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研究生(外文):Yao-Kuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Affection of Low-Voltage Industrial Wiring Teaching by Problem Solving Strategy in Vocational High School Level
指導教授(外文):Farn-Shing Chen
外文關鍵詞:problem solvingteaching strategiesLVIW(Low-Voltage Industrial Wiring)
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一、本研究發現問題解決教學策略對於低壓工業配線之學科知識、配線規劃與實務及故障診斷排除實務達到顯 著差異,且透過教師的訪談與學生對問題解決教學策略的看法,認為可增進學生認知、技能及情意等向度 的能力,故問題解決教學策略值得在低壓工業配線之教學上推廣。
三、不同低壓工業配線態度的學生,在低壓工業配線成就上達顯著相關。即低壓工業配線態度越傾向正向積極 態度者,在低壓工業配線成就上明顯較高;低壓工業配線態度越傾向負向消極態度者,在低壓工業配線成 就上則明顯偏低。
四、由研究發現得知學生對於電子學、電工相關法規的成績偏低,因此,教師應加強學生在此部份的專業基礎 能力。
五、學生在低壓工業配線實習中常需分析電路功能及故障診斷排除,而學生在此方面能力明顯偏低,因此在教 學上應增加學生思考、推理與分析的教學內容,藉以提昇此一部份的能力。
六、教授問題解決策略時,教師應事先對問題進行演練,在教學過程中示範,讓學生有正確的參照實例。且教 師在評量學生所完成線路的功能時,要讓學生自己操作講解,方有助於學生的學習成效。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the problem-solving of Low-Voltage Industrial Wiring (LVIW) teaching strategies on the learning effectiveness. The main categories of investigation were: (1) the learning effectiveness of LVIW using different teaching strategies (2) the relationship between the attitudes that the students hold toward LVIW and the learning effectiveness. (3) to understand the students'' views of using problem-solving strategies in teaching LVIW course.
To accomplish these research purposes, the research methods included literature study, expert interviews, and quasi-experimental design to proceed experimental teaching. Achievement tests, cognitive style tests, and questionnaires were administered to obtain the relevant research data. The Objects of this study were the sophomore students enrolled in the Department of Electricity, Tainan Industrial Vocational High School. There were two groups of objects with 24 students each. The research adopted quasi-experimental design. The process of this experiment was divided into two stages of investigation. Before assigning the experimental teaching strategies, the research first pre-tested the student objects. The subjects of pretests concluded Basic Electricity, Electronics, Electrician Drawing, Electrical Code, Domestic Wiring, and Industrial Safety & Hygiene. The purpose of pretests was to find out the differences on basic ability before assigning the experimental teaching strategies. During the process of experiment, the experimental group was delivered with problem-solving instructional strategies; the control group was experimented by traditional teaching scheme. After one month, the achievement tests I (posttest I) of LVIW was administered. The posttest I included hand-on test of wiring skills and written subject test.
The experimental instruction of second stage is follow the first stage. Two weeks latter, the achievement test II (posttest II) was administered. The posttest included Diagnoses and Trouble shooting (including static test and dynamic test), and a questionnaire investigating the students'' attitudes toward LVIW.
The statistic procedures employed for analyzing experimental data and testing the research hypotheses were; frequency distribution, t-test, ANCOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and descriptive statistic.
The conclusions and suggestions were listed as follows:
1. This investigation found that there was significant deference on problem-solving teaching strategies toward LVIW, Skill of Wiring Method, Diagnoses and Trouble Shooting. Besides, it is considered that it could improve students'' cognitive, psychomotor, and affective abilities. Therefore, problem-solving teaching strategies is valuable to be widely used in the teaching of LVIW.
2. There were no significant differences of students who were in the different group of teaching strategies, in terms of the attitudes toward confidence, preference, and usefulness.
3. The different attitudes toward LVIW held by students were significantly different in terms of the achievement in LVIW. That is, the more positive the attitudes toward LVIW, the better achievement on LVIW tests, and vice versa.
4. The students'' grades in Electronics and Electrical Code, were relatively low. Therefore, teachers should strengthen students'' basic occupational abilities in these fields.
5. During the practice of LVIW, students often need to analyze the assigned functions. However, students'' abilities in the field were obviously low. Hence, teachers should envolve more contents which can help students think, analyze, and reason, thus sharperning students'' abilities in this field.
