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研究生(外文):Lin Mei-Hsin
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Antioxidative Activity of Mackerel Meat and Viscera Hydrolysates
外文關鍵詞:mackerelantioxidative activityferric thiocyanate methodreducing powerfree radicalfree amino acidconbined amino acidmolecular weight
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鯖魚肉及內臟之自家消化與酵素Protease A、Protease N水解液之pH值於24小時水解期間分別有先降後升及持續下降的現象,氨含量則皆隨水解時間增長而增加,魚肉自家消化水解物之可溶性蛋白質含量亦逐漸增加,但增加率遠較酵素水解物為少,而內臟水解物之可溶性蛋白質含量在不同水解方法間無明顯差異。
三種鯖魚肉水解物之總游離胺基酸(FAA)含量在水解10小時期間增加迅速,爾後減緩甚或減少,其中以Protease A之分解效果最佳,Protease N次之,而自家消化則遠低於二種酵素。內臟在水解期間,FAA亦有先增後減之現象,三種內臟水解物之FAA總量差異不大,惟皆高於魚肉水解物。雙胜類之甲肌(Ans)及肌(Car)被發現存在於魚肉之酵素水解液中,而魚肉自家消化以及內臟水解液中皆未發現。胜類之複合胺基酸(CAA)在魚肉水解物中遠較內臟水解物為高。
各水解物皆具有抑制亞麻油酸自氧化之能力,魚肉水解物之抑制效果大於內臟,其中又以Protease N水解物之抑制能力最強;水解物之還原過氧化物能力皆隨水解時間延長而提升,內臟水解物之效果較肌肉為強;在清除DPPH自由基能力方面,魚肉水解物以添加酵素者效果較佳,內臟水解物則無明顯差異。就水解方法而言,以酵素水解者之三種抗氧化性皆較自家消化者為強。統計分析顯示鯖魚肉水解物之抗氧化能力與Ans、Car及CAA含量之相關性頗高,可知其抗氧化能力之強弱與Ans、Car和CAA含量有關。
自家消化水解物之分子量分布範圍較廣,且於水解期間變化不大,顯示僅部分蛋白質被分解,而酵素水解物之分子量則多分布於2,000 Da以下,蛋白質似已被分解為小分子之胜及FAA。利用膠體層析劃分Protease N水解物,分析抗氧化性得知其抑制亞麻油酸自氧化能力較強之處為920-660 Da之胜。
The mackerel meat and viscera were hydrolyzed by autolysis and with the addition of Protease A and Protease N. The pH value of meat hydrolysates decreased and then increased during hydrolysis for 24 hr. However, the pH of the viscera hydrolysates decreased gradually. The NH3 of all hydrolysates increased with the hydrolysis time. The soluble proteins of enzymatic hydrolysis of the meat increased and then decreased during hydrolysis, but those of the viscera hydrolysates decreased gradually.
The total free amino acids (FAA) of both meat and viscera hydrolysates increased significantly during the first 10 hr of hydrolysis. The increase rate in order was Protease N, Protease A, and autolysis hydrolysates . The amounts of the total FAA in the viscera hydrolysates; however, the combined amino acids (CAA) in the former were much lower than the latter. The histidine-related dipeptides, anserine (Ans) or carnosrine (Car), were found in high levels in the enzymatic hydrolysates of the meat, bur were not detected in the autolysis hydrolysate of the meat and all viscera hydrolysates.
The meat hydrolysate had higher ability of the inhibition of linoleic acid autoxidation than that of the viscera hydrolysate. The Protease N hydrolysate of the meat had the highest ability among hydrolysates. The reducing power of the hydrolysate increased with the hydrolysis time. The power of the viscera hydrolysate was higher than that of the meat hydrolysate; however, the scavenging on a,a-diphenyl-b-picuylhydrazyl free radical of the latter was more effective than the former. In general, the enzymatic hydrolysate had stronger antioxidative activity than that by autolysis. The positive correlation between the antioxidative activity and the levels of Ans, Car, and CAA of the hydrolysate indicated that small peptide might be an important factor influencing the antioxidative activity.
