參考文獻 作者 年份 題目 出處 頁數 備註 1 Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw 1993 Eliciting knowledge and transferring it effectively to a knowledge-based system IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 5(1) Pp4-14 W 2 Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw 1996 Distributed knowledge modeling through the world wide web www.gaines@cpsc.ucalgary.ca W 3 Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw 1992 Kelly’s “Geometry of psychological space” and its significance for cognitive modeling The New Psychologist, October Pp23-31 W 4 Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw 1995 Collaboration through concept maps Bloomington, October W 5 Ellen Knapp 1997 Know how’s not easy─How to keep knowledge management from flickering out W 6 Harry Hillman Chattrand Intellectual property in the global village W 7 Karl E. Sveiby What is knowledge management W 8 Onno van Ewyk Preparing for the knowledge era W 9 Phillippe Baumard From info war to knowledge warefare : Preparing for the paradigm shift Pp1-12 W 10 Remo Pareshi Workflow management and knowledge management — Summary of the workshop on adaptive workflow held at the conference on practical applications of knowledge management Pp1-6 W 11 Tim Draper 1997 Intellectual capital measurement = Formula for disaster Stanford Hoover Institute Editorial W 12 Andrew C. Inkpen & Adva Dinur 1998 Knowledge management processes and international joint ventures Organization Science,9 Pp454-468 J 13 Anthony DiRomualdo & Vijay Gurbaxani 1998 Strategic intent for IT outsourcing Sloan Management Review ,Summer PP67-80 J 14 Dave Ulrich 1998 Intellectual capital = competence X commitment Sloan Management Review ,Winter Pp15-26 J 15 Janine Nahapiet & Sumantra Ghoshal 1998 Social capital , Intellectual capital and the organizational advance Academy of Management Review,23 Pp242-266 J 16 Ricard Larsson & Lars Bengtsson & Kristina Henriksson & Judith Sparks 1998 The interorganizational learning dilemma: Collective knowledge development in strategic alliances Organization Science,9 Pp285-305 J 17 Thomas H. Davenport & David W. De Long & Michael C. Beers 1998 Successful Knowledge management projects Sloan Management Review ,Winter Pp43-57 J 18 Robert Nobel & Julian Birkshaw 1998 Innovation in multinational corporations: control and communication patterns in international R&D operations Strategic Management Journal, 19 Pp479-496 J 19 Thomas S. Robetson & Hubert Gatignon 1998 Technology development mode: a transaction cost conceptualization Strategic Management Journal, 19 Pp515-531 J 20 Michael A. Cusumano 1997 How Microsoft makes large teams work like small teams Sloan Management Review ,Winter Pp9-20 J 21 Andrew C. Inkpen 1996 Creating knowledge through collaboration California Management Review,39,1 Pp123-140 J 22 Liam Fahey, Laurence Prusak 1998 The eleven deadliest sins of knowledge management California Management Review,Spring, 40,3 Pp265-277 J 23 Thomas H. Davenport, Philips Klahr 1998 Managing customer support knowledge California Management Review,Spring,40,3 Pp195-208 J 24 Dorothy Leonard & Sylvia Sensiper 1998 The role of tacit knowledge in group innovation California Management Review,Spring,40,3 Pp112-132 J 25 Dorothy Leonard Barton 1995 Wellsprings of knowledge 知識創新之泉(王美音譯,1998) 遠流 B 26 Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuchi 1995 The knowledge-creating company 創新求勝(楊子江,王美音譯,1997) 遠流 B 27 Joseph L. Bardaracco, Jr 1991 The knowledge link — how firms compete through strategy alliances Harvard Business School Press B 28 Thomas A. Stewart 1997 Intellectual Capital Currency Doubleday B 29 C. Jackson Grayson Jr. & Carla S. O’Dell 1998 Mining your hidden resources Across the board, April Pp23-28 A 30 Edward B. Stear 1998 The content management strategy : Don’t go to work without it Online , May/June Pp87-90 A 31 Ellen M Knapp 1998 Knowledge management Business & Economic Review,44 Pp3-6 A 32 J. Michael Pemberton ,Crm 1998 Knowledge management and the epistemic tradition Records Management Quarterly,July Pp58-62 A 33 Jim Fitchett 1998 Managing your organization’s key asset: Knowledge Healthcare Forum Journal Pp56-60 A 34 Laton McCartney 1998 Getting Smart about knowledge management Industry Week,247 pp30-37 A 35 Yogesh Malhotra 1998 Knowledge management for the new world of business www.brint.com.km/whatis.htm A 36 1997 