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研究生(外文):Lin Shu Fen
論文名稱(外文):Nitrogen and Phosphate Removal by Activated Sluge Process Combined with Biofilm System
指導教授(外文):Ouyang Chiao FeiLiu Wen Tzo
外文關鍵詞:Denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organismsphosphorus removaldenitriyingPHAs
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The biological nutrient removal process (BNR process) is the main process to treat the municipal wastewater. However, there is a conflict of SRT between phosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) and nitrifier. Additionally, the characteristic of denitrification phosphate accumulation organism (DNPAO) was not researched clearly yet. In this thesis, the comparison stability of nitrification between A2O and TNCU-I processes under the SRT is 10 days and the characteristic of DNPAO of TNCU-I was investigated.
In the experiment data of nitrification, it showed that the stability and rate of nitrification of TNCU-I was better than the A2O process. This indicated that the rotation biological contactor (RBC) did increase the nitrification efficiency and play an important role on nitrification.
In the research of phosphate accumulating organisms (PAO), it was observed that both phosphate release anaerobiclly and phosphate uptake aerobically could accumulate the PHA when the acetate was added. The PAO use acetate as the energy source directly for phosphate uptake under aerobic condition.
It was also observed that the denitrification/phosphate uptake or denitrification/phosphate release amount was influenced by the amount of intracellular polymer content. When the sludge was low intracellular polymer content and no outer carbon was added, the denitrification/phosphate uptake amount is lower. After the outer carbon was added, the denitrification amount was increased obviously, and the phosphate release and PHA accumulation were occurred. Thus, the microorganisms used acetate as carbon source directly to release the phosphate and to accumulate the PHA.
When the sludge was high intracellular polymer content and no outer carbon was added, the denitrification/phosphate uptake amount was increased as phosphate concentration in the bulk solution increased, but the PHA concentration of all batch experiments were no change. It was hypothesized that the carbon source needed for denitrification/phosphate uptake was the intracellular polymer other than PHA. After the outer carbon was added, the denitrification amount was increased, but only a few phosphate in the bulk solution was uptaken. The PHA was also accumulated as the batch experiments of low intracellular polymer.
第一章 前言1
第二章 文獻回顧4
2.1.2生物除磷8 A2O程序13 TNCU-I程序 14
2.2代謝模式之發展 15
2.2.1 The Comean / Wentzel Model及Mino Model15
2.2.2脫硝釋磷 / 脫硝攝磷之探討19
2.3聚合酵素連鎖反應器(Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR)原理24
2.3.1 PCR基本原理24
2.4變性梯度明膠電泳法(Denature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis, DGGE)之原理30
第三章 實驗設備與方法34
3.1.1 TNCU-I模廠35
3.1.2 A2O模型廠37
3.2.3好氧污泥脫硝釋磷 / 脫硝攝磷之批次實驗40
3.3 分析方法與設備44
3.3.2 分析設備45
第四章 結果與討論46
4.1 SRT=10天操作下TNCU-I及A2O程序之處理特性46
4.1.1 TNCU-I及A2O程序於SRT=10天各槽物種濃度變化比較48
4.1.2 SRT﹦10天操作下TNCU-I及A2O程序之硝化批次反應特性52
4.1.3 SRT=10天,TNCU-I與A2O處理程序之比較56
附錄D 批次試驗數據124
表2.1 生物處理脫氮作用機制(Chuang,1997)7
表2.2生物處理除磷之步驟(Jenkins, 1992)10
表2.4 PCR循環次數與DNA擴增量(Watson,1992)29
表3.1 人工合成污水之主要水質34
表3.2 人工合成基質主要成份35
表4.1 TNCU-I各試程及其操作條件47
表4.2 A2O各試程及其操作條件47
表4.3 TNCU-I各槽中物種濃度及去除效率50
表4.4 A2O各槽中物種濃度及去除效率50
表4.5 TNCU-I與A2O處理程序之除氮效率與批次硝化速率比較57
圖2.1 生物處理程序中氮的轉換4
圖2.2 厭氧/缺氧/好氧程序對於磷及氮去除模式示意圖9
圖2.3 磷蓄積菌厭氧/好氧代謝模式示意圖9
圖2.4 A2O程序示意圖13
圖2.5 TNCU-I程序示意圖14
圖2.6 Comeau / Wentzel模式之厭氧代謝 17
圖2.7 Mino模式之厭氧代謝 17
圖2.8 聚合酵素連鎖反應示意圖28
圖2.9 典型的DGGE電泳示意圖33
圖3.1 TNCU-I模廠示意圖36
圖3.2 A2O模廠示意圖37
圖4.1 TNCU-I各槽中物種濃度變化51
圖4.2 A2O各槽中物種濃度變化51
圖4.3 TNCU-I程序之污泥硝化批次實驗54
圖4.4 A2O程序之污泥硝化批次實驗54
圖4.5 TNCU-I與A2O程序之活性污泥硝化反應線性比較圖55
圖4.41 SRT=10天TNCU-I與A2O程序經PCR倍增後電泳圖103
圖4.42 DGGE結果圖103
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1. 22.黃素丹(民86),〝門診病患滿意度調查與服務品質相關因素探討〞,醫院,第30卷第2期,頁10-22。
2. 21.黃佳經(民84),〝非營利醫院的存在與經營〞,醫院,第28卷第3期,頁74-76。
3. 13.許國敏(民83),〝中小醫院的營運管理─生存危機之因應策略〞,醫院,第27卷第5期,頁64-73。
4. 10.洪麗真、郭重容、張隆鐘及薛夙君(民87),〝產科病患門診滿意度調查及作業流程改善之研究〞,醫院,第31卷第4期,頁63-72。
5. 28.謝淑芳、王如華及徐姍姍(民85),〝CQI理念之病患滿意度調查之應用〞,國防醫學,第23卷第5期,頁452-455。
6. 27.謝文輝(民83),〝中小醫院如何因應全民健保的衝擊〞,醫院,第27卷第5期,頁31-33。
7. 26.錢慶文(民83),〝全民健保實施後醫院可採行的行銷策略〞,醫院,第27卷第5期,頁24-30。
8. 23.曾倫崇(民86),〝顧客選擇醫院就診因素之研究-以行銷觀點〞,醫院,第30卷第6期,頁28-37。
9. 9.周鴻儒、高森永及陳育忠(民86),〝國軍醫院門診病患就醫選擇因素調查研究〞,國防醫學,第25卷第5期,頁423-430。
10. 7.李新亮、鄧世雄及楊興民(民86),〝在醫療保險制度與市場競爭下教會醫院如何以其特色來經營〞,醫院,第30卷第2期,頁1-4。
11. 19.黃松共(民81),〝行銷在醫療服務機構的角色〞,醫院,第25卷第6期,頁389-394。