6. Teachers should practice thoroughly according to the problem before applying problem-solving teaching strategies. Teachers should demonstrate during teaching process in order to provide students with a correct object to refer to. Meanwhile, when evaluating the performance of circuitry accomplished by students, teachers should let the students operate and explain by themselves to upgrade the learning effectiveness of students.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 研究假設
第四節 研究方法與步驟
第五節 研究範圍與限制
第六節 名詞解釋
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 技能學習之理論基礎
第二節 問題解決教學策略之理論及相關研究
第三節 高級工業職業學校電機科低壓工業配線之教學
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構
第二節 研究對象
第三節 研究設計
第四節 研究工具
第五節 教學實驗的實施
第六節 資料處理
第四章 資料分析與討論
第一節 樣本資料分析
第二節 不同教學策略在低壓工業配線學習成效上之差異性分析
第三節 低壓工業配線態度與學習成就之分析
第四節 研究假設實徵
第五節 學生對於問題解決教學策略之看法
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究發現
第二節 結論與討論
第三節 研究的建議
第四節 未來研究的建議
附錄一 問題解決教學策略對高職電機科學生「低壓工業配線」學習成效之研究低壓工業配線前測專業基礎能 力測驗預試量表前測試題
附錄二 問題解決教學策略對高職電機科學生「低壓工業配線」學習成效之研究低壓工業配線前測專業基礎能 力測驗正式量表前測試題
附錄三 高職電機科低壓工業配線之專業基礎能力前測筆試試題難易度與鑑別度分析表
附錄四 問題解決教學策略對高職電機科學生「低壓工業配線」學習成效之研究低壓工業配線成就測驗後測學 科預試量表
附錄五 問題解決教學策略對高職電機科學生「低壓工業配線」學習成效之研究低壓工業配線成就測驗後測學 科正式量表
附錄六 高職電機科低壓工業配線成就測驗後測學科試題難易度與鑑別度分析表
附錄七 問題解決教學策略對高職電機科學生「低壓工業配線」學習成效之研究低壓工業配線成就測驗後測一 術科配線規劃與實務
附錄八 台南監獄通過丙級技術士暨乙種電匠之22位樣本預試受測成績
附錄九 問題解決教學策略對高職電機科學生「低壓工業配線」學習成效之研究低壓工業配線成就測驗後測二 術科故障診斷排除實務
附錄十 問題解決教學策略對高職電機科學生「低壓工業配線」學習成效之研究低壓工業配線態度預試量表
附錄十一 問題解決教學策略對高職電機科學生「低壓工業配線」學習成效之研究低壓工業配線態度正式量表
附錄十二 學生對於低壓工業配線採用問題解決教學策略學後看法調查
附錄十三 低壓工業配線教學實驗日期及教學單元
附錄十四 問題解決相關理論、策略及實例
附錄十五 低壓工業配線問題解決教學範例
附錄十六 高職電機科低壓工業配線教師訪談記錄
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Johnson, S. D. & Thomas, R. (1994). Implications of cognitive science for instructional design in technology education. The Journal of Technology Studies, 20(1), 33-45.
Johnson, S. D.(1987). Teaching problem solving. School Shop. 15-17.
Jones, R.E.,& Wilson, K.A.(1991). Problem-solving activities for technology education . Austin, Texas:The University of Texas at Austin , Extension Instruction and Materials Center , Division of Continuing Education.
Kahney, H. (1986). Problem solving : A Cognitive approach. Bristol,PA:Open University Press.
Krathwohl, D. R., Bloom B. S. & Masia, B. B.(1964). Taxonomy of educational objectives. The classification of educational goals. HandbookII: Affective domain . New York : David McKay.
Laudon, K.C.& Laudon , J.P.(1993). Business information system: A problem-solving approach (2nd ed). Orlando,FL :The Dryden Press .293-333.
Mager, R. F.(1968). Development attitude toward learning. Palo Alot:Fearon.
Mayer, E. R,.(1989). Thinking Problem Solving. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall.
Mayer, E. R,.(1985). Learning in complex domains:a cognitive analysis of computer programming. Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 19, 89-130.
Neisser, U.(1976). Cognition and reality: Principles and implications of cognitive psychology. San Francisco: Freeman.
Newell, A., & Simon, H. A.(1972). Human Problem solving. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall.
Polya, G.(1957). How to solve it; A new method of mathematical method. Princeton, New Jersey:Princeton University Press.
Reed, S. K.(1992). Cognition:Theory and applications(3rd. ed.).Pacific Grove , California:Brooks/Cole Pulishing Company.
Reimann P. and Chi, M. T. H. (1989). Human expertise. In K. J. Gilhooly (Eds.), Human and Machine Problem Solving. New York:Plenum Press.
Rubinstein, M. F.(1975). Patterns of problem solving. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Schmidt, R. A.(1975). A schema theory of discrete motor skill learning . Psychological Review, 82 ,225-260.
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