Knowledge equals power Infoworld,19,46 Pp116-125 A 37 Ken Cottrill 1998 Turning competitive intelligence into business knowledge Journal of Business Strategy , July/August Pp27-30 A 38 Grant Miles, Raymond E.Miles, Vincenzo Perrone, Leif Edvinsson 1998 Some conceptual and research barriers to utilization of knowledge California Management Review, 40,3 Pp281-288 A 39 Tim R. V. Davis 1996 Managing knowledge-work support functions Journal of General Management 22,1 Pp68-85 J 40 Chris Marshall, Larry Prusak, David Shpilberg 1996 Financial risk and the need for superior knowledge management California Management Review, 38,3 Pp77-101 J 41 Inge C. Kerssens-Van Drongelen, Petra C. de Weerd-Nederhof , Olaf A. M. Fisscher 1996 Describing the issues of knowledge management in R&D : towards a communication and analysis tool R&D Management 26,3 Pp213-230 J 42 Water W. Powell, Kenneth W. Koput, Laurel Smith-Doerr 1996 Inter-organizational collaboration and the locus of innovation : networks of learning in biotechnology Administrative Science Quaterly,41 Pp116-145 J 43 Andrew C. Inkpen, Paul W. Beamish 1997 Knowledge , bargaining power , and the instability of international joint ventures Academy of Management Review Pp177-202 J 44 Andrew Inkpen 1998 Learning, knowledge acquisition and strategic alliances European Management Journal, 16,2 Pp223-229 J 45 Thomas H. Davenport 1998 Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system Harvard Business Review, July/August Pp121-131 J 46 Anany V. Levitin 1998 Data as a resource : properties , implication , and prescription Sloan Management Review, Fall Pp89-101 J 47 Katherine J. Klein, Joann Speer Sorra 1996 The challenge of innovation implementation Academy management Review,21,4 P1055-1080 J 48 Mary Ann Glynn 1996 Innovative genius : a framework for relating individual and organizational intelligence to innovation Academy management Review,21,4 P1081-1111 J 49 Kathleen R. Conner C.K. Prahalad 1996 A resource-based theory of the firm : knowledge versus opportunism Organization Science,7,5 Pp477-501 J 50 Haridimos Tsoukas 1996 The firm as a distributed knowledge system : a constructionist approach Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp11-25 J 51 Paul Almeida 1996 Knowledge sourcing by foreign multinationals: patent citation analysis in the U.S. semiconductor industry Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp155-165 J 52 J.C. Spender 1996 Making knowledge the basis of a dynamic theory of the firm Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp45-62 J 53 Robert M. Grant 1996 Toward to a knowledge-based theory of the firm Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp 109-122 J 54 Melissa M. Applyyard 1996 How does knowledge flow ? Interfirm patterns in the semiconductor industry Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp137-154 J 55 Ron Sanchez, Joseph T. Mahoney 1996 Modularity, flexibility, and knowledge management in product and organization design Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp63-76 J 56 J.C. Spender , Robert M. Grant 1996 Knowledge and the firm: overview Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp5-9 J 57 David C. Mowery, Joanne E. Oxley, Brain S. Silverman 1996 Strategic alliances and interfirm knowledge transfer Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp77-91 J 58 Julia Porter Liebeskind 1996 Knowledge , strategy , and the theory of the firm Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp93-107 J 59 Rashi Glazer 1998 Measuring the knower California Management Review, 40,3 Pp175-194 J 60 Gary S. Lynn 1998 New product team learning: developing California Management Review, 40,4 Pp74-93 J 61 Ikujiro Nonaka, Noboru Konno 1998 The concept of “Ba” : Building a foundation for knowledge creation California Management Review, 40,3 Pp40-54 J 62 Don Cohen 1998 Toward a knowledge context: Report on the first annual U.C. Berkeley forum on knowledge and the firm California Management Review, 40,3 Pp22-39 J 63 David J. Teece 1998 Capturing value from knowledge assets: the new economy , markets for know-how , and intangible assets California Management Review, 40,3 Pp55-79 J 64 Georg von Krogh 1998 Care in knowledge creation California Management Review, 40,3 Pp133-153 J 65 Peter C. Gridley, David J. Teece 1997 Managing intellectual capital: licensing and cross —licensing in