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研究生(外文):Shang-wen Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Dialogical Play of Truth--On the Nature of Hermeneutic Experience in Hans-Georg Gadamer''s Philosophical Hermeneutics
指導教授(外文):Tran Van Doan
外文關鍵詞:Dialectic of Question and AnswerDialogueExperienceExperience of ArtHermeneutic ExperienceHermeneuticsPlayTruth
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In this thesis the concept of "hermeneutic experience" (hermeneutische Erfahrung) in Hans-Georg Gadamer''s "philosophical hermeneutics is investigated." One main purpose of Gadamer''s philosophical hermeneutics is to find out an approach, which is not dominated by the viewpoint of truth in natural sciences, to reach the self-understanding of truth in human sciences (Geisteswissenschaften), and hermeneutic experience this key concept can offer it right.
We discuss the concept of hermeneutic experience from three aspects. First, we study "experience of art" as a typical phenomenon of hermeneutic experience. In experience of art, we see that "experience" is not what an interpreter as a "subject", who has a kind of ability by himself to experience, obtains, but what the interpreter shares in the "play", which is the mode of being of a work of art, i.e. truth. The real "subject" in the experience of art is the work of art, not the interpreter. Second, we investigate the concept of "experience" and indicate that the nature of experience is the openness to the new experience in the future and the negation to the old one in the past, and then one grows on this "path of experiences." Hermeneutic experience contains not only this nature of experience, but a reciprocity between interpreter and his object, i.e. is as "the experience of the Thou." Finally, we indicate that the mission of hermeneutics is the dialogue, in which the "question" has the primacy, with tradition (Ueberlieferung). Only in this "dialectic of question and answer" can tradition show its truth.
目 錄
致 謝 xiii
本文寫作格式說明 xv
本文中所使用的高達美著作略語表 xvii
前 言:科學時代中的詮釋學經驗 1
第一章 作為詮釋學經驗之範例的藝術經驗 13
引 言:詮釋學經驗與藝術經驗 15
第一節 康德對於審美判斷分析 16
第二節 高達美對於審美判斷分析與審美區分的回應 27
第三節 藝術作品的存有方式分析 37
--藝術經驗中主體的倒轉 57
第二章 經驗與詮釋學經驗的概念 59
引 言:走上經驗之路 61
第一節 目的論式經驗觀及其不足 63
第二節 經驗的絕望之路 74
第三節 作為「你的經驗」的詮釋學經驗 91
第二章小結:讓經驗恢復它應有的地位,正視它的本性 101
第三章 作為詮釋學經驗之開放性的問題
及其對於真理的優先性 103
引 言:問題與經驗的開放性 105
第一節 從對話辯證法來看問題的本性 106
第二節 問與答的辯證法 119
第三章小結:真理的提問,真理的回答 135
結 論: Colloquimur, ergo sumus 137
參考資料 143
參 考 資 料
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