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知識管理目前已成為用來描述從組織學習到資料庫管理工具的專門用詞(Ruggles,1998),是整合會計、經濟、創業、組織行為、行銷及策略等重要工作一個方便的標題(Teece, 1998)。針對各種領域與議題的知識管理研究及工作正不斷地在進行,也獲致不少的結果與發現。
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 研究限制
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 知識管理的興起
第二節 知識的相關意涵
第三節 知識管理相關議題
第四節 智慧資本
第五節 知識特性與知識管理
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構
第二節 變數說明
第三節 研究設計
第四節 問卷說明及研究假設
第四章 研究結果
第一節 基本資料分析
第二節 知識角色的差異性分析
第三節 知識特性與知識管理行為分析
第四節 智慧資本建構與知識管理表現之分析
第五節 知識管理行為與知識管理表現之分析
第六節 其他發現
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議
作者 年份 題目 出處 頁數 備註
1 Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw 1993 Eliciting knowledge and transferring it effectively to a knowledge-based system IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 5(1) Pp4-14 W
2 Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw 1996 Distributed knowledge modeling through the world wide web www.gaines@cpsc.ucalgary.ca W
3 Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw 1992 Kelly’s “Geometry of psychological space” and its significance for cognitive modeling The New Psychologist, October Pp23-31 W
4 Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw 1995 Collaboration through concept maps Bloomington, October W
5 Ellen Knapp 1997 Know how’s not easy─How to keep knowledge management from flickering out W
6 Harry Hillman Chattrand Intellectual property in the global village W
7 Karl E. Sveiby What is knowledge management W
8 Onno van Ewyk Preparing for the knowledge era W
9 Phillippe Baumard From info war to knowledge warefare : Preparing for the paradigm shift Pp1-12 W
10 Remo Pareshi Workflow management and knowledge management — Summary of the workshop on adaptive workflow held at the conference on practical applications of knowledge management Pp1-6 W
11 Tim Draper 1997 Intellectual capital measurement = Formula for disaster Stanford Hoover Institute Editorial W
12 Andrew C. Inkpen & Adva Dinur 1998 Knowledge management processes and international joint ventures Organization Science,9 Pp454-468 J
13 Anthony DiRomualdo & Vijay Gurbaxani 1998 Strategic intent for IT outsourcing Sloan Management Review ,Summer PP67-80 J
14 Dave Ulrich 1998 Intellectual capital = competence X commitment Sloan Management Review ,Winter Pp15-26 J
15 Janine Nahapiet & Sumantra Ghoshal 1998 Social capital , Intellectual capital and the organizational advance Academy of Management Review,23 Pp242-266 J
16 Ricard Larsson & Lars Bengtsson & Kristina Henriksson & Judith Sparks 1998 The interorganizational learning dilemma: Collective knowledge development in strategic alliances Organization Science,9 Pp285-305 J
17 Thomas H. Davenport & David W. De Long & Michael C. Beers 1998 Successful Knowledge management projects Sloan Management Review ,Winter Pp43-57 J
18 Robert Nobel & Julian Birkshaw 1998 Innovation in multinational corporations: control and communication patterns in international R&D operations Strategic Management Journal, 19 Pp479-496 J
19 Thomas S. Robetson & Hubert Gatignon 1998 Technology development mode: a transaction cost conceptualization Strategic Management Journal, 19 Pp515-531 J
20 Michael A. Cusumano 1997 How Microsoft makes large teams work like small teams Sloan Management Review ,Winter Pp9-20 J
21 Andrew C. Inkpen 1996 Creating knowledge through collaboration California Management Review,39,1 Pp123-140 J
22 Liam Fahey, Laurence Prusak 1998 The eleven deadliest sins of knowledge management California Management Review,Spring, 40,3 Pp265-277 J
23 Thomas H. Davenport, Philips Klahr 1998 Managing customer support knowledge California Management Review,Spring,40,3 Pp195-208 J
24 Dorothy Leonard & Sylvia Sensiper 1998 The role of tacit knowledge in group innovation California Management Review,Spring,40,3 Pp112-132 J
25 Dorothy Leonard Barton 1995 Wellsprings of knowledge
知識創新之泉(王美音譯,1998) 遠流 B
26 Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuchi 1995 The knowledge-creating company
創新求勝(楊子江,王美音譯,1997) 遠流 B
27 Joseph L. Bardaracco, Jr 1991 The knowledge link — how firms compete through strategy alliances Harvard Business School Press B
28 Thomas A. Stewart 1997 Intellectual Capital Currency Doubleday B
29 C. Jackson Grayson Jr. & Carla S. O’Dell 1998 Mining your hidden resources
Across the board, April Pp23-28 A
30 Edward B. Stear 1998 The content management strategy : Don’t go to work without it Online , May/June Pp87-90 A
31 Ellen M Knapp 1998 Knowledge management Business & Economic Review,44 Pp3-6 A
