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研究生(外文):Lin, Su-ying
論文名稱(外文):Mother Figure and Mother-Daughter Relationship: A Study of Two Paradigms
指導教授(外文):Sung, Mei-hwa
外文關鍵詞:mother figuremother-daughter relationshipparadigmpreoedipalobject-relations theory
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廿世紀以來,有關母親形象與母女關係的探討,逐漸成為女性主義論述的焦點。邇來批評理論的一些方向與發展,如精神分析與後結構主義,皆有助於我們以不同的角度,重新審視這兩者的重要性。本論文擬自探討精神分析與女性主義理論中關於母職與母子關係的論述,以及同時代女性作家的小說呈現中,建構出兩種典範─分別為一九二○年代的「母親犧牲典範」(paradigm of maternal sacrifice)與一九七○、一九八○年代的「母親灌能典範」(paradigm of maternal empowerment)。 論文中,我首先檢視在一九二○年代,佛洛伊德及兩位客體關係理論家克萊茵(M. Klein)與維尼寇特(D. W. Winnicott)的母職與母子/女關係論述,佐之以當時後維多利亞時期男性中心的文化情境。將這些精神分析理論,相證於吳爾芙與依荻絲‧華頓兩位女性小說家的文本,構擬出此一時期在父權體制下,無論是精神分析或女性作家的敘事文中,皆可見出強調母親利他與自我犧牲的典範。此一時期小說中的母親,大都被刻繪成形象完美的「家中天使」,一味地為子女犧牲奉獻,也因而無法給予女兒(小說家、女主人翁)一個正面的形象去承繼。我繼而探討在一九七○、一九八○年代,邱德洛(N. Chodorow)、莉奇(A. Rich)、伊希迦黑(L. Irigaray)三位理論家對前伊底帕斯時期母子/女關係的重視,提出不同於前期的母職論述。將此對照於同時代瑪格麗特‧艾特伍德與瑪莉蓮‧蘿賓蓀兩位女性小說家的文本,可以看出該時期無論是精神分析或女性主義理論,都顯示出試圖建構一個純屬女性的文化空間,以及著眼於母性主體與母女系譜的體現。此一時期小說中的女兒(敘事者、主人翁),通常面臨一個失/逝去的母親角色。在她們的自我探索中,經由對逝去母親或替代母親的追憶與悼念,藉由母親的力量,得以追尋到其女性主體。
As women writers of this century have more and more insisted on articulating the forms of their own experience, the figure of the mother has begun to re-emerge as a central locus of feminist explorations. Latest developments and directions in critical theory have helped us learn to read the mother figure and mother-child relationship from different perspectives. This figure which has long been pushed aside or held under by “the narcissistic language of the son (or the female son)” deserves our serious and repeated consideration. My project in this dissertation, proceeding from the feminist psychoanalytic investigation of the maternal figure and mother-daughter relationship, is to participate in the production of new paradigms for thinking about both female experience and literary experience. By conflating psychoanalytic theorization of mothering and mother-child relationship in two different periods -- 1920s and 1970s -- with contemporaneous women’s fictional writings dealing with these same topoi, I wish to sketch a hypothesis of a “paradigm shift” between these two periods. In light of such conflation, I explore, through selected texts in psychoanalysis and fictional representations, two distinct maternal paradigms─the paradigm of maternal sacrifice in the 1920s and the paradigm of maternal empowerment in the 1970s and 80s. The aim is to arrive at a contemplation of these two paradigms which reflect a major shift of consciousness within these two periods in both psychoanalytic and literary narratives.
In Chapter One I investigate psychoanalytic theories of mothering and mother-child relationship in two phases: Freud, object-relations theorists Melanie Klein and D. W. Winnicott in the 1920s, and Nancy Chodorow, Adrienne Rich and Luce Irigaray in the 1970s and 1980s. Discussion of androcentric cultural context in the 1920s and the endeavor of constructing a specifically female cultural space in the 1970s and 1980s will be dealt with in length. In Chapter Two I analyze how two women writers in the 1920s -- Virginia Woolf and Edith Wharton -- re-presented the mother figure and mother-daughter relationship as under patriarchal construction in their novels. Their fictions to a certain extent adumbrate the post-Victorian ideology of impeccable and self-sacrificial motherhood as embedded in Freud’s, Klein’s and Winnicott’s psychoanalytic theories. In Chapter Three I explore the way two women writers in the 1970s and 80s -- Margaret Atwood and Marilynne Robinson -- engaged in an almost impossible task of constructing a female cultural “wild zone” in their novels. This attempt at writing specifically about women’s quest for a lost/absent maternal figure so as to empower them corroborate Chodorow’s, Rich’s and Irigaray’s notions of envisaging a new and non-phallocentric perspective of mother-daughter relationship.
Introduction 1
Social Mother and Psychical Mother 1
Mother Figure: Presence or Absence? 5
Chapter One: An Exploration of Two Maternal
Paradigms 27
Androcentric Culture: Mother in the 1920s 27
Freud''s Mother: An Absent Presence Who Is
All-Powerful 32
Kleinian and Winnicottian Mother 42
From Mother-Hate to Mother-Love 49
Toward A Female Cultural Space:
Women''s Writings in the 1970s and 1980s 52
Chodorow, Rich, Irigaray:
A Maternal Discourse beyond Reproduction 56
Chapter Two: The Paradigm of Maternal Sacrifice 92
Mrs Ramsay''s Maternal Legacy in Woolf''s
"To the Lighthouse" 93
The Mother in Exile: Kate Clephane in
Wharton''s "The Mother''s Recompense" 125
Chapter Three: The Paradigm of Maternal
Empowerment 153
Daughter in Search of A Maternal Legacy: The
Unnamed Protagonist in Atwood''s "Surfacing" 157
Daughter Mourns for Maternal Loss: Ruth''s
Quest in Robinson''s "Housekeeping" 188
Conclusion 216
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