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研究生(外文):Ru-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship of the Regeneration of Seedlings and Microclimate in Fushan Forest
指導教授(外文):Yue-Joe HsiaFu-Wen Horng
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The emergence, survival and growth of seedlings of canopy and subcanopy tree species in man made gaps were investigated at the Fushan Experimental forest. Plots in the gaps with ground cover removal treatment, no ground cover removal, and adjacent inactive forest were set up to examine the influence of microclimate and ground cover on the compositions and survival of seedlings.
The result indicated that compositions of seedlings were different between gaps and inactive forest. Amounts of recruited seedlings were indifferent to the different micro-sites. Numbers of existed seedlings in different micro-sites, however, were different in terms of species composition. Within the gaps, the existence of a ground vegetation cover showed no effect on the number of seedling with respect to each tree species. With the removal of ground cover, Eurya spp. outnumbered other tree species. Survival rate of Euryp spp. (44%) was also the lowest among all the tree species. Survival rates of seedlings were lower in plots with no ground cover removal than other two treatments. Most seedling death occurred when the seedling height was less than 5 cm. Height growth of seedlings in plots with ground cover removal was the best among the three treatments.
The microclimate of forest gaps is, of course, controlled by the prevailing large- scale climate. Variations of microclimate within plots with ground cover removal were greatest among all the treatments. In the summer, quantum fluxes (PPFD) at ground levels in the gaps could reach 600 μmole/m2/s under clear sky and 300 μmole/m2/s when it was overcast. Quantum fluxes in the gap opening were six times higher than that at gap edges and under the forest canopy. In the winter, ground level quantum fluxes in gaps with ground cover removal were down to 60 μmole/m2/s at noon when the sky is overcast. Ground level radiation in plots without ground cover removal were the same amount as under forest canopy with a value down to 20 μmole/m2/s. The existence of a dense ground cover which occurs after the gap opening has a dominant effect on the survivability and growth of seedlings. Instantaneous measurement of the PPFD in the noon indicated that the flux could reach as high as 1000 μmole/m2/s at plots without ground covers and as low as 4 μmole/m2/s at plots with dense ground covers. The red/far-red light intensity ratio (R/FR) was 1.141 at plots without ground covers and dropped to 0.3948 at plots with dense ground covers.
Measurements of ground level air temperature and soil temperature in forest gap openings showed considerable variations comparing with sites under the close forest canopy. Daily ground level air temperature range reached 38oC, with a maximum air temperature of 53.6 oC, at plots without ground covers. The lowest air temperature was recorded as 4.7 oC at the site in the closed forest. The pattern of soil temperature was similar as the air temperature with smaller variation ranges. Maximum soil temperature was 43.5 oC at plots without ground covers and minimum soil temperature (8.1 oC) occurred at plots with dense ground covers. The daily range of soil temperature was lowest under close forest cover, the ranges were less than 3 oC both in January and in July. As a conclusion, the microenvironment of the habitat of tree seedlings has close relationships with microclimate as well as the regeneration of tree seedlings.
壹、 前言…………………………………………………….1
貳、 前人研究……………………………………………….3
參、 研究方法……………………………………………...11
肆、 結果…………………………………………...….…...23
伍、 討論…………………………………………..……….54
附錄一 種子苗名錄……………………………………......….69
圖一 樣區位置圖……..……………………………………12
圖二 樣區配置圖…………………………………………..16
圖三 熱電偶溫度計電路結構圖………………………..…19
圖四 主要樹種新增種子苗平均存活時間………………...35
圖五 種子苗死亡高度與數量分布情形..……………..…...35
圖六 主要樹種種子苗死亡高度…………………………...37
圖七 主要樹種種子苗高生長情形..……………..………...37
圖八 各處理環境平均地際氣溫變化.……………………..39
圖九 各處理環境地下2cm與地下5cm平均土溫……...…..39
圖十 各處理環境平均地下2cm土溫……….…….….…… 42
圖十一 夏季(陰雨天)日輻射量的變化………...……….....…45
圖十二 冬季(陰雨天)日輻射量的變化.…….……….....…….45
圖十三 冬季(陰雨天)平均地際氣溫、土溫變化………....…46
圖十四 夏季(陰雨天)平均地際氣溫、土溫的變化……........48
圖十五 夏季(晴天)日輻射量的變化..………..……..……......49
圖十六 夏季(晴天)平均地際氣溫、土溫變化…………........50
圖十七 各處理環境光譜圖…………………….……….........53
表一 試驗期間氣象資料…………………………………............13
表二 樣區試驗處理………………………………………............15
表三 1998年3月~1999年2月間試區所有種子苗的數量變化..…24
表四 宿存種子苗的棲地與樹種分布.……………………...........26
表五 主要樹種的宿存種子苗對處理環境效應的比較分析……27
表六 不同處理環境對宿存種子苗數量的效應比較….…...........27
表七 種子苗於各處理環境與樹種分布情形……………............28
表八 主要樹種的新增種子苗對處理環境效應的比較分析……30
表九 不同處理環境對新增種子苗數量的效應比較……............30
表十 主要樹種的新增種子苗對地被層效應的比較分析............31
表十一 地被層有無對主要樹種新增種子苗的效應比較分析.…...32
表十二 主要樹種新增種子苗分布環境…………………................32
表十三 所有種子苗死亡比率……………………...…….................36
表十四 各處理環境地際氣溫比較………………………................40
表十五 各處理環境土溫比較…………………………...............….43
表十六 各處理環境地際PPFD值及RA比值……….….....................52
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