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研究生(外文):Feng-Ru Liu
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of The Relationship between Strategic Objectives and Key Successful Factors on the Implementation of Enterprise Resources Planning Software Packages
指導教授(外文):Ming-Huang Chiang
中文關鍵詞:Enterprise Resources Planning(ERP)Information SystemBusiness Process Oriented(BPO)Business Process Re-engineering(BPR)IT Service Outsourcing
  • 被引用被引用:203
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企業經營環境邁向國際化及專業分工的同時,使得企業供應鍊的作業程序顯得格外複雜,傳統專屬系統上開發之資訊系統已經無法滿足企業對於跨國作業整合及網際網路應用的需求,近年來興起的企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)套裝軟體即透過資訊技術中主從架構及網路運算的採用,佐以世界級企業實務精華,以期有效地改善並整合企業內部作業流程,提供企業資源的最佳規劃與及時決策資源工具。
本研究係運用企業程序導向(Business Process Oriented, BPO)以導入標準化套裝軟體的觀點,佐以使用者企業、軟體供應商和諮詢顧問公司三角合作關係作為研究架構,以問卷的方式進行研究。研究結果發現若企業之策略性目標為提昇效率與競爭優勢,對於導入執行過程的導入配合度及軟體授權較為重視,若企業著重的目標在流程再造與系統更新,對於需求分析與流程再造及軟體授權的重要性認知較高,需求分析與流程再造、導入配合度、專案管理、導入前置作業、小組授權、軟體授權和軟體支援這七項導入執行要素構面對於實際成效構面呈現顯著性相關;企業規模的大小並不會對於導入執行要素的重要性產生差異,資深企業較強調需求分析與流程再造、導入前置作業與成效分析的重要性,資訊半導體產業則在導入配合度、成效分析與軟體授權與其他產業有顯著的認知差異;諮詢顧問在資訊需求分析、流程設計規劃、專案規劃、專案目標設定及品質管理、內部流程修正、高階主管支持、員工變革管理及對專案小組的授權項目上的重視程度較使用者企業明顯的要來的高,軟體供應商相當強調提供其產品及說明文件授權的重要性。
In an environment of rapid business and technology change, the challenge for each individual company is to determine how to utilize information systems to solve its specific supply chain requirements and allocate its resources properly. In the absence of a total packaged solution, companies are looking to link their supply chain support systems, particularly enterprise resources planning system with "best of breed" supply chain planning, seamless integration of the information flow through value chain and real-time decision tools.
Unfortunately, the ERP system is quite large and the software package is so complicated and difficult to learn, such that the third party as consulting firms need to be involved in addition to implementing companies and software vendors. Since the three parties play different roles in the process of implementation, it is necessary to identify and control all the possible important key factors in order to avoid all kinds of difficulties coming from implementing process.
This research entails mainly to identify these important key factors based on the concept of business process oriented implementation of standard software and the triangle relationship between users, software vendors and consulting firms. The study focuses on three aspects : linkage between the strategic objectives, important key factors and final results in the ERP project; the influence of a company''s size, age and belonging industry upon the emphasis on the important key factors; the possible different emphasis on the factors among three parties. Finally, the implementation model for ERP will be constructed to provide useful suggestions.
The result show that if the company''s strategic objectives of implementing ERP is improving efficiency and building competitive advantage, she will emphasize on the importance of implementing cooperation and software licensing. Else if the companies focus on the business process reengineering and old system replacement, she will emphasize on feasibility analysis, business process reengineering and software licensing. Feasibility analysis, business process reengineering, implementing cooperation, project management, implementing preparation, empowering project team, software licensing and software customization have obvious relationships with project''s final outcomes.
The size of the company doesn''t matter with the emphasis on factors, the older companies play strong emphasis on feasibility analysis, business process reengineering, implementing preparation and cost-benefit analysis than the younger ones. The companies in PC or semi-conductor industries lay obviously different emphasis on implementing cooperation, cost-benefit analysis and software licensing than other industries.
According to their implementation experience, consulting firms especially highlight the importance of IT requirement analysis, processing designing and planning, project planning, objectives setting, project quality management, process reengineering, high-level managers'' commitment and support, change management and empowering project team in the implementing process. Software vendors stress on the importance of their core functions : software and documents licensing.
When a company implements ERP software packages, she would relies on the systematic implementation methodology and project management assistant which consulting firms deliver to enhance project capabilities and reduce the failure risk. On the same time, only the ERP project get high-level''s commitment and support, employees'' cooperation, and effective process reengineering, the company would ensure the implementation of ERP software would help them achieve their strategic objectives.
第一章 緒論..........................1
第二章 文獻探討........................8
第二節資訊科技與流程再造 ................20
第三節ERP 套裝軟體導入方法 ...............28
第四節系統投資效益及成敗因素 ..............30
第五節軟體供應商與諮詢顧問公司的角色 ..........33
第三章 研究方法.......................39
第一節研究架構 .....................40
第二節問卷設計 .....................41
第三節抽樣及回收 ....................44
第四節問卷信度與效度 ..................45
第五節研究分析方法 ...................47
第四章 研究結果 .......................55
第五章 結論.........................78
第六章 建議.........................90
附錄一 問卷 .........................101
附錄二 個案.........................105
個案一:A電腦公司導入Baan Triton系統 .........105
個案二:T半導體公司導入SAP R/3 ............109
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