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研究生(外文):Cheng I-ping
論文名稱(外文):The Exchange-Rate Exposure of Taiwan Listed Corporations-- Evidence from Liberalization of Foreign Exchange
指導教授(外文):Christina Y. Liu.
外文關鍵詞:Foreign Exchge- Rate ExposureLiberalization of Foreign Exchange Rate
  • 被引用被引用:11
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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the foreign exchange exposure of Taiwan’s listed companies under different market environment and exchange volatility. First we apply four regression models to find out contemporary and lag1~3’s exposure coefficient, and analyze the exposure patterns of different sub-period. Then we define the exposure coefficients as a four-factor function (export ratio, size, quick ratio and debt ratio) to probe into which factor affecting foreign exchange exposure. Main conclusions are as below:
1. About foreign exchange exposure
The empirical results show that significant exposure ratio of Taiwan listed companies are much higher than that of developed countries. Among that, contemporary exposure coefficients are always positive significance and lags’ one tend to be negative significance and the significant ratio decreases as time lag extends. Looking into the comparison of two equal sub-period(before and after 1995), we see that significant ratio of latter period is much higher , mostly caused by volatile exchange movement, but it also means that listed companies did not make the most use of financial instruments to avoid foreign exchange risk.
As for Asian Financial Crisis, our evidences indicate the financial chaos brought an overwhelming influence to most industries and increased listed companies’ foreign exchange exposure. Another remarkable conclusion, from the coefficients sign-change ratio of different sub-period, is that exposure pattern changes with time and has an unstable characteristic.
2. About factors affecting exposures
In factor analysis, we conclude export ratio and size of firm are the main source affecting foreign exchange risk. For contemporary coefficients, the higher export ratio and the bigger company size, the smaller exchange exposure; For lag1 coefficient, the lower export ratio and the bigger size, the smaller exchange exposure. Other factors do not show significant response. We also find that if Asian Financial Crisis is included into empirical period, the explanatory ability of four-factor is weakened(about 9%). It means the chaotic times makes market away from sensible behavior, economic theories can’t explain market situation appropriately.
目 錄
第一章緒論 1
第一節  研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究架構與流程 6
第二章 文獻回顧 8
第一節  外匯風險定義相關文獻8
第二節 外匯風險暴露衡量相關文獻9
第三章 研究方法與實證架構 33
第一節  資料搜集與樣本說明33
第二節  研究設計與變數說明36
第三節  研究限制 39
第四章 實證結果與分析 42
第一節  上市公司的外匯風險暴露42
第二節  外匯風險暴露的因素探討60
第五章 結論與建議 67
第一節  研究結論 67
第二節  後續研究建議 69
參考文獻 89
表 次
表(1-1) 銀行間外匯市場成立後,匯率訂價之演進過程表 …………..3
表(1-2) 中央銀行已開放之外幣新種金融商品整理 ……………….4
表(2-1) 相關文獻彙整表 ……………………………………………..31
表(3-1) 樣本家數產業分類 …………………………………………..35
表(4-1) 台灣上市公司公司別外匯風險暴露的衡量:迴歸模型一…..70
表(4-2) 台灣上市公司公司別外匯風險暴露的衡量:迴歸模型二…..71
表(4-3) 台灣上市公司公司別外匯風險暴露的衡量:迴歸模型三…..72
表(4-4) 台灣上市公司公司別外匯風險暴露的衡量:迴歸模型四…..73
表(4-5) 台灣上市公司產業別外匯風險暴露的衡量:迴歸模型一…..74
表(4-6) 台灣上市公司產業別外匯風險暴露的衡量:迴歸模型二…..75
表(4-7) 台灣上市公司產業別外匯風險暴露的衡量:迴歸模型三…..76
表(4-8) 台灣上市公司產業別外匯風險暴露的衡量:迴歸模型四…..77
表(4-9) 台灣上市公司公司別落後期外匯風險暴露的衡量:
迴歸模型一 ……………………………………………..…..78
迴歸模型二 ……………………………………………..…..79
迴歸模型三 ……………………………………………..…..80
迴歸模型四 ……………………………………………..…..81
表(4-13)台灣上市公司暴露程度與各國實證結果比較表 …………..82
表(4-14)台灣上市公司暴露程度與各國實證結果比較 ……………..82
表(4-15)當期風險暴露影響因子分析 ………………………………..83
表(4-16)落後期風險暴露影響因子分析 ………………………………83
圖 次
圖(1-1) 研究流程圖……………………………………………………..7
圖(3-1) 研究期間示意圖……………………………………………….34
圖(4-1) 新台幣兌美元匯率變動率時序圖…………………………….85
圖(4-2) 貿易餘額之「J」曲線與倒轉的「J」曲線………………….86
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