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研究生(外文):Chiou-Shyoung Goan
論文名稱(外文):The empirical study of counselors'''' intentions to use humor skills in counseling process
外文關鍵詞:Humor counselingHumor skillsHumorCounseling skills
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諮商歷程中諮商員意圖使用幽默技術之實證研究摘 要本研究旨在探討諮商員在諮商歷程中,意圖使用幽默技術之狀況以及經驗之覺察。本研究以曾經接受幽默諮商訓練之輔導博士二位,以及一名碩士班研究生擔任諮商員。分別與四位當事人進行十六次諮商會談,並於每次晤談結束後即對諮商員進行訪談,以蒐集該次晤談中,諮商員意圖使用幽默技術之各項資料。其中一對因當事人中途辦理休學,故實際進行完整諮商有三對。根據研究目的與問題作進一步的分析,研究發現如下:1、 根據本研究發現,三位諮商員與四位當事人在十六次的個別晤談中,諮商員使用了七十二次幽默技術。經本研究中三位評量者依據諮商員技術使用的觀點,將這三位諮商員在十六次晤談中,所使用的七十二次幽默技術,分成十五種類型。2、 就諮商歷程中,影響諮商員幽默技術使用之因素而言,由於諮商員所接個案的人格特質或問題性質等等的不同,以及諮商員所使用之幽默技術類型的差異、幽默種類、諮商員本身對幽默技術的定位等,各方面的差異,導致每位諮商員在幽默技術使用上,其影響因素各有不同;在本研究中發現,有十八種不同的因素,分別對三位諮商員幽默技術使用上,造成不同的影響。3、 就諮商員意圖使用幽默技術的時機而論,在諮商歷程中,存在著許多可以應用幽默技術介入的情境。然而在這些情境的選擇上,卻也隨著諮商員個人使用幽默技術的類型、幽默的種類、諮商員的意圖的不同而有差異。根據研究所發現的結果,三位諮商員在十六次晤談當中,意圖使用幽默技術的時機,可分成三大類型,十一種不同的時機。4、 在本研究中,僅針對諮商員在晤談進行中,使用幽默技術當時之意圖,以及當時在使用幽默技術的考量這兩方面的經驗提出探討。首先就意圖一項而言,諮商員在晤談過程中,使用幽默技術的同時,包含著多種的意圖;而這些不同的意圖,可將其分成四大類型。即促進諮商進行之意圖、輔助其它諮商技術之意圖、替代其它諮商技術之意圖,以及專屬幽默技術之意圖。若以諮商員使用幽默技術當時所考慮的因素而言,則隨著各別諮商員所使用幽默技術類型不同、當事人的特質與問題性質之差異,以及晤談當時諮商員與當事人互動的情形等因素的影響。但對於諮商關係、當事人的人格特質與覺察能力,似乎是三位諮 商員在使用幽默技術當時,共同會考慮的對象。除此之外,當諮商進展得程度愈是深入,諮商員在使用幽默技術當時所考慮的因素會逐漸減少。5、 諮商歷程中,影響諮商員可使用幽默技術之時機卻未用之因素而言,諮商員是否能夠覺察可使用的時機,為一項前置條件。若諮商員未能在當時覺察到可使用之時機,自然在晤談當中無法使用幽默技術。故本研究也僅能在諮商員覺察能力的限制下,以找出影響諮商員在可使用之時機下卻未使用的因素。諮商員晤談當時注意焦點及意圖,以及與諮商員能力相關的因素,此兩項是三位受訪諮商員共同認為是影響他們未能使用幽默技術的因素。而諮商員當時的狀態、諮商員的特質,諮商員對幽默介入諮商的態度,以及與當事人有關的因素,則分別對不同的諮商員形成不同的影響。 研究者最後依研究發現提出建議,以做為諮商員訓練、諮商員欲應用幽默技術於諮商歷程,以及未來研究之參考。關鍵字:幽默諮商、幽默技術
The empirical study of counselors’ intentions to use humor skills in counseling processChiou-Shyoung GoanAbstractThe purpose of this study was to explore counselors’ intention to use humor skills in counseling process after the counselors received the humor counseling training, and the counselors’ perceptions of experiences about using humor skills during the counseling session.Two doctors of counseling psychology and one graduate student of counseling psychology for master degree served as counselors and four college students served as clients. Each counselor and client dyad received from two to six counseling sessions.Results were as follows:1、 After the counselors accepted humor counseling training, the frequencies of counselors’ intention to use humor skills increased. From the viewpoint of counselor’s skill using, the seventy-two times humor skills used by the counselors among sixteen individual interviews into fifteen categories ,were found.2、 Owing to clients’ personal characters and characteristics of clients’ problems , the types of humor skills used by the counselors, the kinds of humors used in counseling process, and the role of humor skills which was held by the counselors in counseling, the factors which affected counselors’ using humor skills in counseling process were different. In this study, eighteen different factors that affected the three counselors’ intention to use humor skills in counseling process were found, but the mechanisms of the affection were different somewhat.3、 The moments of counselors’ using humor skills in counseling depended on the types of humor skills used by the counselors, the categories of humors used in the counseling process, and the counselors’ intentions. According to the research results, we found eleven different kinds of moments in which the three counselors intended to use humor skills in sixteen individual interviews. These moments could be divided into three types.4、 As to the intentions of counselors’ using humor skills, it might include multiple intentions when counselors used each humor skill in counseling process. And these different intentions could be divided into four types. As to the considerations when counselors used humor skills in counseling process, the factors which counselors considered would changed with the categories of humor skills used by the counselors, clients’ personal characters and characteristics of clients’ problems, and the interaction of clients and counselors during counseling sessions. It seemed that all the three counselors would consider the counseling relationship, client’s personal character, and perception ability when they used humor skills in counseling process. However, when the counseling went deeper, the counselors’ consideration of using humor skills would decrease.5、 As to the factors which affected counselors’ using humor skills when the timing was fit for counselors to use humor skills, if the counselors perceived the moment of using humor skills was the precondition. According to research findings, the three counselors couldn’t use humor skills when the timing was fit because of the counselor’ focus and intention during the interview, and their ability to use humor skills. The counselor’ condition at that time, the counselors’ character, the counselors’ attitude about humor involved into the counseling, and the clients’ factors etc had different affections to different counselors.Suggestions for the counselor training and the counselors who are using humor skills in the counseling process and further study were recommended.Keywords:Humor counseling、Humor skills
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究問題
第三節 重要名詞界定
第四節 研究限制
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 幽默概念與相關理論之探討
第二節 幽默諮商研究之發展與困難
第三節 幽默在諮商中之應用
第四節 諮商歷程中幽默技術使用之型態與意涵
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究設計
第二節 研究對象
第三節 研究工具
第四節 研究過程
第五節 資料處理
第六節 研究者角色
第四章 結果與討論
第一節 諮商歷程中諮商員意圖使用幽默技術狀況
第二節 影響諮商員意圖使用幽默技術的因素
第三節 諮商員在諮商歷程中意圖使用幽默技術的時機
第四節 諮商歷程中諮商員意圖使用幽默技術經驗之覺察
第五節 影響諮商員在諮商歷程中可使用幽默技術之時郤未用之因素
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究發現與結論
第二節 建議
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