrogen and phosphorus
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傳統SBR系統之設計係假設穩態(steady-state)進流方式,另在SBR操作上通常各種操作相(厭氧、好氧及缺氧相)之反應時間固定,以達同時去除廢水中碳系、氮系及磷系污染物質的目的。但實際上,都市污水乃一進流負荷(流量、濃度)隨時間而變動之動態進流系統,因此利用固定操作相時間之操作方式,無法掌握動態反應特性,以致處理效率無法達最佳且可能導致浪費能源。因此,本研究便藉由單槽連續進流回分式(SBR)系統於非穩態進流狀況下,利用ORP與pH作為控制各操作相之參數,探討每個操作相的反應與ORP 及pH之關係,進而研擬動態進流之即時控制操作策略,以提升SBR系統效率。
動態進流即時控制結果顯示,放流水質中碳系、氮系及磷系污染物濃度較低,且較為穩定;同時對於COD可達98 %以上去除率,NH4+-N、TKN及TN去除率約97 %,PO43--P去除率高達84 %,除磷率可比連續控制操作提高約20 %左右。同時,即時控制下可以節省3.1 ~ 4.6小時/天(hr/day)的曝氣時間及30 %以上的反應槽體積。整體而言,利用即時控制處理動態進流,具有達到提高系統穩定性、提高處理效率及節省成本之優點。
The SBR was designed on the bases of steady-state inflow, and was operated with a fixed reaction-time of different operation phases (Anaerobic phase, Aerobic phase and Anoxic phase) in order to simultaneously removal Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus pollutant in the wastewater.However, the quality and quantity of a municipal wastewater are varying with time. Thus, the conventional steady-state control strategies applied in wastewater treatment plants usually can not result in best SBR performance.
The purpose of this research is to explore the interaction between every practical phase and the break point of ORP and pH in the single-tank continuous inflow SBR under the dynamic inflow. Further, more the purpose is also to find out a practical strategy to real-time control.The SBR with dynamic inflow in order to promote the performance of system.
The results showed that the break-points on ORP and pH profiles can point out the ends of Nitrification and Denitrification. Which can be used as practical construe points to real-time control this SBR. By this way, the real-time control strategy was build to carry out the process control of this SBR.
By comparing to the sequencing control, the removal efficiency of COD was up to 98% by the real-time controlled SBR. The removal efficiency of Nitrogen was also improved and up to approximate 97%.Moreover, the removal of Phosphorus was up to 84%. This findings show that the substrates removal efficiency of the real-time controlled SBR were improved.
In addition, the retention time of system can be reduced by real-time control. Which also results in the saving of aeration and system capacity.
第一章 前 言
1-1 研究緣起
1-2 研究目的
1-3 研究方法
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 典型都市污水動態進流特性分析
2-2 氮、磷去除之重要性及其機制
2-2-1 廢水中生物除氮原理
2-2-2 廢水中生物除磷原理
2-3 氮、磷併同處理程序之衝突性
2-4 SBR 處理技術
2-4-1 連續批式活性污泥法之優點
2-4-2 改良式單槽連續進流(SBR)回分式活性污泥處理系統
2-5 SBR 系統處理程序之C、N及P處理機制--ORP之應用
第三章 實驗方法與設備
3-1 研究設備
3-1-1 改良式單槽連續進流回分式活性污泥處理系統
3-1-2 研究單元設備
3-2 實驗方法
3-2-1 實驗進行式
3-3 實驗分析方法、項目與設備
3-3-1 實驗分析項目
3-3-2 水質分析方法
3-3-3 分析設備
第四章 結果與討論
4-1 穩態進流連續控制實驗結果與討論
4-1-1 系統水質參數變動趨勢
4-1-2 系統自動監測參數變動趨勢
4-1-3 水質去除率
4-2 動態進流連續控制實驗結果與討論
4-2-1 以時間為SBR系統循序控制參數操作下之水質變動特性
4-2-2 系統自動監測參數與反應特性之探討
4-3 連續控制下系統基質除特性
4-3-1 單槽連續進流連續控制下厭氧、好氧及缺氧相之碳系、
4-4 即時控制策略之擬定
4-4-1 系統ORP、pH監測參數與特徵點關係之探
4-5 動態進流即時控制下之系統特性
4-5-1 即時監控下系統水質參數變化
4-5-2 即時監控下基質去除率探討
4-5-3 各反應相操作時間變化
4-5-4 自動監測參數變動趨勢
第五章 結論與建議
5-1 結論
5-1-1 穩態進流連續控制實驗
5-1-2 動態進流連續控制實驗
5-1-3 動態進流即時控制實驗
5-2 建議
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