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研究生(外文):Chuan Xia Huang
論文名稱(外文):A study on true and spurious eigensolutions of two-dimensional acoustic cavities
指導教授(外文):Jeng Tzong Chen
外文關鍵詞:dual boundary element methoddual multiple reciprocity methodreal-part dual boundary element methodsingular value decompositiondegenerate boundarymultiplicitytrue and spurious eigensolutionscirculants
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In this thesis, the relation among the dual MRM, the real-part dual BEM and the dual complex-valued BEM was constructed. The former two methods result in spurious eigensolutions for interior problems. Not only analytical study but also numerical experiments were performed to filter out the spurious solutions. For the analytical approach, we employed the theory of circulants to study the mechanism why spurious eigensolutions occur. For the numerical experiments, we developed the DUALMRM and DUALREAL programs to determine the true and spurious solutions. Based on the dual framework, the true and spurious eigenvalues can be separated by combining the singular and hypersingular equations together in conjunction with the singular value decomposition (SVD) technique. The true and spurious eigensolutions (including eigenvalues and eigenfunctions) were investigated analytically and found numerically. Also, the boundary modes and the multiplicity of the true eigenvalues can be determined by using the SVD technique. These two roles of the SVD technique in the dual MRM and the real-part dual BEM were both examined.
[Chapter 1] Introduction
[1-1] Motivation of the research
[1-2] Introduction of the dual MRM
[1-3] Introduction of the real-part dual BEM
[1-4] Contents of this thesis
[Chapter 2] Analytical study and numerical experiments for true
and spurious eigensolutions of two-dimensional acoustic
cavities using the dual multiple reciprocity method
[2-1] Introduction
[2-2] Dual integral formulation of MRM for a two dimensiomal
acoustic cavity
[2-3] Dual MRM for an acoustic cavity using constant element
[2-4] Detection of spurious eigenvalue and determination of the
multiplicities of the true eigenvalues using the singular
value decomposition technique for dual MRM
[2-5] Analytical derivations for true and spurious
[2-6] Numerical examples
[2-7] Conclusions
[Chapter 3] Analytical study and numerical experiments for true
and spurious eigensolutions of two-dimensional
acoustic cavities using the real-part dual BEM
[3-1] Introduction
[3-2] Review of the real-part dual intrgral formulation for a
two-dimensional acoustic cavity
[3-3] Detection of spurious eigenvalues using the real-part
dual BEM in conjunction with the singular value
decomposition technique
[3-4] Techniques for finding the boundary eigenvector for
interior problem
[3-5] Analytical study of true and spurious eigensolutions
using direct and indirect methods
[3-6] Analytical derivations for true and spurious interior
[3-7] Numerical examples
[3-8] Conclusions
[Chapter 4] Conclusions
[4-1] Conclusions
[4-2] Further research
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