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研究生(外文):Yih YANG
論文名稱(外文):Mesoscale Eddies'' Influence on the Taiwan Current (Kuroshio) Volume Transport
指導教授(外文):Cho-Teng Liu
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan CurrentKuroshioeddyvolume transportPCM1
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1994年9月至1996年5月,沿台灣東部宜蘭海脊前緣,完成了第一次對台灣海流(黑潮)之流速結構與體積通量的錨碇直接量測。此錨碇測線(PCM1)主要的參與單位有台灣大學、美國邁阿密大學及台灣海洋大學,中華民國海軍海洋測量局亦提供部份實驗儀器。PCM1的實驗目的在於決定台灣海流之流速結構與體積(熱)通量的年平均狀態與解析出數天至數個月的變異特性。除了錨碇直接量測外,利用兩端水位差估算流量的間接方法亦藉此機會加以檢驗,以期得出長期監測流量的替代方案所需的迴歸係數。PCM1橫跨台灣與西表島之間的水道(East Taiwan Channel,ETC),總計施放11組流速儀錨碇。除了錨碇的流速與溫度觀測外,本研究同時使用衛星追蹤的表面浮子、TOPEX/POSEIDON(T/P)衛星測高儀與水位等資料。
觀測結果顯示幾乎所有的台灣海流以近乎垂直宜蘭海脊的流向,經由ETC進入東海。大部份時間主流緊貼台灣東岸北上,於宜蘭海脊上大致的位置在122.5oE,亦即離岸約50公里處。近表層流速約100 cm/s而近底層(約500米深)流速約為10 cm/s。為期二十個月的直接量測顯示台灣海流的流速大小與流向在二個月內可有劇烈的變化。此現象可歸因於台灣海流與出現在台灣東部海面氣旋式或反氣旋式中尺度渦旋的交互作用結果。此些向西或向西北傳播的中尺度渦旋可經由T/P的海面高度異常值(Sea Surface Height Anomaly,SSHA)清楚顯現,同時表面浮子的軌跡提供了此些渦旋存在的有力證據。有時這些(反)氣旋式渦旋的流速強度與台灣海流的流速相當,因而導致通過PCM1的台灣海流流速將會大幅(增加)減少。PCM1外海流速較緩和的部份,受渦旋的影響尤其顯著,流向常因渦旋的靠近而轉向。
經過二十個月的觀測期間,此次研究已清楚的描繪出台灣海流體積通量的時序變化。台灣海流通過ETC的平均體積通量的最佳估算值為20.9 ± 3.5 Sv,最大值發生在1995年9月上旬,為29.1 Sv,最小值發生於同年9月下旬,為11.3 Sv,體積通量明顯存在約100天的週期變化。此約100天的週期變化與外海入侵的中尺度渦旋有著密切的關連。由前述的台灣海流與渦旋的交互作用可知,氣旋式渦旋,在T/P SSHA中為負值,相對應於較小的體積通量而反氣旋渦旋,在T/P SSHA中為正值,則對應於較大的體積通量。台灣海流為黑潮流系的一部份,其長期平均的體積通量不應該受到渦旋的影響。在ETC沿PCM1測線觀測到台灣海流受渦旋影響而有較小的流量,意謂有部份流量經由琉球群島東側北上而不經過ETC。另一方面,利用PR20多次的水文調查,探討渦旋對水文場可能造成的影響,在考慮渦旋的空間分佈後,初步結果顯示地轉體積通量的不確定性可由原本超過平均值22.7 Sv的50%降至30%。
以經濟有效的方法,替代流速儀錨碇陣列,長期監測台灣海流的體積通量(TCVT,單位Sv)為PCM1的實驗目的之一。橫跨ETC,石垣島與蘇澳經氣壓修正的水位異常差值(Sea Level Difference Anomaly,SLDA,單位公分)最能反應出台灣海流體積通量的變化,其每日與10天低通濾波的線性迴歸式分別為
TCVT1 = 0.32 SLDA1(Ishigaki-Suao) + 20.85R2=0.63s.e.=2.3
TCVT10 = 0.37 SLDA10(Ishigaki-Suao) + 20.87R2=0.83s.e.=1.4
TCVT1 = 0.29 SLDA1(Ishigaki-Keelung) + 20.88R2=0.47s.e.=2.6
TCVT10 = 0.36 SLDA10(Ishigaki-Keelung) + 20.89R2=0.64s.e.=1.9
Current velocity and volume transport variability of the Taiwan Current (Kuroshio) at 24.5oN over the submarine ridge east of Taiwan were observed for the first time through the joint efforts of the R.O.C. and the U.S.A. with a moored current meter array (PCM1) during the period from September 1994 through May 1996. The purpose of the PCM1 array is to resolve the structure and transport of the Taiwan Current to determine its annual mean volume and temperature transport, and to document its variability on time scales ranging from days to seasons. Instead of direct measurements, other possible methods are evaluated for the long-term monitoring of the Taiwan Current transport. A total of 11 current meter moorings were deployed to span the width and depth of the Taiwan Current across the channel (ETC) between northeast Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands. In addition to the moored velocity and temperature measurements, data of satellite-tracked surface drifting buoys, sea level, TOPEX/POSEIDON Sea Surface Height Anomaly (T/P SSHA) and repeated hydrographic observations are also used in this study.
