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研究生(外文):ShuTzu Wang
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Distribution of Fluoride-injured vegetation and Indicator Plants of Fluoride
指導教授(外文):EnJang Sun
外文關鍵詞:air pollution
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中 文 摘 要
藉由廣域性的採樣並測量同一種植物體內氟化物含量,可藉由Surfer軟體繪出等氟含量曲線(Isofluore map) ,由此些氟污染分佈圖可供了解污染與受害區的關係,並供評估污染範圍及為害程度。本研究發現1997年鶯歌地區香蕉等濃度曲線,十分吻合口述論點,而此一污染區之污染面積超過20×14平方公里。而由同地區相思樹等濃度曲線圖,亦顯示相似的結果,為其污染源污染範圍應為32×64平方公里。而此一地區污染最嚴重的地方應為污染源西南方4~4.5公里的地方。但在1999年之等氟濃度調查則顯示污染中心與污染源相接近,可能與氣象條件不同有關。而1998年在彰化花壇地區之調查研究則發現污染中心與污染源邊離5.9公里。
  在氟污染指標植物人工熏氣驗證方面,發現香蕉與相思樹有相似的臨界劑量,極為38ppb×28 小時。而唐菖蒲則遠較此二者為敏感。但唐菖蒲在田間分佈太少,故無法成為氟污染分佈調查的良好植物,相對的香蕉與相思樹則因田間分佈普遍,而具有田間調查評估污染區之價值。

English Summary
Fluoride is the most phytotoxic of the common air pollutants. The losses to agriculture and forestry from fluoride have been greatly noticed since the second world war with the vast expansions of industries that are major users of materials high in fluoride. The Fluorides-mitting industrial sources are mostly brick factory, ceramic factory and phosphate fertilizer factory in Taiwan. However brick factory is the most important Fluorides-emitting sources in Taiwan, because a large amount of bricks and tiles are utilized in the construction of houses. In Taiwan the brick factories are mostly located Hsinchu, Miaoli, Changhua and Kaohsiung. The materials included cryolite and clays are heated to high temperatures during processing of bricks and tiles, fluoride such as HF and SiF4 , are emitted and cause damage to crops. The fluoride concentration that accumulated in the same plant in a long term was closely related with the distances from the pollution source and a seasonal wind.
The purposes in this study were 1) investigated degree of fluoride concentration in plants that were variant distances from pollution source. 2) drew the damaged rang of fluoride that used bananas and acacias in an area. 3) examined the symptoms and dose-response of different plants that were caused by HF produced by production and fumigation system with CSTRs.
From the fluoride content in banana and Taiwan acacia collected in large area in Ying Ko, Taipei, the isofluor maps were drawn by surfer software. The fluoride distribution in affected areas and in vegetation was analyzed to illustrate the relationship between pollution source and affected areas. The affected areas in Ying Ko area in 1997 according to the isofluor map of banana leaves was over 32×64Km2. The most severely affected area was at a distances of 4~4.5Km south western from ht suspect ceramic factory. The 1999 isofluor map in Ying Ko area, However, showed that the most severely affected area was very close to the pollution source. The difference between 1997 and 1999 was supposed to be caused by different meteorological factors. In 1998, the isofluor map was analyzed at Huatan area of Changhwa country. The results showed that the most severly affected area was located at a distance of about 5.9Km southeastern away from the source area.
The fluoride different a pottions of showed that the highest concentration existed usually at the diseased leaf portion, followed in decreasing order by healthy base; branches flowers, and fruits. For the very large leaf of banana, the fluoride contents in diseased portion at basal section were high than those at the tip portion ,indicating the effect of leaching. Bananas and acacia trees were exposed to 38ppb HF for 7hrs×4days, that proved to be the threshold dose of these two plants. The 4 gladiolus varieties, however, showed much higher sensitivty to fluoride. The limited abundance of gladiolus limited the usefulness of gladiolus as a field indication plant in Taiwan, whereas, the banana and Taiwan acacia are usually widely grown, and are suitably for use as field indicator as in this report, although they are the second highest sensitive species toward the fluoride.

前言---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
前人研究---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
一、 植物樣品之採集與處理-----------------------------------25
二、 植物組織氟含量之分析方法-----------------------------25
三、 台北縣鶯歌地區植物體內氟含量及其分佈-----------26
四、 利用田間指標植物之氟含量等濃度曲線分析氟化物污染
五、 彰化花壇地區香蕉植物體氟化物之累積量及其分佈調查
六、 指標植物之人工熏氣驗證-------------------------------27
(一) 人工產氣與熏氣設備--------------------------------27
(二) 供試植物及其栽種方法-----------------------------28
(一) 台北鶯歌地區香蕉氟化物等濃度曲線圖--------39
(二) 台北鶯歌地區相思樹氟化物等濃度曲線圖-----47
(三) 彰化花壇地區香蕉植物體氟化物之累積量與累積範圍-------------------------------------------------------53
(一) 香蕉氫氟酸熏氣病徵------------------------------------57
(二) 香思樹氫氟酸熏氣病徵---------------------------------59
(三) 唐菖蒲氫氟酸熏氣病徵---------------------------------60

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