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研究生(外文):Wu, Su-Jen
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of cooperative learning for enhancing the social skill training for children of 3rd grade pupils as individuals with poor peer relationship
外文關鍵詞:cooperative learningpeer relationshipsocial skill
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cooperative learning on the social skill training for children of 3rd grade pupils and individuals, with poor peer relationship, in an elementary school. The whole 29 students of a classroom in elementary school in Tainan city were participated in this study with single-subject experimental design, one group pretest-posttest design ,and questionnaire for evaluating the effects from the application of cooperation learning .
The results are summarized and concluded to the following points:
1. A positive agreement and acceptance was displayed by the teacher, who observed remarkable improvements in students’ peer relationship and order in class during and after the experiment of cooperative learning.
2. A common agreement and acceptance was also found among students. In the first part of the questionnaire with 13 items, all students in a range from 73% to 100% said yes when questioned if cooperative learning brought good results to their study in class. In the second part, 88% students liked to learn with their group members. Instruction of social skill training for children, discussion in a group and reward as a group were the main choices of their favorite activities in cooperative learning. The target behaviors relating to the three main ones of social skills, concentration, communication and cooperation, were learned successfully among the students in a range from 65% to 91% and reported by mutual observation in a range from 61% to 79%. Moreover, individual opinions of 2 students, having poor peer relationships, were analyzed for investigating the therapeutic effect of cooperative learning on such a sort of students. They expressed agreement and acceptance on the first part of the questionnaire and mentioned their accomplishments in the learning of social skills on the second part.
3. The statistic results from the rating scale of social skill training for children showed better peer relationship was established in the classroom as well as the two students whose peer relationship was poor.
4. Cooperative learning enhanced effective achievement of social skill training on students in whole class and the 2 students of poor peer relationships in according to the ascendant of scores from the rating scale of social skill training for children and the increase on the frequency of target behaviors happening respectively.
目 次
英文摘要……………………………………………………… III
目 次……………………………………………………... V
表 次…………………………………………….………..VII
圖 次……………………………………………………..VIII
附 錄 次……………………………………………………...IX
第 一 章 緒論……………………………………………....1
第一節 研究動機………………………...……………... 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題…………………………. 5
第三節 名詞詮釋……………………..………………... 7
第 二 章 文獻探討………………………………………. 9
第一節 合作學習………………………………………. 9
第二節 人際關係……………………………………….27
第三節 社會技巧……………………………………….38
第 三 章 研究方法……………………………………….48
第一節 研究對象……………………………………….48
第二節 研究設計……………………………………….53
第三節 研究工具……………………………………….58
第四節 研究步驟……………………………………….62
第五節 資料處理與分析……………………………..…65
第 四 章 結果與討論……………………………………. 68
第一節 兒童社交技巧變化分析……………………… 68
第二節 兒童人際關係改善情形……………………... 80
第三節 教師與學生意見調查分析……………..….… 85
第 五 章 結論與建議……………………………..…….. 96
第一節 結論……………………………………………. 96
第二節 研究限制…………………………………..…..100
第三節 研究建議…………………………………..…..101
附 錄…………………………………………………… 119
表 次
表3-1-1 學生基本資料…………………………………… 49
表3-1-2 全班學生人際關係與社交技巧
得分情形……………………………………….... 51
表3-2-1 合作學習教學流程…………………………..…. 55
表3-2-2 進步分數換算標準…………………………..…. 56
表4-1-1 學生G1-甲之專注行為資料分析…………..…. 68
表4-1-2 學生G1-甲之溝通行為資料分析………….….. 70
表4-1-3 學生G1-甲之合作行為資料分析………….….. 72
表4-1-4 學生G2-甲之專注行為資料分析………..……. 73
表4-1-5 學生G2-甲之溝通行為資料分析…………..…. 75
表4-1-6 學生G2-甲之合作行為資料分析………….…. 76
表4-2-1 兒童社交技巧量表前、後測比較………….…. 80
表4-2-2 行為困擾量表前、後測比較……………..…... 81
表4-3-1 學生合作學習意見調查結果……………...….. 91
圖 次
圖4-1-1 學生G1-甲目標行為變化情形…………….…. 69
圖4-1-2 學生G2-甲目標行為變化情形…………….…. 74
圖4-2-1 學生G1-甲社交技巧前後測變化…………..… 82
圖4-2-2 學生G1-甲行為困擾前後測變化…………….. 82
圖4-2-3 學生G2-甲社交技巧前後測變化…………..… 83
圖4-2-4 學生G2-甲行為困擾前後測變化…………..… 83
圖4-3-1 學生問卷百分比長條圖……………………..… 92
圖4-3-2 學生問卷百分比長條圖…………………..…… 92
圖4-3-3 學生問卷百分比長條圖…………………..…… 93
圖4-3-4 學生問卷百分比長條圖……………………..… 94
附 錄 次
附錄一 社會地位選填表………………………………… 119
附錄二 社交技巧教學方案……………………………... 120
附錄三 國語文作業單…………………………………… 128
附錄四 個別小考測驗單………………………………… 130
附錄五 合作技巧檢核表………………………………… 131
附錄六 小組討論觀察記錄表…………………………... 132
附錄七 教師意見調查問卷……………………………... 134
附錄八 學生合作學習意見調查表…………………….. 135
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