Almost all of the Taiwan Current enters the ECS through the ETC in a direction nearly perpendicular to the submarine ridge east of Taiwan. The main stream of the north-flowing Taiwan Current hugs the east coast of Taiwan before reaching Suao and is located at 122.5oE over the ridge, i.e. about 50 km east of the coast. The mean near-surface velocity is in the magnitude about 100 cm/s and a mean northward speed of O(10 cm/s) was observed over the sill of the submarine ridge whose depth is around 500 m. The Taiwan Current was found to have dramatic changes both in current speed and current direction within 2 months. The presence of mesoscale eddies east of Taiwan, either cyclonic or anticyclonic, are responsible for the changes. These west- or northwestward propagating eddies are elucidated by T/P SSHA data and also being confirmed clearly by tracks of surface drifting buoys. Strength of some of these impinging eddies are comparable to the Taiwan Current, and the Taiwan Current speed measured over PCM1 will be increased through the interaction with an anticyclonic eddy and will be decreased by a cyclonic eddy. The moderate currents at offshore side of the Taiwan Current are much affected by the eddies, especially in current directions.
The time evolution of Taiwan Current transport has been successfully resolved through the 20-month moored velocity and temperature observations. The best mean Taiwan Current transport through the ETC is being estimated at 20.9 ± 3.5 Sv, with a maximum of 29.1 Sv in early September, 1995 and a minimum of 11.3 Sv in the late September. Over the 20 months, the transport''s low-frequency variations with frequencies center at 100-day period band are the most conspicuous signals. The 100-day variations are concluded to have a close link to the impinging mesoscale eddies, as seen in the T/P SSHA analyses. A cyclonic eddy, which is a low T/P SSHA, is associated with smaller northward transport since the currents are retarded and an anticyclonic eddy, which is basically a high T/P SSHA, is associated with larger transport. Since the Kuroshio system is part of the basin-wide circulation of the North Pacific, its transport is independent of propagating eddies. The decrease of Kuroshio transport in the ETC therefore implies that a leakage of the Kuroshio water to the east of the Ryukyu Islands. The influence of eddies are evaluated approximately on the geostrophic observations at PR20, a repeated hydrographic line at 21.5oN southeast of Taiwan and extends eastward to 130oE. The uncertainty of geostrophic transports could be reduced from over 50% of the mean transport at 22.7 Sv to around 30% of it.
For the task of long-term monitoring of the Taiwan Current transport, adjusted sea level difference anomaly (SLDA, in centimeter) between Ishigaki and Suao across the ETC is determined to be the best estimator of the transport variation. Estimators for the daily and 10-day smoothed Taiwan Current transport (TCVT, in Sv) are given respectively by
TCVT1 = 0.32 SLDA1(Ishigaki-Suao) + 20.85R2=0.63s.e.=2.3
TCVT10 = 0.37 SLDA10(Ishigaki-Suao) + 20.87R2=0.83s.e.=1.4
where R2 is correlation of determination and s.e. is standard error of estimates. For the past transport estimation, however, the pair of Ishigaki and Keelung is the better choice because of data quality and availability. Keelung has the longest and also the best sea level record, although it is a little far from the Taiwan Current in the ETC and being contaminated by winds compared with Suao''s data. Estimators for the daily and 10-day smoothed Taiwan Current transport are given by
TCVT1 = 0.29 SLDA1(Ishigaki-Keelung) + 20.88R2=0.47s.e.=2.6
TCVT10 = 0.36 SLDA10(Ishigaki-Keelung) + 20.89R2=0.64s.e.=1.9
Taiwan is visited frequently by both cyclonic and anticyclonic mesoscale eddies that emanated from ocean-interior east or southeast of Taiwan. Some of the eddies have comparable current speed to the Taiwan Current. Oceanic conditions east of Taiwan are therefore highly variable due to the interaction between Taiwan Current and eddies. This 100-day correlation period implies that any observation of 4 months or less, either direct or indirect measurement, could lead to eddy-dependent conclusions. To minimize the contamination from eddies, either long-term observations or eddy-removal procedures are necessary.
1.1 Current Systems Around Taiwan1-1
1.1.1 East China Sea1-2
1.1.2 Taiwan Strait1-4
1.1.3 South China Sea1-4
1.1.4 Pacific Ocean1-6
1.2 Why and How PCM1 Came About1-6
1.3 Objectives1-7
2.1 Experiment Design2-1
2.2 Field Measurements2-4
2.3 Collected Data2-6
3.Data Analyses
3.1 Conventional Current Meter3-1
3.2 SC-ADCP3-2
3.3 Volume Transport Computation3-2
3.4 Sea Level3-4
4.Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of the Taiwan Current
4.1 Velocity Structure4-1
4.2 Meandering4-11
5.Low-Frequency Variations of Volume Transport
5.1 Historical Background5-1
5.1.1 East of the Philippines5-1
5.1.2 East of Taiwan5-2
5.1.3 In the East China Sea5-3
5.2 Mooring Observations5-4
5.3 Hydrographic Observations5-6
5.4 Transport Variability and Mesoscale Eddies5-7
5.4.1 On PCM15-7
5.4.2 On PR205-17
6.Long-Term Monitoring of Transport
6.1 Sea Level and Transport6-2
6.2 Long-Term Variations of Transport6-7
7.1 Observations7-1
7.2 The Contribution of This Study to Present
Understanding of the Taiwan Current7-3
8. References
Appendix A
Acronyms and Special Terms
Appendix B
Computation Schemes of Volume Transport
Appendix C
Potential Instability of Data Extrapolation Based
on Climatology
Appendix D
Vertical-Averaged Velocity Vectors Along PCM1 During the 20-month Observation Period
Appendix E
Publications and Conference Abstracts
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