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研究生(外文):Yu-Cherng Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Using Dipropylene Glycol Blended Diesel Fuel for a Diesel Engine
指導教授:鄭 元 良林 成 原
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Liang JengCherng-Yuan Lin
外文關鍵詞:Dipropylene GlycolDiesel EngineAlternative FuelExhaust EmssionsEmulsified Fuel
  • 被引用被引用:9
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The increasing usage of energy resources with the civilization progress of mankind has resulted in the increasingly serious problem of global air pollution. This endangers the ecological environment and the health of human beings. Aware of this, international organizations of environment protection have raised the standard of combustion emissions. The advantages of higher power output and sturdiness in structure for diesel engines have lead to popular applications for diesel engines. The exhaust emissions of diesel engines are originated from combustion of fuel. In order to control effectively the pollution from diesel engines, it is imminently important in making efforts to improve the exhaust emissions for diesel engines. It has been considered an effective and feasible way to improve combustion emissions by using alternative fuels. After evaluating the safety, price, and toxicity of numerous possible alternative fuels, dipropylene glycol is considered as bearing high potential of development.
It is therefore the goal of this thesis to study the effects of fuel consumption and emission characteristics for diesel engines by using diesel oil blended with different proportions of dipropylene glycol as the fuel. Other parameters, like the fraction of water added in the emulsified fuel oils, engine speed, and torque, are also varied during the experiments. The experimental results show that nitrogen oxides(NOx) is reduced with the increase of the engine speed. Moreover, the curves of NOx appear to increase and then decrease with the increase of dipropylene glycol proportion in the emulsified oil. As for the carbon monoxide emission, the exhaust concentration significantly increases with the engine speed and the proportion of dipropylene glycol. The phenomena of diesel-knocking is observed when the emulsified oil contains a higher fraction of dipropylene glycol or water.
目 錄
誌謝.................................................................................. i
摘要(中)....................................................................... ii
摘要(英)....................................................................... iii
目錄.................................................................................... iv
表索引................................................................................ vi
圖索引................................................................................ vii
第一章 前言...................................................................... 1
第二章 理論背景............................................................. 5
2-1柴油引擎廢氣排放種類及對生態環境的影響 5
2-2著火延遲因素....................................................... 9
2-3乳化油燃料........................................................... 10
2-4引擎基本操作參數.............................................. 13
第三章 實驗設備與方法................................................ 17
3-1實驗設備與儀器.................................................. 17
3-2乳化燃油性質...................................................... 21
3-3實驗方法............................................................... 22
3-4乳化燃油之準備.................................................. 26
3-5實驗步驟............................................................... 27
第四章 實驗結果與討論............................................... 31
第五章 結論與建議........................................................ 53
5-1結論....................................................................... 53
5-2建議....................................................................... 54
參考文獻.......................................................................... 55
附表................................................................................... 61
附圖................................................................................... 68
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3. IMO, Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, London, 1998.
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9. Green, R., and Pearce, S., "Alternative Transport Fuels," Energy World, Vol. 222, pp. 8-11, Oct. 1994.
10. Rideout, G., Kirshenblatt, M., and Prakash, C., "Emission from Methanol, Ethanol, and Diesel Powered Urban Transient Buses," SAE Paper No. 942261, 1994.
11. Spataru, A., and Roming, C., "Emission and Engines Performance from Blends of Soya and Canola Methyl esters with ARB#2 Diesel in a DCC 6V92TA MUI Engine," SAE Paper No. 952388, 1995.
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13. Fleisch, T., et al., "A New Clean Diesel Technology: Demonstration of ULEV Emission on a Navistar Diesel Engine Fueled with Dimethyl Ether," SAE Paper No. 950061, 1995.
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