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研究生(外文):Ming-Hsi Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Wood and the Bark of Picea morrisonicola Hayata and the Wood of Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook. f.
指導教授(外文):Yueh-Hsiung Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Picea morrisonicola HayataCunninghamia lanceolata Hook. f.steroidmonoterpenoidsesquiterpenoidditerpenoidlignan
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台灣雲杉( Picea morrisonicola Hayata ),常綠大喬木,在分類學上為松科,雲杉屬。心材與樹皮採集的部份,在室溫下以甲醇浸泡三次,每次約十日。經減壓濃縮、萃取、再利用管柱層析法,及高效能液相層析法等分離技術作分離純化。
杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook. f.),又稱福州杉、廣葉杉、正杉,常綠大喬木,在分類學上為杉科,杉木屬。心材部採集的部份,在室溫下以甲醇浸泡三次,每次約十日。經減壓濃縮、萃取、再利用管柱層析法,及高效能液相層析法等分離技術作分離純化。
The wood and the bark of Picea morrisonnicola Hayata were extracted with methanol for three times in room temperature. After fractionation of these extracts using repeated column chromatography on Si gel and HPLC, eighty-three compounds including seventeen new compounds and thirty-one compounds have been isolated from the extract of the wood and the bark of P. morrisonnicola Hayata, respectively. Those are one long chain compound, eleven steroids, five monoterpenoids, two sesquiterpenoids, thirty-two diterpenoids, nine aromatic compounds, one flavonoid and two other compounds from the wood of P. morrisonnicola Hayata. There were two sesquiterpenoids, fourteen diterpenoids, four triterpenoids, four steroids, three lignans, three aromatic compounds and one long chain compounds from the extract of the bark of Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.
Only two species of Cunninghamia (Taxodiaceae) grow in Taiwan. Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook grows in the central part of Taiwan at altitudes of 1300-2700 meters. The wood of this tree is one of the best building materials in Taiwan. The methanol extract from the wood of C. lanceolata Hook was concentrated to give a residue which was suspended with water. The suspended aqueous solution was partitioned with ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate extract was repeatedly purified on Si and HPLC, thirty-eight compounds were isolated including thirteen new compounds. Among these new compounds there were three monoterpenoids, two sesquiterpenoids, one diterpenoid and seven lignans.
目 錄
第一章、 緒論---------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節、 前言------------------------------------------------- 1
第二節、 臺灣雲杉部份------------------------------------- 2
第三節、 杉木部份------------------------------------------- 3
香杉文獻回顧------------------------------------------ 6
雲杉屬相關文獻回顧--------------------------------- 8
第二章、 結果與討論--------------------------------------------- 12
第一節、 臺灣雲杉部份------------------------------------- 12
第二節、 杉木部份------------------------------------------- 15
第三節、 新化合物之結構鑑定---------------------------- 41
化合物16結構鑑定------------------------------------ 41
化合物23結構鑑定------------------------------------ 49
化合物24結構鑑定------------------------------------ 57
化合物25結構鑑定------------------------------------ 64
化合物26結構鑑定------------------------------------ 72
化合物28結構鑑定------------------------------------ 80
化合物29結構鑑定------------------------------------ 87
化合物30結構鑑定------------------------------------ 95
化合物31結構鑑定------------------------------------ 102
化合物97結構鑑定------------------------------------ 108
化合物7結構鑑定------------------------------------- 115
化合物115、116結構鑑定--------------------------- 122
化合物5結構鑑定------------------------------------- 133
化合物90結構鑑定------------------------------------ 140
化合物102結構鑑定----------------------------------- 146
化合物103結構鑑定----------------------------------- 153
化合物67結構鑑定------------------------------------ 160
化合物69結構鑑定------------------------------------ 167
化合物81結構鑑定------------------------------------ 174
化合物45結構鑑定------------------------------------ 182
化合物49結構鑑定------------------------------------ 188
化合物51結構鑑定------------------------------------ 196
化合物107、108結構鑑定--------------------------- 203
化合物110結構鑑定----------------------------------- 216
化合物111、112、113、114結構鑑定------------- 203
第三章、實驗部份-------------------------------------------------- 249
第一節、 儀器與藥品---------------------------------------- 249
第二節、 萃取與分離---------------------------------------- 251
第三節、 化學反應部份------------------------------------- 253
第四章、結論-------------------------------------------------------- 257
第五章、化合物數據----------------------------------------------- 269
參考文獻-------------------------------------------------------------- 320
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