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研究生(外文):ChengHsin Chen
論文名稱(外文):Optical and Electrical Properties of Porous Silicon
指導教授(外文):YangFang Chen
外文關鍵詞:porous siliconindirect bandgap semiconductorchemical etching
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We present our work on optical and electrical properties of porous silicon. Firstly, we report on the optical studies of n-type porous silicon prepared by photo-assisted chemical etching. The optical properties of samples obtained under different conditions have been investigated by photoluminescence and Fourier transform infrared absorption measurements, and they are compared with that of p-type porous silicon. Our results clearly demonstrate that the blue emission in porous silicon originates from surface compounds. From the infrared absorption measurement, we point out that the surface compounds are Si-OH complexes. This conclusion is further supported by the recent calculation, which shows that Si-OH complexes can emit the photon energy in the range observed here. We show that the optical properties of n-type porous silicon are much more stable than that of p-type porous silicon. The result provides the evidence to support the fact that n-type porous silicon is a better candidate for the application in optoelectronics.
Secondly, the electrical conduction properties of metal/PS/n-type/metal have been investigated using current-voltage I(v) measurements. The characteristics for all devices show a rectifying behavior with ideality factor close to unity. A value of 0.79 eV for the barrier height is found to increase with rising temperature. A band model is proposed in order to explain the observed characteristics.
Finally, we report on porous silicon (PS) samples with strong and stable red photoluminescence (PL) prepared by chemical anodization used gold-plated substrate. We demostrate that the structural stability of Au-passivated porous silicon is much better than that of normal PS. It is also found that the PL intensity of Au-passivated PS can be enhanced by a factor of three when prepared under the same condition as that for normal PS. The infrared absorption spectra reveal that the photoluminescence stability can be attributed to the formation of stable Au-Si bonds on the surface of porous silicon.

1 Introduction 7
1.1 A new discovery 7
1.2 Motivation 8
1.3 Theory 8
2 Optical properties of n-type porous silicon obtained by photoelectrochemical etching 31
2.1 Introduction 31
2.2 Experiment 32
2.3 Results and Discussion 33
2.4 Conclusion 34
3 Transport mechanisms in n-type porous silicon obtained by photo-electrochemical etchin 42
3.1 Introduction 42
3.2 Experiment 43
3.3 Results and Discussion 43
3.4 Conclusion 46
4 Strong and Stable Visible Luminescence from Au-passivated Po-rous Silicon 55
4.1 Introduction 55
4.2 Experiment 56
4.3 Results and Discussion 56
4.4 Conclusion 59
5 Summary 66

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