The HPLC profiles of the hydrolysates using superdex peptide column showed that the molecular weight of the compounds in the enzymatic hydrolysate was mostly lower than 2000 Da. The inhibition of linoleic acid autoxidation for 4 gel filtration fractions of the Protease N hydrolysates indicated, that the peptide with the molecular weight of 920-660 Da had a stronger antioxidative activity.
In addition to antioxidative activity, the hydrolysates of mackerel meat and viscera were rich in FAA and peptides, which were the taste-active components of seafoods. The results of this study provided the data for the efficient utilization of fish and their wastes to produce the natural additives with both antioxidant and seasoning functions.
中文摘要………………………………………………………… Ⅰ
英文摘要………………………………………………………… Ⅲ
目錄…………………………………………………………… Ⅴ
壹、前言…………………………………………………………… 1
貳、文獻整理……………………………………………………... 3
一、酵素水解……………………………………………………… 3
二、影響蛋白質水解程度之因子………………………………… 4
(一) 酵素的種類與來源…………………………………………... 4
(二) 酵素濃度……………………………………………………... 5
(三) 溫度…………………………………………………………... 5
(四) pH值………………………………………………………….. 6
(五) 食鹽濃度與抑制劑…………………………………………... 6
三、魚肉蛋白質水解物之特性與利用…………………………… 7
(一) 成分…………………………………………………………... 7
(二) 苦味性………………………………………………………... 8
(三) 營養價值……………………………………………………... 9
(四) 利用…………………………………………………………... 9
四、脂質氧化作用………………………………………………… 10
(一) 作用機制……………………………………………………... 10
(二) 抗氧化劑的作用原理………………………………………... 11
五、水解物之抗氧化性…………………………………………… 13
(一) 游離胺基酸及胜之抗氧化作用…………………………... 13
(二) 影響抗氧化性之因子………………………………………... 14
(三) 抗氧化活性之相乘性………………………………………... 15
參、材料與方法…………………………………………………… 16
一、實驗用魚……………………………………………………… 16
二、化學藥品……………………………………………………… 16
三、鯖魚肉與內臟之酵素水解…………………………………… 16
四、水解液抽出物之調製………………………………………… 17
五、膠體過濾層析………………………………………………… 17
六、管柱析出物的收集及其抗氧化性之測定…………………… 18
七、化學分析…………………………………………………… 18
(1) pH值測定…………………………………………………… 18
(2) 水解物蛋白質含量測定………………………………………. 18
(3) 硫氰酸鐵法抗氧化活性測定…………………………………. 18
(4) 還原力測定……………………………………………………. 19
(5) 清除α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)自由基能力測定 19
(6) 游離胺基酸、雙胜與氨之分析……………………………... 19
(7) 複合胺基酸之分析……………………………………………. 20
八、統計分析……………………………………………………… 20
肆、結果與討論…………………………………………………… 21
一、水解方法與時間對水解物化性之影響……………………... 21
(一) pH…………………………………………………………….. 21
(二) 可溶性蛋白質…………………………………………….….. 21
(三) 氨……………………………………………………………... 22
二、游離胺基酸、雙胜及複合胺基酸在水解期間之變化…… 24
(一) 游離胺基酸與雙胜……………………………………… 24
(二) 複合胺基酸………………………………………………… 26
三、鯖魚肉與內臟水解物之抗氧化性………………………… 28
(一) 抑制亞麻油酸自氧化能力………………………………… 28
(二) 還原力……………………………………………………… 30
(三) 清除α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)自由基之效應…… 31
四、水解物分子量劃分及其抗氧化性……………………………. 32
(一) 分子量劃分………………………………………………… 32
(二) 各劃分物抑制亞麻油酸自氧化之能力…………………… 33
伍、結論…………………………………………………………… 34
陸、參考文獻……………………………………………………… 36
柒、表……………………………………………………………… 49
捌、圖……………………………………………………………... 61
玖、附錄…………………………………………………………… 78
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