semiconductors and electronic California Management Review, 39,2 Pp8-41 J 66 John Seely Brown , Paul Duguid 1998 Organizing knowledge California Management Review, 40,3 Pp90-111 J 67 Nicolai J. Foss 1996 Knowledge-based approaches to the theory of the firm : some critical comments Organization Science,7,5 Pp470-476 J 68 Nicolai J. Foss 1996 More critical comments on Knowledge-based theories of the firm Organization Science,7,5 Pp519-523 J 69 Michael A. Cusumano, Richard W. Selby 1996 How Microsoft competes Research/ Technology Management ,January/ February Pp26-30 J 70 Aleda V. Roth 1996 Achieving strategic agility through economics of knowledge Strategy and Leadership, March / April Pp30-37 A 71 Robert J. Hiebeler 1996 Benchmarking: knowledge management Strategy and Leadership, March / April Pp22-29 A 72 Rudy Ruggles 1998 The state of the notion California Management Review, 40,3 Pp80-89 J 73 Patricia A. Galagan 1997 Smart companies Training & Development ,December Pp21-24 A 74 David J. Skyrme & Debra M. Amidon 1998 New measures of successes Journal of Business Strategy, January/February Pp20-24 A 75 Amalya L. Oliver & Julia Porter Liebeskind 1998 Three levels of networking for sourcing intellectual capital in biotechnology International Studies of Management & Organization, 27,4 Pp76-103 J 76 Karen Ayas 1996 Professional project management: a shift towards learning and a knowledge creating structure International Journal of Project Management, 14,3 Pp131-136 J 77 Henry W. Chesbrough & David J. Teece 1996 When is virtual virtuous? Harvard Business Review, January/February Pp65-73 J 78 Raymond E. Miles, Charles C. Snow, John A. Mathews, Grant Miles, Henry J. Coleman 1997 Organizing in the knowledge age: Anticipating the cellular form Academy of Management Executive, 11,4 Pp7-19 J 79 James Brian Quinn, Philip Anderson, Sydney Finkelstein 1996 Leveraging intellect Academy of Management Executive, 11,4 Pp7-27 J 80 Graham Smart 1998 Mapping conceptual worlds : using interpretive ethnography to explore knowledge-making in a professional community Journal of Business Communication, 35,1 Pp111-127 J 81 Tim craig 1995 Achieving innovation through bureaucracy: lessons from the Japanese brewing industry California Management Review, 38,1 Pp8-36 J 82 Martin Kenny 1996 The role of information , knowledge and value in the late 20th century Futures , 28,8 Pp695-707 A 83 Marilyn Martiny 1998 Knowledge management at HP consulting Organizational Dynamics, 27,2 Pp71-77 A 84 Thomas H. Davenport & Michael C. Beers 1995 Managing information about processes Journal of Management Information System, 12,1 Pp57-80 J 85 Thomas H. Davenport ,Ernst & Young 1994 On tomorrow’s organizations: Moving forwards , or a step backwards? Academy of Management Executive ,8,3 Pp93-98 A 86 Debra M. Amidon Rogers 1996 The challenge of fifth generation R&D Research —Technology Management, July/August Pp33-41 J 87 Thomas H. Davenport , Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa & Michael C. Beers 1996 Improving knowledge work processes Sloan Management Review , Summer Pp53-65 J 88 Thomas H. Davenport 1997 Why we build systems that users don’t use Computer-world ,September 15 Pp1-11 J 89 Detmar Straub, Elena Karahanna 1998 Knowledge worker communications and recipient availability : Toward a task closure explanation of media choice Organization Science,9,2 Pp160-175 J 90 陳家聲 1998 從人的管理到智慧管理 第四屆人力資源管理教育的現況與展望, 國立中興大學 Pp20-30 J 91 Alice Lam 1997 Embedded firms, embedded knowledge : Problems of collaboration and knowledge transfer in global cooperative ventures Organization Studies, 18,6 Pp973-996 J 92 Anany V. Levitin 1998 Data as a resource: Properties, implications, and prescriptions Sloan Management Review ,Fall Pp89-101 J 93 James B. Quinn 1992 The intelligent enterprise a new paradigm Academy of Management Executive ,6,4 Pp48-63 J 94 John J. Sviokla 1996 Knowledge workers and radically new technology Sloan Management Review ,Summer Pp25-40 J 95 James B. Quinn, Jordan J. Baruch, Karen Anne Zien 1996 Software-based innovation Sloan Management Review , Summer Pp11-24 J 96 Joseph V. Anderson 1992 Weirder than fiction: the reality and myths of creativity Academy of Management Executive ,6,4 Pp40-47 J 97 James B. Quinn 1993 Managing the intelligent enterprise: knowledge & service-based strategies Planning Review, September/ October Pp13-16 A 98