32 J. Michael Pemberton ,Crm 1998 Knowledge management and the epistemic tradition Records Management Quarterly,July Pp58-62 A
33 Jim Fitchett 1998 Managing your organization’s key asset: Knowledge Healthcare Forum Journal Pp56-60 A
34 Laton McCartney 1998 Getting Smart about knowledge management Industry Week,247 pp30-37 A
35 Yogesh Malhotra 1998 Knowledge management for the new world of business www.brint.com.km/whatis.htm A
36 1997 Knowledge equals power Infoworld,19,46 Pp116-125 A
37 Ken Cottrill 1998 Turning competitive intelligence into business knowledge Journal of Business Strategy , July/August Pp27-30 A
38 Grant Miles, Raymond E.Miles, Vincenzo Perrone, Leif Edvinsson 1998 Some conceptual and research barriers to utilization of knowledge California Management Review, 40,3 Pp281-288 A
39 Tim R. V. Davis 1996 Managing knowledge-work support functions Journal of General Management 22,1 Pp68-85 J
40 Chris Marshall, Larry Prusak, David Shpilberg 1996 Financial risk and the need for superior knowledge management California Management Review, 38,3 Pp77-101 J
41 Inge C. Kerssens-Van Drongelen, Petra C. de Weerd-Nederhof , Olaf A. M. Fisscher 1996 Describing the issues of knowledge management in R&D : towards a communication and analysis tool R&D Management 26,3 Pp213-230 J
42 Water W. Powell, Kenneth W. Koput, Laurel Smith-Doerr 1996 Inter-organizational collaboration and the locus of innovation : networks of learning in biotechnology Administrative Science Quaterly,41 Pp116-145 J
43 Andrew C. Inkpen, Paul W. Beamish 1997 Knowledge , bargaining power , and the instability of international joint ventures Academy of Management Review Pp177-202 J
44 Andrew Inkpen 1998 Learning, knowledge acquisition and strategic alliances European Management Journal, 16,2 Pp223-229 J
45 Thomas H. Davenport 1998 Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system Harvard Business Review, July/August Pp121-131 J
46 Anany V. Levitin 1998 Data as a resource : properties , implication , and prescription Sloan Management Review, Fall Pp89-101 J
47 Katherine J. Klein, Joann Speer Sorra 1996 The challenge of innovation implementation Academy management Review,21,4 P1055-1080 J
48 Mary Ann Glynn 1996 Innovative genius : a framework for relating individual and organizational intelligence to innovation Academy management Review,21,4 P1081-1111 J
49 Kathleen R. Conner C.K. Prahalad 1996 A resource-based theory of the firm : knowledge versus opportunism Organization Science,7,5 Pp477-501 J
50 Haridimos Tsoukas 1996 The firm as a distributed knowledge system : a constructionist approach Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp11-25 J
51 Paul Almeida 1996 Knowledge sourcing by foreign multinationals: patent citation analysis in the U.S. semiconductor industry Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp155-165 J
52 J.C. Spender 1996 Making knowledge the basis of a dynamic theory of the firm Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp45-62 J
53 Robert M. Grant 1996 Toward to a knowledge-based theory of the firm Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp 109-122 J
54 Melissa M. Applyyard 1996 How does knowledge flow ? Interfirm patterns in the semiconductor industry Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp137-154 J
55 Ron Sanchez, Joseph T. Mahoney 1996 Modularity, flexibility, and knowledge management in product and organization design Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp63-76 J
56 J.C. Spender , Robert M. Grant 1996 Knowledge and the firm: overview Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp5-9 J
57 David C. Mowery, Joanne E. Oxley, Brain S. Silverman 1996 Strategic alliances and interfirm knowledge transfer Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp77-91 J
58 Julia Porter Liebeskind 1996 Knowledge , strategy , and the theory of the firm Strategic Management Journal, 17 ,Winter Pp93-107 J
59 Rashi Glazer 1998 Measuring the knower California Management Review, 40,3 Pp175-194 J
60 Gary S. Lynn 1998 New product team learning: developing California Management Review, 40,4 Pp74-93 J
61 Ikujiro Nonaka, Noboru Konno 1998 The concept of “Ba” : Building a foundation for knowledge creation California Management Review, 40,3 Pp40-54 J
62 Don Cohen 1998 Toward a knowledge context: Report on the first annual U.C. Berkeley forum on knowledge and the firm California Management Review, 40,3 Pp22-39 J
63 David J. Teece 1998 Capturing value from knowledge assets: the new economy , markets for know-how , and intangible assets California Management Review, 40,3 Pp55-79 J
