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研究生(外文):C. A. Wu
論文名稱(外文):Property Analysis of PET Sythesized by Co- or Zn- Sb2O3 Co-catalyst
指導教授(外文):B. Z. Wan
外文關鍵詞:PETPolyethylene terephthalateKineticsThermal stabilityDEGCarboxylic acid
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Poly(ethylene terephthalate) was synthesized from ethylene glycol、terephthalic acid through esterification and polycondensation reactions. Catalyst systems studied in this research included different heat-treated Sb/Zn or Sb/Co co-catalysts, and Sb2O3 catalyst.
The main objectives of this research are to estimate polycondensation reaction rate constant, and to determine the thermal stability of PET samples, and the side product concentrations in the samples. The result shows that the second order reaction kinetics can fit PET polycondensation reaction rate well. Polycondensation rate constant of PET in catalyst systems of Sb/Co calcined at 400℃ and Sb/Zn calcined at 300℃ are higher than that of Sb2O3 catalyst system by 1.5 and 3 times respectively. The thermal stability and caboxylic acid concentration in PET from different heat-treated co-catalyst system were about the same as those from Sb2O3 catalyst. Moreover, it is found that the relationship of thermal stability with DEG concentration in PET does not correlate well for Sb/Co co-catalyst system;for Sb/Zn co-catalyst system, the less the DEG concentration, the better the thermal stability.

第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2文獻回顧 3
1.2-1合成PET之製程 3
1.2-3合成PET之副反應 10
1.3研究目標 13
第二章 實驗方法與原理 14
2.1樣品說明 14
2.2 PET黏度測試 15
2.3 PET熱穩定性分析 17
2.4 二甘醇(DEG)濃度的量測 17
2.5 羧酸末端基測定 19
第三章 結果與討論 21
3.1 PET聚合反應動力參數估計 21
3.1-1 黏度量測誤差分析 21
3.1-2 極限黏度量測 26
3.1-3 聚縮合反應動力參數估計 37
3.2 PET熱穩定分析 45
3.3羧酸末端基含量 49
3.4 DEG濃度的量測 51
第四章 結論 58
參考文獻 60

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