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研究生(外文):Yi-Keh Chang
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Intrinsic Conductive Polyaniline Copolymerized by Polyurethanes
指導教授(外文):L.W. ChenK.H. Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:PolyanilinePolyurethaneCopolymerConductive Polymer
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本研究之目標為合成可溶性、且強度較佳的導電性高分子,所使用的為本質導電性聚苯胺以及被廣泛應用的聚胺酯彈性體。我們希望可以將聚胺酯預聚物(PU prepolymer)導入聚苯胺的結構當中,以聚胺酯預聚物中的-NCO官能基與聚苯胺中的-NH2末端基反應,形成polyurea聚合物,期能增加導電高分子的溶解度及加工性。
實驗中合成出溶解度較佳的聚苯胺,其數目平均分子量Mn為1380,而再進行濃鹽酸摻雜之後導電度有0.83 S/cm,與高分子量聚苯胺摻雜後的導電度6 S/cm相去不遠。
且本實驗進行兩種加工流程的研究,於流程一中聚苯胺與聚胺酯共聚物的抗張強度最佳可達42.7MPa,導電度最佳可達到0.18 S/cm,已為半導體階段(10-7~102 S/cm)的導電度。由TGA分析發現聚苯胺的引入有助於耐熱性的提高;由DSC和DMA的分析中,隨聚苯胺含量的增加Tg會跟著提高;且由各項分析發現,PBA系列的聚胺酯與聚苯胺有較好的相容性,而吸水性較好的PTMO系統則有較好的導電度,至於引入吸水性更好的PEG/PTMO摻合系統,導電度並沒有隨著PEG含量的增加而變好。
另外,由流程二的種種分析結果發現,其效果僅類似摻合而已。其導電度也只有在 10-5~10-6 S/cm左右。

This study is synthesizing conductive polymers with high strength and processibility. The polyaniline was coplymerized with polyurethane prepolymer to form polyurea copolymer. The resultant conductive polymer was more soluble and had better processability.
The number average molecular weight of the prepared polyaniline was 1380 according to the GPC analysis. It can be dissolved in NMP up to 5wt%. After doping with high concentration HCl, the conductivity of 0.83 S/cm is obtained. It approaches the conductivity of polyaniline with high molecular weight.
Two processes for copolymerizing polyaniline and polyurethane prepolymer have been performed in the experiment. For the process I, the maximum tensile strength of the copolymer is 42.7MPa. The maximum conductivity is 0.18 S/cm, which is in the conductive range of semiconductor (10-7~102 S/cm). From the TGA study, the thermostability is improved by increasing polyaniline content. From the DSC and DMA study, the glass transition temperature (Tg) raises with the increase of the amount of polyaniline.
For the process II, the result is similar to the polymer blend. And the conductivity is 10-6~10-5 S/cm.
Keyword: Polyaniline, Polyurethane, Copolymer, Conducting polymer.

第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2-1導電姓高分子的發展過程 8
2-2聚苯胺性質回顧 10
2-3摻雜(doping) 16
2-4導電理論 18
2-5導電性的評估 22
2-6導電高分子的應用 23
2-7聚胺酯 27
第三章 實驗 31
3-1實驗藥品 31
3-2使用儀器 34
3-3實驗流程 36
3-4實驗步驟 41
3-5性質測試 43
3-6實驗代號說明 45
第四章 結果與討論 47
4-1低分子量聚苯胺之製備與鑑定 47
4-2聚苯胺與聚胺酯共聚物之鑑定 52
4-3聚胺酯與聚苯胺共聚合(流程一)之結果與分析 53
4-4聚胺酯與聚苯胺共聚合(流程二)之結果與分析 61
4-5聚苯胺與聚胺酯摻合之結果分析 64
第五章 結論 66
參考文獻 68

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