64 Georg von Krogh 1998 Care in knowledge creation California Management Review, 40,3 Pp133-153 J
65 Peter C. Gridley, David J. Teece 1997 Managing intellectual capital: licensing and cross —licensing in semiconductors and electronic California Management Review, 39,2 Pp8-41 J
66 John Seely Brown , Paul Duguid 1998 Organizing knowledge California Management Review, 40,3 Pp90-111 J
67 Nicolai J. Foss 1996 Knowledge-based approaches to the theory of the firm : some critical comments Organization Science,7,5 Pp470-476 J
68 Nicolai J. Foss 1996 More critical comments on Knowledge-based theories of the firm Organization Science,7,5 Pp519-523 J
69 Michael A. Cusumano, Richard W. Selby 1996 How Microsoft competes Research/ Technology Management ,January/ February Pp26-30 J
70 Aleda V. Roth 1996 Achieving strategic agility through economics of knowledge Strategy and Leadership, March / April Pp30-37 A
71 Robert J. Hiebeler 1996 Benchmarking: knowledge management Strategy and Leadership, March / April Pp22-29 A
72 Rudy Ruggles 1998 The state of the notion California Management Review, 40,3 Pp80-89 J
73 Patricia A. Galagan 1997 Smart companies Training & Development ,December Pp21-24 A
74 David J. Skyrme & Debra M. Amidon 1998 New measures of successes Journal of Business Strategy, January/February Pp20-24 A
75 Amalya L. Oliver & Julia Porter Liebeskind 1998 Three levels of networking for sourcing intellectual capital in biotechnology International Studies of Management & Organization, 27,4 Pp76-103 J
76 Karen Ayas 1996 Professional project management: a shift towards learning and a knowledge creating structure International Journal of Project Management, 14,3 Pp131-136 J
77 Henry W. Chesbrough & David J. Teece 1996 When is virtual virtuous? Harvard Business Review, January/February Pp65-73 J
78 Raymond E. Miles, Charles C. Snow, John A. Mathews, Grant Miles, Henry J. Coleman 1997 Organizing in the knowledge age: Anticipating the cellular form Academy of Management Executive, 11,4 Pp7-19 J
79 James Brian Quinn, Philip Anderson, Sydney Finkelstein 1996 Leveraging intellect Academy of Management Executive, 11,4 Pp7-27 J
80 Graham Smart 1998 Mapping conceptual worlds : using interpretive ethnography to explore knowledge-making in a professional community Journal of Business Communication, 35,1 Pp111-127 J
81 Tim craig 1995 Achieving innovation through bureaucracy: lessons from the Japanese brewing industry California Management Review, 38,1 Pp8-36 J
82 Martin Kenny 1996 The role of information , knowledge and value in the late 20th century Futures , 28,8 Pp695-707 A
83 Marilyn Martiny 1998 Knowledge management at HP consulting Organizational Dynamics, 27,2 Pp71-77 A
84 Thomas H. Davenport & Michael C. Beers 1995 Managing information about processes Journal of Management Information System, 12,1 Pp57-80 J
85 Thomas H. Davenport ,Ernst & Young 1994 On tomorrow’s organizations: Moving forwards , or a step backwards? Academy of Management Executive ,8,3 Pp93-98 A
86 Debra M. Amidon Rogers 1996 The challenge of fifth generation R&D Research —Technology Management, July/August Pp33-41 J
87 Thomas H. Davenport , Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa & Michael C. Beers 1996 Improving knowledge work processes Sloan Management Review , Summer Pp53-65 J
88 Thomas H. Davenport 1997 Why we build systems that users don’t use Computer-world ,September 15 Pp1-11 J
89 Detmar Straub, Elena Karahanna 1998 Knowledge worker communications and recipient availability : Toward a task closure explanation of media choice Organization Science,9,2 Pp160-175 J
90 陳家聲 1998 從人的管理到智慧管理 第四屆人力資源管理教育的現況與展望, 國立中興大學 Pp20-30 J
91 Alice Lam 1997 Embedded firms, embedded knowledge : Problems of collaboration and knowledge transfer in global cooperative ventures Organization Studies, 18,6 Pp973-996 J
92 Anany V. Levitin 1998 Data as a resource: Properties, implications, and prescriptions Sloan Management Review ,Fall Pp89-101 J
93 James B. Quinn 1992 The intelligent enterprise a new paradigm Academy of Management Executive ,6,4 Pp48-63 J
94 John J. Sviokla 1996 Knowledge workers and radically new technology Sloan Management Review ,Summer Pp25-40 J
95 James B. Quinn, Jordan J. Baruch, Karen Anne Zien 1996 Software-based innovation Sloan Management Review , Summer Pp11-24 J
96 Joseph V. Anderson 1992 Weirder than fiction: the reality and myths of creativity Academy of Management Executive ,6,4 Pp40-47 J
97 James B. Quinn 1993 Managing the intelligent enterprise: knowledge & service-based strategies Planning Review, September/ October Pp13-16 A
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